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THE LONGEST JOURNEY when I was a sperm (Olagunju Yemi Josh)

When the war line is drawn ,
My path to freedom is craving for insane
courage, my cost of sacrifice
Can be patronage, for there are thousand
others like me, we are all fighting for the
same goal.
We paid no attention to mysteries,
Because in the black and dark sky, hope has
shine his light to our darkness.
I have made up my mind to tackle difficulties
no matter the way it comes, no matter the
trauma it may flit me into.
And if I fail on the other hand,
I will have no regret because failures means
With full happiness I will return to my old
What kept me going is my growing desire
which I have to share
Form we have seen a lot
Infant we have all experience the naked part
of it all.
I have many answers to their question
For they no nothing but to feed their
neighbour with evil fruit.
I know all language of the word,
I knew what makes every flower blossom.
What makes every sun shine
I know why the sun burn the worldly flowers.
The sun is gentle and kind, for it sustain life.
Yes! The joy I can never stop coloring
How happy will I be if i can spared light to the
world of darken rahs,
When I see nature waking up my calls, yet
heaven is a paradise, Paradise my world.
Have you ever ask yourself Why the cloud
You think they roars to show their might?
No, they cries, they cry hard, I was once their
teardrop, I fell trying to effect the world
around me, though is a fruitful one.
Such tears that shows my irony as a mortar.
I’m trying hard again to cry, to let drop a
water. if I succeed, and the truthfulness of my
tears will perish in the midst of the smiles of
some innocent mortars .
Special thanks to God
For having given another year in time
For having made of me the greatest joy ever.
I wish myself happy birthday
Jingle the bells
Tingle the bells
This birthday is all a story to tell
Every air everyday
Dated: July 14 of every months.
Infinite praise to God
Who made and perfect things and beings,
limitless thanks to (you) all my well wishers,
immeasurable thanks to poetry.


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