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Showing posts from March, 2019

LOVE IN OUR GARDEN? ( Olagunju Yemi Josh)

Night in a Love garden These are the hours of the stars and the night that dream dreams. Inside the heart is extinguished in the intimacy of bitter and sweet scents. Awake for the match is near! And the hours of scoring goals will soon come. Hearken unto you; All the six-stars that own the night, On every brothers that play with the fire of the moon light. Tell your six-stars that the goalkeeper is coming soon to give goals to the goal scorers. And they shall score many goals to your net in different matches. Listen to me, you brothers that loaded guns, You brothers that destroyed the kingdom, On you that disturbed the peace of our heart, You that questioned our ears with the sound of gun shots, You wild hands that loaded the gun that destroyed our kingdom, The hands that whipped your vision and whipped you, The wild hands that squeezed and plucked you, The wild hands that fell the high forest, The hands that fell the virgin forest to tu


Listen to me, For I have seen what you haven’t see, I’m black I know my mother, I’m the first son of my father. In the beginning, God said let there be, And there was me, I became the first man, To be created by Him. I call on you, For I have seen my brothers been tortured, I come to you, To free my sisters from affliction. If it’s for your labour, I will unburdened you, And give you rest eternally. In me, dwells happiness, I’m void of sadness. I pity my brothers arm in weight humiliation, In splendid loneliness amidst white and faded flowers. Our mouth tasted from the perilous salt of deforestation, Our great bushes and gigantic trees, Turned into the Main-way for railways. The big tree with herbal leaf turned into white leaves. This table set before us is temptation, We were tempted to bleed in blue blood, I’m tempted, I held red blood dripping cold. Our hands no longer hold: The dog’s blood, the bull’s blood and the goat’s blood. Oh! Mother of ear

THE LONGEST JOURNEY when I was a sperm (Olagunju Yemi Josh)

When the war line is drawn , My path to freedom is craving for insane courage, my cost of sacrifice Can be patronage, for there are thousand others like me, we are all fighting for the same goal. We paid no attention to mysteries, Because in the black and dark sky, hope has shine his light to our darkness. I have made up my mind to tackle difficulties no matter the way it comes, no matter the trauma it may flit me into. And if I fail on the other hand, I will have no regret because failures means nothing. With full happiness I will return to my old world. What kept me going is my growing desire which I have to share Form we have seen a lot Infant we have all experience the naked part of it all. I have many answers to their question For they no nothing but to feed their neighbour with evil fruit. I know all language of the word, I knew what makes every flower blossom. What makes every sun shine I know why the sun burn the worldly flowers. The sun is gentle and kind, for it sus

Anike. (Olagunju Olayemi Josh)

Along the riverside of a wonted zephyr, Before the aurora of the earliest martyr, There were mariners in the sea of justice. I found one, and I will take one home, A rutilant, one of a faithful with who I come, Anike my fidus aqchates, The one who tell me different Ankara tales, The one whose shape illude the impuissant, But gives me beats of pleasantries, Anike, I have journeyed down to the lacustrine, I will bring you lilies and take no dine, Adumadan(blackandshine),my father speaks more of negritude, But I will not speak less of your lenity, Irawo mi osumara,(my star of rainbow) epitome of pulchritude. I remembered the night of thunder and hours of dream, When the daybreak was deem, I remember your wonted tryst under the odan tree, When I will tiptoe down the jungle bees, To meet my awaiting nymph, I remember how I will watch my left to the right, To avoid iya Alakara the whited sepulchre, I remember how i use take money from my kolo and fly my polo to