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Showing posts from May, 2018


ed to the Indo-European language group that includes Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, and Breton, and its Brythonic and Goidelic subgroups. Despite the historical record, ancient Africans knew what poetry was, and they made good use of it. From ancient India came the Vedas (which predate 2000 B.C.E.),1 but it is often claimed that the oldest surviving poem is The Epic of Gilgamesh, composed just a little later, sometime between 1300-1000 B.C.E. in Sumer (modern Iraq/Mesopotamia). Greek epics like The Iliad and Odyssey, the Indian Sanskrit epics Ramayana and Mahabharata, and the Tibetan Epic of King Gesar also populate the list of well-known ancient storytelling. Where is the African representation in this history? African poetry is assumed to be absent because there were no written records, but the African oral tradition at the time of Homer was thriving. African poems from time immemorial were bequeathed to the people through the oral tradition, and they still survive in African sha


MARRIED IN SCHOOL BUT SINGLE AT HOME Welcome to Nigerian campuses where little girls are practising 'wifely functions'! Just visit the boys' hostels and you would be disappointed to find out that it is now common for a girl to live in with a course mate. It is now common for her lover to give her the popular compliment 'you look sexy my gal' and she would gladly reply 'thank you honey' with a flirty voice and a romantic smile. Who is her lover? A 300 level student whose CGPA is barely up to 1.78! And they are aiming for the next best couple award for the session by the departmental association. So, the girl need to live in with him to prepare along. What nonsense! It seems that some girls suddenly loose their senses immediately they gain admission. I've seen that some of them have no more sense of caution, honour and dignity. They would change their wardrobes and acquire a new set of make ups just to look 'campussy' and sexy enough