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Have always thought wedding days were suppose to be a great and unforgettable moment for  the couples with sweet
memories .

My own wedding turn out to be my worst nightmare , I could remember the stress I and my family went through to make the wedding glamorous and fabulous .

Was it the stress of trying out different type of wedding gowns to choose the perfect and fitted one .

Or the ones by best friend Aigbe Grace went to arranging and decorating the hall since she own a decorationg shop.

Especially my mum who insisted on making the wedding cake for her daughter. She isn't a baker but while in high school she once work at the bakery shop.

Sorry for not introducing myself I happened to be the straight forward type of person.
I don't talk too much but i
The  boring type _.

My name is Adetunji Moore just as my names implies I'm a typical Yoruba girl_ .

I'm six ft tall with nice curve and round face with deep dimples at my two cheeks .

I'm a counselor, I based on relationship and marriage counseling and I'm proud to say have help to save many marriages and relationship out there.

I started dating Olabanjo Ayomi two years ago . though, our first meeting was odd and nothing to write home about.

I could remember vividly that very day, I was tired cos I had a hectic day.

I was heading home in my car and was driving , I was almost at the eastate gate but a car was parked in an abnormal way preventing my car from coming in.

I brought my car to halt and went to the car but nobody was inside the car.

I have no choice than to stay beside the car waiting for the person who park his car like that.

After waiting for 39 minute, he finally show up. Cos all this while I was watching the time.

He came out and I froze at the spot. Standing before me was a handsome dude but he look devastated.

"Excuse me miss" he mubled and tears rolled down his cheek has we threatened to hide it .

"Are you okay?" I asked him.
He doesn't reply
"Mind sharing your problems with me" I added.

"Mind your business bitch " he said and drove off.

What a rude handsome dude " I muttered and drove inside the estate.

After that day I couldn't get the rude handsome  dude outta my head.

Is this love at first sight?
I often ask myself, whenever I came back from work I'll stay at the front of the estate hoping to see him again but all was futile.

I was almost giving up but he suddenly show up at my office the fifth day.

I was happy and u couldn't hide my smile but he wasn't looking good..
He look worn out. His eyes were swollen has he been crying ? I asked myself.

He settle down on the chair, it seems he doesn't remember my face.

"Good morning mister how may I help you and your name please" I asked.

"Am Olabanjo Ayomi , a friend directed me here. I hear you've helped in saving many people's relationship and I want you to save mine" he said.

My heart scattered
He is not single?
He came too me to save his relationship and here I am having feelings for him.

As a counselor I'm meant to help people in their relationship.

What will I do, should I save his relationship ?

I asked myself.

"What happened to your relationship ?" I manage too say.

"She cheated on me" he cried out.

"You caught her in the act or you suspect that she might be cheating?" I asked.

I caught her in the act" he mumbled and broke down in tears.

I hurried to him and embrace him.
He must deeply love his girlfriend , how can a man be crying over a girl .

It rare to see such.

"She cheated not once,she keeps doing it, am some hurt" he said and I tighten the embrace.

"Do you still want her back" I asked.

"Maybe" he said and tears roll down my cheek.

He still want her back while I have feelings for him.

Should I help him save his relationship or tear then after and have him?.

     EPISODE 2

After calming him down ,I disengage from the hug and gave him my handkerchief to use wipe his tears away.

I sat on my chair in deep thought. God why did I even had to fall in love with him in the first place.. Love at first sight indeed.

Have been a great counselor over the previous that urge many people to always consult me whenever they are having issues in their marriage or relationship.

Right now I need to put my feelings aside and do my job. I wouldn't want to soil my reputation or because of a guy who's deeply into his cheating girlfriend.

"Mr Ayomi I'll like you to open up to be if you really still want your girl back " I said and he nodded in affirmation.

" firstly, your decision matters a lot and if you're willing to speak out then I'll be able to save your relationship" I added.

"Okay now what did you think do make your girlfriend cheat on you" I asked.

"Seriously I don't know, Nelly and I have been dating since highschool and she wasn't like that until she travel to new York and when she came back she has already became wild ..." He explained.

"So  how were you able to cope with her cheating ?" I asked.

"I was able to cope with her being rude and bossy cos I really love her not until I caught her cheating" he said.

"After you caught her cheating for the first time .what were you reaction and how do you tend to the situation " I said.

"Seriously I wasn't easy , I almost died...after I caught her cheating I drink my self to stupor and nearly had an accident or because I was drunk " he explained.

"Then how did you guys get back together?" I asked.

"Three days later she came to beg me and I accept her back and made her promise not to do it again but I guessed those were empty promises " he said sniffing.

"It okay Ayomi.... But are you kidda denying her of something that made her keep cheating on you" I asked.

"No I cherish and adore Nelly, despite the fact that she Came from a wealthy family I still spoil her with money" he said.

"Ohh that's not what I mean Ayomi..I..mean..don'" I shuttered.

"Of course not, I was the one who took her virginity and we have sex countless time" he muttered and I felt a sharp pain in my heart.

Droplet of tears roll down my cheeks, can I really do this?
Should I transfer his case to my fellow counselor or tend to it myself.

Miss why are you crying" he asked.

"" I shuttered as more tears flows down.

He move to me and wipe my tears away with his palm.

I love that, his skin his so soft..

I calm down and settle down... I struggled it off.

"Back to business" I mutter and stole a glance at him.

"What do you think she doesn't like around or about you and whenever she sees that she will fired up" I asked.

"She doesn't like seeing me with gals" he said.

"Thats it " I said with a faux smile.

"Then make her jealous to get her back ,find a girl to always be around you and make her come begging" I explained.

This isnt the way I ought to tend to this issues but I can't let go of my feelings.

according to my profession I should have invited the so Called Nelly and counsel them together.

But I have a plan.

I'll make him spend some days with me and make him fall in love with me but if it doesn't work out I'll leave.

"Where will I get a gal to make her jealous" he mumbled.

"You don't have to get a girl cos I'm here, remember I said I'm willing to help you" I said and smile at him.

"Thanks" he said.

"So can I have your number so we can always plan well" I said.

"Why not" he said and we exchange contact.


That night when I got home, I met Aigbe Grace my best friend clearing the table. Mum must have taken dinner before I came back.

Normally she will wait for me to come back from work, then we will both eat dinner together but I made her stop waiting cos o often come back late from work.

Due to a lot of cases to tend to at the office, especially the pile up document of couples recommending our services.

"Welcome best" She said not looking at me.

I froze at a spot because I was actually walking slowly to her side to cover her face. That's how we both roll.

"Hey ,How do you know I came in cause I remember closing the door gentle" I said.

"Your smell girlfriend" she said.

"Oh, am I smelling" I said jokingly smelling my body.

"Best have you forgotten I brought the perfume you're using for you as you birthday gift so why won't I know the saint ,where's I didnt use mine today so when I smell the saint I knew you're the one" she said facing me now and standing akimbo .

"smartest bestie ever" I praised her and she chuckled .

"But you didn't tell me you were coming today " I said.

"Yeah, yeah I wanted to be a surprise doll " she said.

"Have told you to stop calling me a doll" I blunted at her and she laugh out.

"Crazy best" I said and Embrace her .

"She smells like vanilla, I felt like licking you" she mumbled.

"Am all your" I said tighten the hug.

"Hey off me you bitch I ain't a less" she snapped and shifted back laughing.

"Come to mummy baby" I said advancing to her while she moved back.

We start running after each other laughing... She ran to my home and I follow her.

She flung herself on the bed and I sat beside her laughing as she was trying her catch her breath back.

"Have miss you best" she said and I smile.

"I miss morer" I said.
"Which dictionary did you get that from" she giggled.

"Moore's dictionary" I said and we both laugh.

"Moore when are you gonna get yourself a boyfriend. Just because David left you doesn't mean you shouldn't give another guy a chance. Your mum is worried about you" she said.

"Soon am gonna get myself a new boyfriend" I said with a smile.

She was perplex and surprise as she stare at me. She might have been expecting me to fired at her cos that's what I always do whenever she brought David matter or boyfriend stuff up.

"Moore by the look on your face you're in love" she muttered.

"Who's the lucky guy" she asked.

"You'll get to meet him soon" I assured her.

I can't tell her about Ayomi cos I knew she will be against my decision.

I took my phone from my bag and put a call through Ayomi.

"Hi let's meet tomorrow for the stuff, I'll text you the location." I said.

"Sorry babe I can't meet up tomorrow cos tomorrow is my mum birthday and we would be celebrating at home with families and close friend cos she doesn't want a big party" he explained.

"Ohh , will Nelly be coming too" I asked.

"Yes she texted me tonight" he said.

"Did you replied her?" I asked.

"Yes" he replied.
"you shouldn't have done that, you're going against the plan if you really want her back then you should follow the game rules" I snapped.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't get myself to ignore her text I'm mad over her" he said.

"Hmm, okay since she will be coming tomorrow then I think I should be there also to put the plans into motion only if you invite me" I said.

"You're always invited" he said and I smile.

"Okay thanks text me your address handsome" I said.

"Okay beauty " he replied.

The conversation was over and I turn to meet my best staring at me.

"Who's that" she asked.

" client" I shuttered.

"When did you start calling your client handsome" she asked and I cough.

"Is there anything you ain't telling me Moore ". she asked.

"No Grace" I replied tensed.

My stomach grumbled and she chuckled.

"You're hungry let me go get your food" she said and walk out.

I was happy she left I patted my stomach for acting at the best moment to avoid more question from Grace.

I went to my wardrobe to select tomorrow outfit

     EPISODE 4

It was the sound of my phone which beeped when a message came in that actually woke me up from my deep sleep.

I stretched my body and picked up my phone it was message from Ayomi.

"Good morning beauty , alien road block 45 golden estate " I read out.

I smile and went to take my bath.

I was done within few minute and I took so long dressing.
I have to look stunning as I can.

I ain't just going there to make a girl jealous but to look good for my man.

I chuckled , did I even have the right to call him by man when he is in love it another girl.

His cheating girlfriend to be precise.

I wore a fitted shining sliver dinner gown which stopped above my my knees with a gold heel.

I then took my golden bag .

I met mum and Grace eating breakfast and I join them.

"This one that you're dressed like this, where are you heading too" mum asked.

"I have an occasion to attend mum" I mumbled with a mouthful of food.

"You're looking stunning best " Grace said.

"Thanks best but can you both quit talking and let me concentrate on my food " I said not looking at them and they giggled.

"Yes madam " they chorus.

After eating I bid them goodbye, enter my car and drove out of the estate.

Few minute pass and I arrived at the estate. I brought my car to halt at the gate.

I stood at the enormous building standing before me .

I can't believe I'm here standing at the front of the famous olanbanjo house.

I never knew Ayomi was their son.

I'm so fortunate today.

I knocked on the gate and the security man came to usher me in.
I guessed they might have been inform that I'm coming.

I walked into the living room and saw the whole family sitting and gisting.

Was this not suppose to be a birthday party? I thought and struggled it off.

"Good morning everyone" I greeted nervously.

A girl stood up and advance towards me, she was beautiful and tall .

"Hi ,sorry who are you looking for" she asked politely.

"Actually Ayomi invited me" I replied.

"Ayomi" that all mumbled.
"Finally he has gotten a new girlfriend ,I just hate that bitch he called girlfriend" she said.

"I ain't his girlfriend just a friend" I said.
I guessed the family doesn't like Nelly.

"Well, who knows you could be his girlfriend later" she said.

"Anyways, I'm Olami Ayomi's sister " She said.

"Adetunji Moore is the name" I said.

"Come sit with us" she usher me in.

"Happy birthday ma, Long life and prosperity" I said and hand over the gift I brought for her.

"Thanks a lot darling" she said and embrace me.

The door flung open and Ayomi march him looking furious.

He glance at the whole family and left for his room.

"Mood spring" mum.and daughter chorus giggling.

"Handwork of the devil girl I guessed" Olami mumbled and sat down.

"I'll come talk to him ma" I said and excuse myself.

I turned back when I realized I don't know his room.

"Could you please direct me to his room" I said.

"Third room by your left" his mum said looking sad.

I knocked the door of his room but didn't get any response.

I open the door and realized it wasn't even locked.

I went in and met him sitting on his bed crying.
I sat beside him and hold his hand.

"Moore I can't cope with Nelly again, she is getting worst than before. Could you believe I went to pick her up at her house but met her with a man banging her hard' he explained.

"It's okay, I knew how it feels . my ex boyfriend also cheated on me with my room mate , I trusted him a lot but he ended up betraying me. " I said

He look at me .
"I caught them having sex and even when they noticed my present they didn't stop ,right there he cut ties with me" I said and broke down in tears.

"It has been three years now and I I haven't be in any relationship cos I'm scared of getting hurt again.. I almost commit suicide when he left me" I said and cried the more.

He embrace me ,and I cried on his shoulder.

We disengage from the brief embrace and he brought his hand to my face .

Before I knew it he kissed me.


Before I knew it,he kissed me.
I was taking aback, I was stiff not moving, until he deepen the kiss and I reciprocate as I clenched my fist in a ball.

Fight the strong urge to hold him tight to myself.

"Am I really doing the right thing" I said.

It wasn't as if I haven't been kissed before. David and I do kiss almost everytime we meet but never had sex.

He kiss me deeply as his hand move to my breast and he pressed my breast making me moan out in pressure.

He was smooching me and I was enjoying every part of it.

Have always deny David sex, he complain several times about my inability to allow him have sex .

In fact, he used it as an excuse for cheating with my roommate.

But here I'm moaning because of his touch.
Why can't I resist him?
Hope I'm not making a great  mistake ?
I thought.

Maybe I knew it,my gown was already on the floor and I was left with just my pant and bra.

I stare at him and all I saw was lust.

I wanted to stop him but he kissed my breast and suck me slowly

I moan as I felt his hand in my pant, he rub me slowly and I pressed my body with his.

He took of my pant , he deep his finger into me  slowly , I scream and pressed my finger nail on his back.
He stare at me and then enter me  I screamed and held him tight.

After hours of sexual act , he collapse beside me on the bed and wrapped his hand around me.

I slept in his hand.

Few hours later I woke up and he was still sleeping beside me.

I stare at myself am wept ..
What have I done?
I just have sex with a guy who's not in love with me?

I feel abashed.
I need to leave you before he wake up and chase me out of his room like a whore.

I stood up gentle so he won't wake up, pick up my cloth ,put it on and dash out of the room.

on my way out, I.met Olami pressing her phone in the living room.

"Moore" she called.

I turn to look at her and tears flow freely from my eyes.

"I ran out . I heard her calling me to come back but I don't.

I enter my car and Zoom out.

I was crying while driving.
I felt ashame of myself.
I just act like a WHORE.

I arrived home and met Grace and mum discussing.

"You're back" mum said.
I avoid their gaze and ran inside my room.

I locked the door and sat on the floor as I broke down in tears.

"Moore are you okay?" I heard mom voice from. The door.

"Best what happened?, open the door" Grace said.

"Please just leave me alone, I'm fine I wish to be alone for now" I said in tears.

"I think we should leave her alone for now" I heard Grace telling mom.

"Will she be alright" mom asked her.

"Yes, Moore is a strong girl. She just need time alone" she said.

I could hear the footstep as they left the door.

I enter the bathtub ,soak myself inside.

I was done bathing, I wore my night pyjamas and lay on the bed.

my eyes was heavy , tears refuse to come out .

Arrg I yelled as I scatter my bed pulling the duvet on the floor.

I cried the more.


I woke up and the ray of light from the window shine in my eyes indicating a new bright day.

The event of last night play in my head and I noticed nobody was beside me on bed.

Yesterday was mum birthday and I messed up. Nelly broke my heart yesterday , she cut ties with me after I caught her cheating again.

She doesn't even feel remorse about what she did.

Right there in the present of her sex partner, she said I can't satisfy her well , she doesn't need me.

What else does she even want for me to do to her. We do have sex for FOUR hours without stopping and she will still say she's not satisfied.

Yesterday night feel different,the kiss ...

And again Moore is a virgin. The realization hit me hard .

What came over me?
Why did I take advantage of her?
Why didn't she resist me.
I guessed I'm inrestitable.

Am starting to like this girl, indeed she's beautiful with a perfect killing curve.

"Moore" I Called but no answer .

I stood up naked and knock on the bathroom door.

"Moore are you there?" I answer but no answer.

I opened the door and to my surprise she isn't there.

I then notice, her cloth.

"What?" She left without telling me.

She left me just like Nelly did.
I was used as their sex toy.

But Moore is a virgin, she can't do that.
I took my phone and called her.

The phone was ringing but she didn't pick it.

After calling for like 8 times and she didn't pick it.

I flung my phone on my king side bed and went to take my bath.

I was dressed up ready to go to work but met Olami my younger sister at the door .

"Good morning sis" I said but she arched her brows.

Is she angry about how I messed up mum birthday yesterday.

"Look, I'm sorry mum birthday was messed up by me" I said.

She huff .

"And who's angry about Mum birthday, what did you do to Moore you have to hurt her because of Nelly " she said bluntly.

"What?" I flinched.
"What did you mean by hurt... ?" I asked perplex.

"If you don't hurt her then why did she ran out of the house crying this morning. Her eyes were red" She said.

"She cried out?" I asked and she nodded her head in affirmative.

"I don't understand why she left without telling me ...we kidda....have... " I shuttered.

"SEX " she added and I feel embarresed.

"Common bro " she said giggling and hit my hand playfully.

"  you see Ayomi you need to moved on and forget about Nelly" she said.

"It's over between us " I mumbled.

"When?" she asked.
"Yesterday" I replied.

"That's good, I never life her" she said.

"Ohhh " I mumbled.

"Do you know she like you" she said.
"Who?" I asked.
"Moore " she muttered.

I laugh.
"How come you know that" I pressed.

"Have you forgotten I'm expert in reading peoples face " she said.

That's truth though, Olami could read people expression and predict their actions.

"If truly she like me she won't have left this morning" I said.

"But she was crying, wait o perhaps do you tell her you like Nelly ?" She asked.

"Yes,in fact she's the counselor I consult about Nelly and I issues" I said.

"That's it?" She said.
"What? I asked.

"She left crying Because she felt ashamed for giving her body to you when you still have feeling for Nelly" she said and eyes me.

"Don't give me that look Sis, I was only being sincere" I said and she arched her brow.

"What will you do if a guy do the same thing to me too" she said.

"I'll killed him" I said bluntly before I realized it.

"Then get ready to get killed by Moore brother too. I won't even attend your wake keeping" she said.

"I think I like her....I mean she's beautiful and kind" I mumbled looking down.

"Then go find her and tell her to make her feel better" she said.

"But I don't even know her house" I said.

"Then go find it" she said and storm out of the sitting room.

"Did I really like her?


It was morning already, I stretched my body and tossed on the body.

My stomach grumbled and I arched my brown.

My eyes hurt a lot due to some much crying yesterday.

I felt used.
I don't even want to see his face again.

I picked my phone and forward a text to my collegue at work transferring his case to him.

Am do down, I think I should go on a vacation to clear my mind.

Yes, Moore you're a strong lady. I assure my self.

I heard a knock at the door and I rouse up to go open the door.

Mum must be worried about me even Grace.

"I'm coming " I mumbled.
I unlocked the door and froze.

Standing before me was Ayomi .
"" I shuttered.
Avoiding his gaze.

"I Came to see you since you left without a goodbye " he said .

"We have no reason to see again , your case have been transferred to another person, check in at the office " I said and slammed the door on his face.

I sat down on my bed as tears rolled down my cheek.

The door open and I sighed.
I forget to lock the door.

"Don't you get it, I don't want to see your face" I mumbled not looking up.

"I thought you like me" he said nervously.

"I never like you from the start, so go" I muttered.

"Then why did you allow me do that yesterday" he said.

"just go" I said.

"Fine, I'll leave you alone. Thought you felt just like I did too. I thought you liked me. I guessed I fall for the wrong person again" he said.

"What did you mean" I asked.

"I like you, I don't know how to happened but have been thinking about you lately" he said.

"What..what about Nelly" I asked.

"It's over between us" he muttered.
"Yea that's what I was trying to tell you yesterday before we ..." He said .

I chuckled.
" Moore I know I suck at confessing my feelings to a girl but sincerely this is my first time doing this" he said.

"First time?" i asked.

"Actually it was Nelly who approach me first and ask me to be her boyfriend" he said and chuckled.

"Sounds funny and weird right" he mumbled.

"I like you too" I muttered and he raise his brow.

"Yea, it all started that night, it was love at first sight. You don't recognized me , I was the one you use ur car and block the way at the front of the estate two weeks ago" I explained.

"Oh my goodness, I was down at night. Sorry if I was rude" he said.
I giggled.

"But why did you left early this morning" he asked.
"I felt abashed knowing fully well you still have feelings for her" I said.

"It's you I Love now. I don't know how it happens. You just made me forget about Nelly" he said.

I ran towards him and embraced him then we kissed.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything" Grace said clearing her throat.

We disengage from the kissed and laugh.

"So is he the handsome client?" She said.

"Oh best " I mumbled and she laughs.

"Thanks mr Client for making my friend fall in love again" she said to Ayomi and he blushed.

"Well I'm Aigbe Grace, Morres bestie ,break her heart and kiss your grave " she said with a serious face and Ayomi panicked.

She moved towards him and step on his toes and looked directly into his eyes.

Ayomi was giving me the look to come save his sorry ass but I just fold  my hands and watch the drama giggling.

"Do you know what happened to the guy who hurt her?, I broke his ribs and insert a pin inside his cock " she said

And he panicked.
I laugh out.
That remind me of Jake who wanted to harass me back then in high school.

Grace could be dangerous at times.

"I won't hurt her ma'am" Ayomi said .
Almost bowing to her.

I couldn't control myself, I laugh out and best joined.

"Food his ready, Mr client come join for breakfast, I won't bite " she said with a stern look.


That was how our relationship started after two month of dating we got engage and we started preparing for our wedding.

The Olabanjo's wanted the wedding to be in a grand Style. Since they were the second richest family in Nigeria.

A week to my wedding, I was busy with Grace.

Trying different type of wedding gowns order from New York.

and finally it was the d_day.

I was escort into the wedding hall by My uncle since dad was late.

There stood Ayomi in his white suit on the alter.

After the long speech from the Pastor.

"Before the joining together of the bride and groom is their anybody who's against or not in support of their union should speak up or rather remain. silent forever" the pastor voice echoes in the hall.

"Since there's no one I hereby ...join..."

"STOP" a voice said cutting the pastor short.

I turn to see a woman coming with a child of about seven years .

My heart beat increase to 360°

I stare at Mr and Mrs Olabanjo .
They had a shock expression on their face.

The TV station who came to grace that, divert their attention to the woman.


Mrs Olabanjo ,Ayomi's mum advance towards the woman with rage.
I was shock and scared of what will happened.

Oh Lord not this on MY WEDDING PARTY.

The TV station who came stretch forth their microphone towards the woman,even the reporters were not left out of the yet unfold drama.

My hands were already wet due to my sweat. My legs were shaking. Ac was working pefectly but all I feel was heat.

I stare at Ayomi but he gave me a perplex look like he doesn't know the woman.

I directed my gaze back to the woman, she was already at the poduim still holding her little child with her.

"Nike what are you doing here?" Mrs olabanjo ask with rage.

"Nike what are you trying to do?" Mr Olabanjo added with fury.

"Moji, Mayowa they can't Get married to else other. Abomination!" She yelled as tears flows down her cheeks.

"What did you mean by Abomination, so you're even alive all this while just disappear and Appear here only to cause confusion" Moji (Ayomi mum) said as tears beamed in her eyes threating to pour out.

"You think I just left all of a sudden?, why would I do that to my besties " she said and wipe her tears.

"Well, I ain't here for that. This two can't get married because they are blood" she muttered.

My mum walked towards me and hold my hand.

"What did you mean by blood" Moji chuckled.

"Nike come up with something better not your lame plans to stop their wedding" Moji said.

"Believe me moji, She's the second twins that got missing after birth" She muttered.
Moji and Mayowa (Ayomi parent) were shocked.

"Mum what did she mean" I said and hold her hand tight.
Tears roll down her cheek as the whole crowd face my mum.

Nike moved towards her and hold her second hand with a pleading expression.

"Tell them the truth, please" she said.

Mum jack her hand away from her and stare at the floor.

"Moji you knew Mayowa mum was never in support of your relationship all because you aren't from a rich background. She did a lot of things to separate you guys but since Mayowa threaten to enlope with you and cut ties with his mum all because of you." She said and inhale by now all attention was on her.

"Kindly leave" Mayowa seethe to the reporters and the bodyguards escort them out.

"This is a family better" he added.

"His mum was scared of losing his only son that's is why she had no choice than to let you guys get married. Though she wasn't happy about it . On your delivery day, she approach me and ask me to steal your one of your baby to cause you pain so you can feel the pains she went through for taking her love from her son heart" she paused and sniffed.

I was weak and I slowly sat on the chair beside me breathing heavily .

Then she continue " I refuse at first but she threatened me with only sister. She already held her as hostage and she said if I don't do it she will kill my sister. I ask her what she wanted to do with the baby but you said she just want to separate her from you so you'll feel the pain she felt to" she cried.

"I can't bear to lose my only sister moji . you knew she's all I have since the our parent dismissed. I took the baby while  you were sleeping and I drop the baby at front of this woman house and wrote the home address down so we can go take the baby later after saving my sis. But to my surprise she has already booked a flight for me to leave the country , I couldn't say no because she said my sis is already there waiting for me" she explained and stare at me.

"I left the country but when I got there , I realize I was abducted by her. She collected my phones and locked I and my sis inside the house. We we always do is wake up, bath ,eat and sleep . she never let us out of the house for Good 15 years. It was after she died that we manage to escape but I couldn't return to you cos I know you'll reject me" she sobbed.

Moji face by mum.
"Is she your biological daughter" she asked.

"She's not, I saw her at the front of my house gate and took her in but I noticed she has problem breathing and I was to travel out of the country the next day,I contacted my doctor and he examine her" she explained.

Moji collapsed immediately.

I ran out of the hall ,flag down a cab .

"Where to ma'am" the cab man ask me with an inquisitive look since I was putting on a wedding dress.

"Just keep going" I broke down in tears.

"Just keep going " I broke down in tears.

The cab man drove me around the cities,throughout the ride I was just crying and wiping my tears with the handkerchief the cab man gave me.

My eyes were already swollen and itching me badly.

Within a day my world just crashed down.

The cab man stopped at the beach side .

"Why the you stop?" I asked sniffing.

"This is the best place to release your pain" he said.

"What did you mean?" I asked.

"This beach is deserted, I do come here to release my pain by screaming out loud, come with me" he said and took my hand and we moved toward the beach water.

He release my hand and shouted out.

"Yea, just like that, screamed out let your pain out, feel the burden" he said.

I face the water and screamed out loud for three times and I feel relieve.

I sat down on the sandy floor still in my wedding dress not minding if it will get dirty or not.

"Everybody has problem, the main thing is how to do with that problem and find solution to it and if there's no solution we just need to find a way to live with the problem" the cab man said.

Tears beamed in my eyes.
I sniffed simultaneously.

"Mine own problem is bigger than a fountain" I mumbled.

"A problem shared is half solved" he replied.

I look at him and he gave me a warm smile.

"How will you feel when you get to know on your wedding day that your husband to be is your blood brother" I asked as tears roll down.

"That's strange" he muttered.

"And weird " I added.

"Have been in love with my own brother. is that not ridiculous?" I said.

"At least you should be glad" he replied.
"Glad" I said.

"Yea, so don't even have the opportunity to know before marriage not until they have give birth already. ABOMINATION" he blunted .

"What if you already have sex?" I asked.

"It's an ABOMINATION" he said.

"You guys already have sex?" He asked.

"No..No... We never did" I shutter.

"It's better that way. All you have to do is try and get rid of your feelings towards him and need a normal life" he said.

"It will be hard moving on especially when he's around me" I said.

"Then it best to stay away from him and forget him" he said.

"Thanks a lot for ur advice" I said.

"No prob" he replied.

We stay at the beach for another three hours , it was night already and I stood up.

"I guessed its time for you to go" he said.

"Yea can you drop me home" I said and he said yes. I gave him my home address and within few minute we arrived home.

"Thanks for the ride and I'm very sorry for wasting your time today. Don't worry I'll pay you all the money you would have made today. Wait let me get money inside " I said.

"Don't bother about the money" he said.

"Thanks a lot, I really appreciate you time and calm words today" inside

"I'm Moore and it's nice meeting you" I said and stretched forth my hand for a hand shake.

"I'm Manuel and it's my pleasure meeting you too" he said.

"Hope you don't mind if I have your contact to always keep in touch" he said.

"No problem" I said and gave him my digit.

I enter the house and met mum and grace waiting on the sitting room.

"Moore" they both called me.
"I want to be alone tonight" I said.

"I'm very sorry baby I shouldn't have keep this from you" she said.

I embrace her.
"Thanks for taking me in mum and training me up to this level. You never for once teach me like an adopted child" i said.

"Don't say that baby you'll always be my daughter" she said.

We disengage from the hug and I faced my Bestie.

"Bestie get me an apartment soon, I know they'll soon be here and I don't want to see a family whose granny we want to kill her own grandchild" I said.

"Okay best" she said and I walked into my room.

I took my bath and change into my night wear.

and slept not long after .


It has already been two days, after the wedding incident and Ayomi locked him self In his room.

He didn't take or consume anything for the pass two days that he has been in his room.

He was devastated and depressed.

How could the girl be has come to Love be his twin sister.

Thinking of the wedding incident do frustrate him and whenever he thought about it, he got extremely furious .

He will bang his fist on the glass table and it will break instantly.

Blood will cover his whole hand but the pain he felt was nothing compared to losing his only girlfriend.

Only Olami understand the pain her brother was going through.

She couldn't leave the house cos the news was all over the world.

Even though people don't know the root of the matter.

People still gossip about it.
Some even cook up different stories.

She knew her brother was sad ,especially since they had both had sex.

She don't even know whether to call Moore or not.

Moji was revive after she was rushed to the hospital when she collapse on the wedding day.

If was after twenty hours before she opened her eyes.

Throughout her stay at the hospital, Nike stay with her.

When she woke up she cried on her friend.

Nike show moji and Mayowa the ugly scar all over her body which his mother did to her.

Whenever she try to escape.

"I really suffer from your Mother's hand" she said with tears.

The both apologize to her and she forgive them.

The deed has been done already.

There is nothing we Can do about it.

They both had to moved on like nothing happened.

Moji was discharge later but when they got home they met Olami crying.

"Ayomi has been breaking or the interior in his room and crying" she said.

They all rush to his door, pleading with him to stop and open the door but he doesn't reply.

Moyawa Ran to his room to bring the spare keys.

By the time they open the door. Ayomi was already in the pool of blood.

His room was messy . they called him and drove him to the hospital.

It has been two good days already.

Grace and I were able to get an apartment online and we went to check the building and Room.

It was suitable and not cost.
I want to live a normal life now.

I want to lay low now,I need to fix my life back.

We brought new interior and furniture in the house.

It was a room self contain apartment.

It has only two occupant and I.

only my own apartment was a room self contain apartment while the remaining two were two room apartment.

The building has a well conducive environment.

I told Grace not to let my mum or anybody knew where I'm leaving cos I knew mum will surely direct they here.

I broke my sim card and dispose it .

Then I got myself a new line.

Everything already set only to move my clothes in.

I carried my bag of clothes and drove to the apartment .

I arrived there within an hour and brought my luggage out of the car.

It was two big traveling bag.

I was struggling with the two bag cos it was heavy and big.

I was dragging one and carrying one.

Suddenly someone collect the bag I was holding for me.

I turn to look back and it was a girl.
 She's light in complexion and a little bit tall with nice curve. She has the kind of Ayomi eyes and her face reminds me of him.

My face curved in a smile.

"You must be the new neighbors right" she asked and I nodded.

"Welcome to our house , I hope you're a little bit nicer unlike miss Clare who left. She is very rude and not friendly at all" she huff.

I smile, she's a loquacious being I guessed.

"Let me help you in with the bag. I should have been around to help you moved you thing in but I was on duty at the hospital. It was even my mum that told me we have a new neighbor" she  blunted.

"You're a nurse?" I asked.
"Yea, sorry for not introducing myself I'm Pojo Oreoluwa but you Can call me Ore. I'm a qualified nurse and I lived with my mum and the only child and I don't even know my dad" she said.

She must be a blabber beaker .
I thought nurse are quite people.

By now we were already at my doorstep.

"Thanks for helping me with the bag" I said.

"You're welcome,hope I can come in" she asked.

"Yes you're always welcome" I said.

"Wait let me call my mum to come and welcome our new neighbors " she said and left.

I carried the bag inside and arranged them well.

The door bell rang and I went to open it.

It was Ore and a woman I guessed to be her mother.

"Moore" the woman said.

"Do you know me ma'am" I said.


"Do you know me Ma'am" I asked.

"No.No.. Don't be surprise  that I knew your name, I heard your friend call your Moore the day she guys came to pay for the apartment" she explained.

"Ohhh, you guys can come in " I said and open the door for them to come in.

They enter and Ore won't stop staring at my little apartment.

"Nice interior and furniture with a charming decoration" Mrs Pojo compliment.

"Well, it the actually work of Grace my bestie" I said.

"I love the painting and the art work, everything are in an orderly manner " Ore said and my face curved in a smile.

When she was done staring, she sat down beside me on the couch .

"Welcome too our apartment once again" Mrs pojo said.

"Thanks Mrs pojo for you and your daughter warm hospitality" I said.

"Just call me Adetutu or Big mummy cos you might not wanna call me your mummy " she said.

"Calling your Adetutu sounds rude I'll go for Big mummy" I said and she smile.

""Wow you have all Tatiana's track" Ore exclaimed.

I turn to her and notice she has already stood up from the chair but was going through my CDs.

"Yea, he's my favorite artist" I said.

"Same here , especially My favorite Helplessly" she muttered.

"Oh my goodness you have this " she shouted showing me one of the CD.

"Oh you mean. This..." Before I could complete my statement she has already insert it inside the audio player.

"You mean to tell me by Tatiana" this is my favorite song but not anymore .

Everything about the song remind me of Ayomi.

As much as have tried to Forget him I just can't.
I miss him badly.

Fate why did you do this too me.

"I use to think that, I'll never fall in love.and then you show Me you could be everything I want. I give my heart away...." The song echoes in the room.

I stood up and off it while the mother and daughter stare at me.

"Sorry I kinda have headache now " I said.

"You should have lower the volume then" Ore said.

"Are you okay, should I get ur medicine" Big mummy said.

"No am okay,it's as a result of the stress I went through but I'll be fine" I replied.

Grace phone rang and she went out to pick the call .

Big mummy also stood up.

"I'll leave you to relax" she said and left.

I rested my back on the cushion ,before I knew it I drifted into sleep.

One month has gone and Moore is nowhere to be found.

After I was rushed to the hospital and regain my conscious.

I didn't stay long at the hospital cos I hate the smell of hospital.

I went to Moore house but her mum said she has traveled out of the country because she doesn't wantu see any one of us.

I Can't just accept the fact that she's my twin sister.

I call her line but, it wasn't available.

I tired to get in touch with Grace too but it prove abortive.

Nelly has come back begging me.

She claimed she still love me.

I don't know if I Can ever moved on.

Mum haven't been her self since the incident.

Have been withdraw, I don't talk or relate with my families anymore.

I have become,rude and aggressive.

I don't tolerate shit, over this few month have fired fourty six worker.

my PA doesn't last a week, I'll fired them for making little mistakes I would have overlooked if it was still the same me.

Now I have change.
My last PA was fired only Because she was 22 seconds late to work.

I got mad at her.
I got mad at everything.
I got mad at everybody around me.

I don't think I can love anyone like my twin sister.


Two month have gone and have been living peacefully.

I got use to the murmuring and gossiping I do encounter whenever I go to the mall.

The new of my wedding was all over the net.

That's what you get from dating or courting a famous and influential boyfriend🤣.

But am used to it, people cooked up different stories about my wedding.

Some even said the woman we Came to stop the wedding was Ayomis wife.

I'm happy living with big mommy and her daughter Ore.

Mum do call me once in a while and she sometimes do come visit me.

It was during one of her visit that she told me how Ayomi has been searching for me.

He should learn to do without me.
Sincerely speaking I still love him.

If I can't be his wife then I dont ever want to be his sis.

How will I cope when my ex husband to be his my brother.

Is that not totally ridiculous.
Yeah its .


I locked my door, I was actually going to the mall to get something when I bumped into the cab man.
"Moore its nice to meet you again" he said.

"Same here, what are you doing here" I asked.

"I came to visit my friend, best pal to be precise" he said.

"He lives here?" I asked.

"It's a she" he said and we both chuckled.

"Actually I called your number after then but it was unavailable till now, I was so worried about you" he said.

"Sorry, I lost my phone" I said.
"So what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I live here" I mumbled.
Just then Ore came out dress up in her nurse outfit.

"Manuel you're here already, sorry for keeping you waiting" she said.

"You guys know each other?" She asked.

"Yes he's a friend, I guessed you're the best pal he came to visit" I said.

He said that, she huff.hi Gift on +2349020348099 to be added for more interesting stories

" Am late for work already and on morning duty ,let's go" Ore said to Manuel.

"Moore hope you don't mind if I come for dinner?" he asked.

"its okay" I replied.

"Me too I'm joining you guys for dinner too" She mutter.

"No problem" I said and turned to leave.

"Oh my goodness Moore you're stain " she said.

I was totally embarrassed how could she scream that loud in the present of Manuel.

Such a lousy fellow.
To crown it all, I was putting on a white shirt.

I turned to check myself felling abashed.


I turned to check myself feeling abashed.

I checked my self and I noticed I wasn't stained.
"It a lie" She shouted laughing.

I fume.
"Sorry sis I was just kidding" she said.

"Come here lemme pull ur ears" I said coming closer to her.

She ran out saying.
"Catch me if you can, Manuel let's go to work .I'm late already. Bye sis"

I smile as I stare at her retreating figure.

I moved back into my room and sat on the couch, I picked up the novel I was reading before I went outside " Her boyfriend"
I stumble of the couch and heaved a sign of relief.

Wait a seconds, it have already been three month since I moved here and I haven't seen my period.

Oh my goodness, what have I been thinking.

Hope this isn't what I'm thinking.
I dash out of my room ,I don't even bother closing my door.

I rush to the nearby pharmacy and requested for tp .

It was given to me and I went back inside.

I went into the bathroom ,I wanted to pee but it was coming out.

I went back inside the sitting room, open the door and brought out a bottle of water.

I gulped the whole water and went back inside the bathroom.

The urine wasn't coming out again.
I was so frustrated and nervous at the same time.

I went back and drank another bottle of water but I couldn't finish it.

The urge to pee wasn't coming either.

I was pacing to and fro in my room .

I pray it's not what I'm thinking, I keep mumbling.

Someone knocked and that brought me out of my thought.

I open the door and see the pharmacy owner standing akimbo with rage.

"Miss how could you ran off without paying for the pt you bought" she shouted at me.

That was when I drawn on me that I forgot to pay . I don't even remember to take money along with me self.

"Ma'am please lower your voice", I said looking left and right.

"You must be insane am I the one that impregnate you?, that you've to come buy pt from me" she fume.

"What's happening here" u heard big mummy voice from behind .

"Emmmemmn" I shuttered.

"She won't be able to talk, she came to buy pt from me and she ran off without paying" the woman said.

Big mummy gave me an inquisitive and puzzle gaze .

I avoid her penetrating gaze.

"How much is the thing" she asked.
"Just 200 naira" she woman said.

"Okay have this" she said and gave the woman the money.

She hiss and left.
Tears beamed in my eyes, I was embarrassed.

"Can I come in" big mummy ask.

I didn't talk , I just opened the door for her and she walked in.

"It's not what you think" I tried to say but she cut me off.

"You shouldn't have forget to take money along with you" she said.

Tears just rolled down my cheek.
"I'm scared" I mumbled.

She moved towards me and place her hand on my arm" don't be scared, have you checked it?" She asked.

"No, I was about checking before the woman came knocking" I said.

Just then I felt the urge to pee and I told her.

We both went into the bathroom, I pee and insert the it inside the urine and close my eyes.

I slowly open my eyes .

It show POSITIVE I frozed
Big mummy wrap her hand around me and embrace me.
"Everything we be alright" she said patting my back while I sob.

"How can I be pregnant for my twins brother" I cried.
"This can be happening, I can't be pregnant.

Why am I so unfortunate.

"It's alright dear , we will find solution" she said.
I disengage from the hug and keep nodding my head.

That's it solution
Yeah solution.

The best solution is too go from abortion.

This is an abomination.
I shouldn't be pregnant.

I snapped.
I dash to my room, pick my hand bag and atm card.

"Where to" big mummy asked.

"What else, to the hospital of cos to get this thing out" I said and went out.

I heard her calling me back but I didn't turn back.
I have made up my mind and I'm doing it.

After the abortion am leaving the country for good.

I dial her number on my phone and he pick up on the second ring.

"Hello Mako booked a flight for me to canada early tomorrow morning" I said and hang up.

I flagged down a taxi and hop into the car.


  👅 Authoress POV👅
Moore flagged a taxi down,enter and the car zoom off.

Mrs pojo came out immediately after she left and was disappointed when she realize she has gone already.

"She mustn't do this to her self. If she finally get to know she will hate me forever." She mumbled nervously.

She also waited looking for a cab to board but nor was forthcoming.

She hiss in frustration, tears could be seen streaming out of her eyes.

She pick her phone and dail Ores number.
The phone was ringing but she didn't pick.

"Ore please you have to pick your phone" she mumbled.

She dial the number for like five times but she still didnt pick up.

She was calling because she knew the nearby hospital was where Ore work.

Her blouse was already soaked with tears.
Moore you can do this.
You mustn't.

She keep saying luckily for her, a cab was coming and she flagged the cab down and hurried into the cab.

The cab stopped at the front of the enormous building of the hospital.

She Came out of the car and paid the cab man ,then he Zoom off.

she exhaled and went into the hospital, trying too look calm as always.

She entered the hospital and went to the receptionist.

"Good day Madam how many I help you" the receptionist said.

"Please is the doctor in?" She asked.
"Yes, do you have any appointment with him ma'am?" She asked.

"No I don't, but this is urgent I really need to see him now" she said hastily.

"Well, the doctor is busy in the theater ,he will soon be done the operation should be done by now. Kindly sit there" she said and pointed to the visitors chair opposite her.

"Okay she mumbled and sat down.

Few minutes after, Ore emerged from the theater room looking exhausted.

She heaved a sign of relief.
She walked towards the receptionist who was her close friend.

"Dami, I'm so stressed out " she said looking weary.

"How was the operation?" She said.

"The operation was stressful, the patient body was too weak for the operation . we fought hard and glory be too God it was a success" she explained .

Dami face beamed in smile.
"I trust Doc Tony he's a fighter " she said smiling.

"Keep drooling over him" she said.

"Only if he could just notice am in love with him" Dami said.

"Why don't you tell him you like him" Ore suggested.
"Tell who?, who does that?" She blunted.

Ore turn and saw Moore sitting on the chair looking sad.

"What's Moore doing here" she muttered.

"Did you know her, she came looking for the doc" Dami said.

"Oh really, I'm coming" she said and excuse herself to goan meet Moore.

"Moore what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I Came to see the doctor, you work here?" She asked.

"Yea this is where I work. Hope you're okay. Are you sick" she asked.

"No I'm okay, I came for a personal the doc through with the operation" she said.

"Yea, you Can go see him now. His office is by the right there" she said and point the office to her.

"Thanks "she  mumbled and fake a smile.

Ore sense that something isn't right.

She went into her face pick her phone up without checking it and headed back to the receptionist.

She saw her mother running in with a teary face.

"Mum what's wrong?, are you okay?" She asked.

"Where did you put your phone since have been calling you" she yelled.

What? She said and check her phone, she saw 32 missed Calls from her mum.

"Have you seen moore" she asked searching for her with her eyes.

"Yeah she has gone to see the doctor" she said.

"No No moore you can't do this" she said and ran towards the doctor office.

She got there but the doctor wasn't inside the office.

"Where is the doctor she asked the secretary"

"he is inside the operation room" she replied.

"Yee my life has ruined" she exclaimed.

"Mum what's wrong" Ore said.

"Ore , Moore is here for abortion" she cried.

"Abortion, oh my goodness" she shouted.

"Ore please stop ur sis" Mrs pojo said.

"Sister" she muttered.
"Yes, Moore is your sis, I'm weak my leg hurt. Please go stop your sis I'll explain later" she said and sat down slowly on the chair.

She dash out of the office with a worried look.

She got to the theater room but the operation has commence .

    EPISODE 15

When Ore got to the theater room the operation has already commence .
She dash into the room withion knocking which was against the hospital policy.

She went in and saw doc Tony but the bed was empty.

"Where is Moore ?" She asked searching with her eyes for her.

"Doc Ore, how could you bang into the theater room like that when you fully know it's against the policy of the hospital" doctor said harshly.

"I'm sorry doc but my sis here is about to take the wrong step, I don't mind facing the punishment" she said .

Doctor tony stare at her and exhale.

"What relationship did you've with the patient" he asked.

"She's my sister, please where is she." She said.
"Well...." The doctor was about saying when Moore Came out of the restroom.

Ore rush to her saying...
"Moore please don't do this to your self" she said.

"Chill ore, I didn't do it. It can't kill an innocent child" she said rubbing her stomach.

"Yes, the operation was about to start suddenly she said she wasn't interested again" Doc tony said.

Mrs Pojo Came in and embrace Moore .

"My child I'm very sorry for Making you go through all this" she said

"What did you mean big mummy, it wasn't your fault that I got pregnant" moore said.

"All this must end today,I'm glad my grandchild is safe.

Ore and Moore both gave her an inquisitive look.

"Doctor please Can you spare Ore for today. We have family issues to settle" Mrs pojo said.

"It seems so. She's free to go with you" the doctor said and left the room.

"Mum what's wrong, family issues! " she half yelled.

"All will be known to you all today, Moore give me your phone" she demanded and she hand it over to her.

She dialed a number and the line was picked on the first ring.

"Hello mrs Adetunji meet me at the Olabanji's resident in the next 10 minutes. This has to do with your daughter" she said to the caller and hang up.

"Olabanji's resident, isn't that Ayomi house?" Moore mumbled.

"Mum what's wrong?" Ore muttered.

"You both should follow me we have things to settle" she said and left without looking at them.
They also follow her.

They all stood at the front of the hospital. Waiting for a cab.

A cab stopped at their front and it was Manuel.

"Where are you all going too" he asked laughing but when he noticed the look on their faces he kept quite.

They enter the car and he was given the directions of their destination.

Throughout the ride they were all silent.
Thinking about different things entirely.

When they got to the house, they saw the whole family seated .

Mr and Mrs Olabanjo, olami, Nike ,Ayomi Even Mrs Adetunji was already there.

Immediately AYomi saw Moore he went to hug her.

"Moore where have you been, have search everywhere for you. Are you okay" he asked.

Moore eyed beamed in tears.

Can I stop loving you Ayomi" she thought.

She slowly disengage from the hug avoiding his penetrating gaze.

She went and saw with Olami on the sofa.

Ayomi went numb and he also went and sat with Nike.

there was silent in the room for minutes. They all stare at each other in perplexity and anxiousity .

Mrs Pojo broke the silent.
"Good afternoon everybody,my purpose for being here is too apologize and also let you all know that. Moore is pregnant" she said.

Her last statement was like a bombshell.

"Abomination" Nike and Moji exclaimed.

"You're pregnant for me" Ayomi asked her but she only break down in tears.

"This is not an abomination" mrs pojo said and they all stare at her.

"Because because...." She shuttered tears were already steaming out of her eyes.

"Because Moore and Ayomi ain't twins." she said.

"What do you mean by that" mrs Adetunji finally find her voice said .

"Look at the girl sitting, who does she look like?" Mrs pojo asked. Pointing to Ore.

They all turn their gaze to her.
"Oh my goodness she look exactly like me" Olami mutter.

They was when everybody realize that they both have the same skin color,eyes,nose and hair.

"What the hell is going on here,I'm so confused why did she look like Olami and have the same eyes like mine" Ayomi yelled.

Mrs Pojo sniffed .

"Because Ore is your twin sister" she said .
Moji sprung up.

"What are you trying to say" she said.

"When I gave birth to Moore, she has a problem breathing. I was a pauper , I have no money on me and the doctor requested for a huge amount of money to take care of her but I didnt have any money with me. She sniffed and continue.

That night I was walking home with my baby when I saw a lady drop a baby at the front of a rich woman house.
Immediately she left, I look at my baby and I cried. I can't lose my baby she's the only one I have left after her father got missing.
I switched the baby so my baby would be able to get proper medication.
I waited for a while and saw the house owner pick the baby up and went in.
I broke down in tears.

After some minute I was about to leave when I saw the woman who dropped the baby with another old woman like this, the old woman asked the lady to leave the country immediately.
I felt something was odd here, so I enter a taxi and followed the old woman until she got to her house.

That was when I knew they were trying to kill the little baby.
Throughout the journey, the little baby held my hand and keep smiling . I couldn't let go.
I fall in love with the baby instantly and have her as my own.

I always visit the house where I dump my baby and when I went there I was told the house owner has traveled to out of the country" mrs pojo narrated.

Tears was already streaming out of Moore and Ores eyes.

Even Mrs Adetunji was crying.

"How could you Change my baby, did you even feed her well. You pauper " Moji said in rage.

"Don't you dare call my mum a pauper, though she might not be my real mother but she will always be my mother. Yes she wasn't rich but despite that she struggled hard, she hawk in the rain, she does ten different jobs in a day just to feed me , Do you know what. I wasn't her biological daughter but she never made be feel like I wasn't, she sent me to the best medical schools outside the country. whenever I told her I wanted to do some menial jobs too to assist her, she would refuse and tell me I wasn't born to do such work.she did almost everything alone.whenever am in pain ,mum will be in pain too. She was a true mother to be so don't dare call her a pauper" Ore yelled and cried out.

Moji suddenly went to mrs Pojo and knee down at her front.
"Thanks for taking care of my baby" she said.

"Mrs pojo help her up and went too Mrs Adetunji.

"You don't have to thank me she fill in the space of my missing son in my heart" she said and embrace mrs Pojo.

"Mum thanks a lot" Moore told Mrs Adetunji.
They hug else other.

"For this few months that I knew you. I never knew you were my mum but you treated me well and took care of me. I'm not angry that you dump me. You did what was best for saved my life mum" Moore told Mrs Pojo and embrace her too.

"Does that mean I can have my soulmate back" Ayomi said and drag Moore to himself. He kissed her passionately.

"This is a family and love reunion, I think it's time to profess my love for someone here" Manuel said.

It was then it drawn on them that her was in their mist.

Manuel knelt down in Ores front and bought out a necklace.

"Ore I want to use this medium to profess my undying love for you. I have always love you but scared to tell you please be my Life partner." He said.

Tears flows from Ore eyes.
"What took you so long to confess, I thought you never loved me" she muttered.

"Have always love you but I was scared.what if I tell you and you refuse that will stain our friendship " he said.

"I will I will be ur life partner" she said .

As Manuel was about putting the necklace on her.

Mrs Adetunji held his hand.

"Where did you get this necklace from?" She asked.

"This was given to me by my foster parents. They said they find it on me when they took me in" he said.

"Oh wait a minute" mrs Adetunji said.
She torn his cloth and pointed to a mole on his chest.

"Ifeoluwa my son. I thought I'll never meet you again " she embraced him.

"What did you mean?" He asked puzzled.

"When I and my husband went on a vacation in Canada ,we both went with our son but never return with.
In Canada we went to a park and that was where My son got missing when the park was on fire.
Everybody was running helter shelter . my son went missing during that process.
A lot of burnt bodies was recover after the fire outbreak but my son body was missing.

This necklace you're holding had always been passed down from generation to generation.
My mother gave it to you and wore it on your neck the day I gave birth too you.Mrs Adetunji.

"Mum have been looking for you my whole life" Manuel said and embrace his mum.

"My foster parent said they find me at the beach,I was unconscious but when I woke up I didn't remember anything.
The only thing I had on me was this necklace" he said.

"Wow this should be call family reunion" Nike said and they all laughed

      Moore's View

Though MY WEDDING PARTY was the sadest moment on my life .
But on the other side, it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Sometimes in life one will go through a lot of challenges they would make you think of death.

You'll face with disgrace and embarrassment but one thing I learnt is never to give up.

Face and battle with your problem or challenge in other to get use to it and find the better tactic to use to solve the puzzlement.

MY WEDDING PARTY might not be the best but I'm glad it uncover a lot of secret and truth.

It unite my families together.
After the incident, I and Ayomi did our second wedding party in Spain.
Manuel and Ore , Ayomi and I did our wedding together on the same day.

Now I owns my own personal counselling home in Nigeria while the main branch is in Spain.

Ore herself now is a qualified nurse, she owns her own hospital.
Manuel took over his father business same goes with Ayomi.

Whenever I woke up in the morning I often ask myself this.

If not for my wedding day;
Will I meet Manuel ?
Will I meet my biological mum.?
Will Ayomi get too meet his twin sister.?
Will the secret be reveal?

Indeed it was a wedding party to always remember.



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