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LOVE IN OUR GARDEN? ( Olagunju Yemi Josh)

Night in a Love garden

These are the hours of the stars and the night that dream dreams.
Inside the heart is extinguished in the intimacy of bitter and sweet scents.
Awake for the match is near!
And the hours of scoring goals will soon come.

Hearken unto you;
All the six-stars that own the night,
On every brothers that play with the fire of the moon light.
Tell your six-stars that the goalkeeper is coming soon to give goals to the goal scorers.
And they shall score many goals to your net in different matches.

Listen to me, you brothers that loaded guns,
You brothers that destroyed the kingdom,
On you that disturbed the peace of our heart,
You that questioned our ears with the sound of gun shots,
You wild hands that loaded the gun that destroyed our kingdom,
The hands that whipped your vision and whipped you,
The wild hands that squeezed and plucked you,
The wild hands that fell the high forest,
The hands that fell the virgin forest to turn to mainway for railways
Listen for he who breaks the barrier of scandals must have open his naked pride against himself and scorn of lucker races.

Our garden of love has turn to a garden of lusts,
A garden of bitterness,
Of blood, of water and of dust.
Garden where our ladies lust away their pride
A garden where men's paths are been decided.

The garden of Eden has fallen again,
Our sisters and brothers have eaten the fruit again.
They have seen the nakedness of themselves. So that their gospel may be fulfilled.

Horror in the land of fury,
Where is the strength of the impuissant and the weakness of the strong?

Hearken unto you, lovers of the night that play with fire.
Don't be deceived by their beauty,
By those golden long legged girls,
By those men with sugared mouths,
Don't be confused by their different metallic eyes,
And by the expensive shit they put on,
Don't be attracted by the dragging rhythms of their back sight,
And the slight movement of their backs.
The bitter taste of liberty,
The misinterpretation of freedom.

Hear this oh you little infants:
It's the sign of the dusk which comes to nourish the dream of men.


The polytechnic Ibadan

You can also read A land of mystery [bible land] 

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