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Showing posts from 2021

Letter to my future wife

To my future wife I found myself thinking about you today. Wondering where you are, what you’re thinking and doing at the moment. Are you Adumadan or Aponbepore? Or the mixture of both? Just want you to know that I'm waiting to know you. I promised to raise my hand amidst the cloud, I promised to blink my eyes out of every shadow of fears, Once I noticed it was you, I have seen the light,  Don't be surprised if I mentioned your name and I know the line on your face So, I may call you by your tribe. I surely know the color of your eyes. But till then, Stay wherever you are and be with me, keep yourself just the same way am keeping myself for you. For I'm still waiting, Waiting for the queen that will sit beside me forever, till death do us...  Waiting for the bone..... and flesh of my flesh Waiting to see we two as one My dear I have kept myself safe in His arm, Cus I know the Earth is not safe for the heart, Though, some years back I was a captive of a large audience, but n


PEN PLANET Our lessons on drawing portraits are illustrated step by step tutorials that will teach you the skills and techniques you need to help you draw a realistic pencil portrait. Our  Pencil Portrait Lesson  explains and illustrates each stage of drawing a portrait from the initial outline to the subtle tones and textures of the finished work. Our step by step approach allows you to see each stage of development that you need to work through in order to achieve an image of satisfying quality. Our section on  Portrait Features  helps you with the problems that you meet when drawing the  eyes ,  nose ,  mouth  and  ears . Each feature has its own difficulties which we guide you through in our illustrated lessons. Our section on the  Proportions of the Head  helps you to measure the size, calculate the shape and position the features of a face in your drawings. If you follow these basic rules of proportion you should notice an improvement in the accuracy of your portraits. These meas

Don’t leave your walls empty

PEN PLANET Don’t leave your walls empty “Don’t leave your walls empty” as a quote was first brought to my notice by a friend. Let us call him Kunle. I asked if I could steal the quote and he replied in the affirmative. Not only did he say it in our several meetings together over the weeks he also had a Tee Shirt made for it. In addition his walls were not empty. He is a practitioner of what he says. Every part of his walls had beautiful fine art displayed. I mean giant prints. Of course they were all for sale but that’s not why I am writing this blog post. So why this post? It’s to encourage you not to leave your walls empty. Find some beautiful art to fill the empty spaces on your walls whether it be your office or your home /bedroom etc. These are on my office walls. What are the benefits? It makes for good talking points. Kunle and I had long conversations on what was on his walls. We talked about the paper he used for the prints, the locations he took the shots from, the idea behin


7 REASONS WHY PHOTO CAN BRING HAPPINESS Photographs play an important role in everyone’s life – they connect us to our past, they remind us of people, places, feelings, and stories. They can help us to know who we are. For people who grew up in children’s institutions, photographs are especially important – sadly, this is because for so many people, the photographs most of us take for granted   We live in a world where everyone has endless access to a camera and pictures are constantly being taken. But does that mean we appreciate pictures any more? Are we doing7 reasons why photographs can boost your happiness. Photographs are such a joy, and I don't know about you, but I'm much more focused on taking photographs now that cameras and phones have evolved to make taking photos so much easier. I used to begrudge the time that I spent on photos, but now   I realize the role they can play in happiness.   1. Photos remind us of the people, places, and activities we love. M


If you really want to remember a moment, try to take a photo People worldwide upload more than one billion images a day, preserving their memories to enjoy them in the future.  One of the major reasons we take photos in the first place is to remember a moment long after it has passed: the birth of a baby, a graduation, a reunion, a pristine lake.  Many used photos as a “memory aid.” They took pictures of things like parking spots or the label of the hot sauce at a restaurant to buy later. However, some people believe that when you take a photo of something, you're counting on the camera to remember for you. You are basically saying I don't need to think about this any further. The camera capture the experience. In other words if your camera capture the moment, then your brain doesn't. Of course you do remember things better, if you were completely in the present, hyperaware of every detail. But isn't that what photos are for? To refresh our fallible memories?

Angel of the Sunshine

Angel of the Sunshine   On the road to a path, On the journey to a start, Let our voice be heard, Let it echos as the rain drop. On the part where the innocent dwell.. And the infants of others fell, Tell Mama, I'm no longer cold or shy, I've seen what she told in parables. On the part of a start, Or a path to a part to the part apart, Where lies were told front and back, In the cold of sunshine, I wonder if my hand were clean. If my shoes are my size, If I haven't impose destruction on a fat-high soil, Where our maze were plant to field guerillas. Angel of the sunshine, Where is the sunset? My mother once told me that I will never go blind, Even, if my eyes were plucked. She said I should see things from the inside, Not From the outside walls. I'm still on the same journey, To a path where we depart no more, Where history were past burnt into old memories of beautiful ashes, And vanished in the sky,  Like the angel of sunshine halt to dis-part. Olagunju Joshua 2021 poe

Why we need art EDWARD HOPPPER

Why we need art Art, in its many forms, exists in every community, every culture, and every country. Art has been created since time began, evidenced in cave paintings and rock art, and in today’s world we know that art can be a major economic force, yet we continue to question the worth of art. Often I have heard someone dismiss a work of art by saying, “I could do that” or “I don’t understand it”. Perhaps not placing value on something that we ourselves could make or expecting things to be easily understood speaks to the loss of thoughtfulness and creativity in our world and only magnifies our need for the arts. Here are five reasons why I believe we need art: 1. Art is a Natural Human Behavior:  Creating art is a primal behavior. Children, the world over, instinctively make. Every culture has art. Like language and laughter, art is a fundamental human behavior. Put very simply, art is a part of who we are.   We need art because it makes us complete human beings . 2.  Art is Communic

At the dinner ( Olayemi Joshua Olagunju)

AT THE DINNER Before the table, We gather ourselves to pray, We were praying And our eyes were closed Regardless of the dishes set before us, Unafraid of the light, still unborn. Our hands resting on our shoulders, Our body is vibrating and shaking, praying together with us. At a distance far away from our table, We heard a noise, Confusingly unknown. Our eyes were still closed and mouth still intact. Unafraid, Even if it was a pang of our conscience. We were still shaking and our hands still bound to each other in prayer. All of a sudden, we felt a touch on our arms, The touch was cold and warm, We opened our eyes and our hands were separated. And a great portent appeared in the cloud, The sun on a cloth and the moon under a feet. We heard a noise of a woman in her pangs of birth, And a dragon sabotaging.... The ancient serpent of the Eden's fate. Within a twinkle of an eye, We heard a loud noise, By the creatures with wings, beautiful and very tall. Rejoice oh heaven, The devil t