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Showing posts from August, 2019

Irreplaceable Love(A story from adex stories-complete episode)

Irreplaceable Love (episode 1) Have you ever been in a relationship where you were taken for granted and under-appreciated? Have you ever wanted to keep someone more than they made efforts to keep you? Well, brace yourself because I’m about to take you on a ride down the memory lane of Sharon and Roland.  Several years back, there was a lady named Sharon who was blindly in love with a man that loved her less, his name was Roland. Their relationship was a perfect example of a one sided relationship and it was an obvious fact that Sharon was into Roland more than he was into her. She was extremely beautiful and quite independent but was unhappy.  Roland was from an influential family; his parents were among the Elites in the city they lived in. He loved Sharon but was of the school of thought that one lady isn’t enough for one man. He was proud and never said sorry whenever he was wrong. I know most of you will probably be wondering what a beautiful and independent la


HOW UNIVERSITY DESTROYED MY LIFE. LIFE. EPISODE 1 My name is Amanda, i grew up in a christian home, my parents are both government workers, my father works in an oil company while my mother is a receptionist in a particular company. When i was in secondary school, i happened to be the best student in my class, people liked to do things with me because of my good altitude and am also intelligent. When i was seven years old, then i was still in primary school, i have a very nice voice and i was good in singing, i proposed in my heart to become a christian musician when i grew up. I am the only child of my parents, each time i come back home from school, i do stay lonely, nobody in the house to stay with, we have only one neighbor in our compound, his name is uncle ken, my parents normally come back late at night, they will ask me to stay with uncle ken till any of them arrives home. So each time i come back from school, i

Story Title: Aunty Tope

Episode 1 I asked Aunty Tope again, to be sure about what I heard her say at first. And yes, she repeated it. She meant what I heard. She was even motioning with her protruded meat-filled mouth for me to go ahead fast! The itching seemed to be unusually severe and discomforting. She tried saying something but the meat in her mouth stifled her voice. She could only mutter some inaudible meaningless sounds to which I paid little attention. “Get closer ma,” I managed to require, doing my best to keep my composure. If someone had told me a minute ago, that I would soon be in such an awkward position, I would have flatly argued the possibility! “Uhhmmmm….uhm…uhmmmm” she growled again. It was hard to get a word from her but I seemed to understand her to mean I should hurry. So I began dipping my hand into her denim trousers. As I did, the same scary question that had being in my head all along popped up one mor