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Dear Gold,

A birthday is a time to celebrate the past, present and the future
The past are the lesson you've learned through life.
The present is the present joy you have within you,
The future is unknown, yet we have the assurance of joy forthcoming.

I think of aging as a gift, a privilege to enjoy,
Not as space or empty time that’s easy to destroy.
Years of toil are history now, your strength is almost spent,
But all the days still left to you are surely heaven sent.
You now have time to reminisce, to think of years gone by;
Remembering all the things you've done and now you wonder "Why?"
You stop and think and want to know why teens so quickly flew,
Time then was brief, just fleeting by; so much left up to you.
And now your family's grown and gone, they're scattered, far away;
And as you ponder on the past you feel alone each day.
But I know one sweet promise to those who are God's own,
“there are people like me who will always walk beside you, you’re never left alone."
Your prayers aren't left unanswered, there's still much you can do;
Consider interceding for folks who need Him too.
When folks feel lost and lonely, greet them with a smile,
And give them the assurance that life is still worthwhile.
You're still here for a reason, so do the best you can;
You have God-given talents that fit into His plan.
Thou are embedded with undiluted creativeness.

At times, you feel childish,
Yet, the time of been childish is over.
You will always feel like doing all things by yourself.
Gold, you are now in your late teens,
And a beginning of your adulthood
I'm not counting your age,
But trying to let you know you are beginning to become the real you.
Its time for you to realise your birth isn't a mistake.

What age is the happiest ?
Had you ask me,
I would have made this plea:
the Now is the best.
What joy to live with every new born day;
The past is but a guest who came and went,
What a time to face the agony of youthful traits,
Time you will be tempted,
Tempted by the unforeseen circumstances.
I pray, may you be able to stand the text of time.

 May your day be epic
Keep on blowing the candle.
And keep the joy of this new season overflowing.
It your day.
Happy new arriver.

Thanks to all well wishers, and all those who make your day a counting joy, if I decided to write a million times, it won't describe how much I appreciated you.
How well I cherished you.
Infinite thanks to God that perfected all things. And immeasurable thanks to poetry also.

Antiviruzxs      cares

Olagunju josh Olayemi

_The only brother that has a six-star clothe with Gold.

Dated: June12


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