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My name is Amanda, i grew up in a
christian home, my parents are both
government workers, my father works in
an oil company while my mother is a
receptionist in a particular company.
When i was in secondary school, i
happened to be the best student in my
class, people liked to do things with me
because of my good altitude and am also
intelligent. When i was seven years old,
then i was
still in primary school, i have a very nice
voice and i was good in singing, i
proposed in my heart to become a
christian musician when i grew up.
I am the only child of my parents, each
time i come back home from school, i do
stay lonely, nobody in the house to stay
with, we have only one neighbor in our
compound, his name is uncle ken, my
parents normally come back late at night,
they will ask me to stay with uncle ken
till any of them arrives home.
So each time i come back from school, i
will eat my food and go straight to uncle
ken’s house.
Uncle ken is a teacher in a private
secondary school, so he comes back
early before any other person.
I stay in his house always, he liked me
because i have a nice voice and i can
sing very well.
Uncle ken always ask me to sing for him,
and each time am singing for him, he will
carry me on his laps and will be touching
and romancing my body, i asked him why
he always do that and he said because
he always enjoy my voice whenever am
singing for him.
Uncle ken is a generous man, he gives to
everybody, he never allowed me to go
One day when i got to uncle ken’s house,
he asked me to sing for him, i told him
that am not in the mood to sing, he
pleaded with me and later gave me
money and i started singing for him, he
was touching my head and he carried me
on his legs too.
As a seven years old girl, i have no
knowledge of any evil thing, my mind was
free but one day, uncle ken asked me to
remove my clothes which i refused, he
wanted to touch me but i refused, he
told me that if i stop him again from
touching me he will order me out of his
After that day, i wanted to tell my
parents of how uncle ken used to
touched me but
i was afraid to voice it out.

One afternoon, i came back from school
and after eating my food i went to uncle
ken’s house, when i got there he asked
me to sing for him as usual, i started singing
but i was sitting far away from
him, he drew closer to me and started
romancing me, i was just 7years old while
uncle ken was still at his early 30s.
He pinned me to his body, i wanted to
shout but he used his hand to cover my
mouth, he removed my skirt and he
defiled me.
He had 5ex with me and threatened to
kill me if i tell my parents, i cried so hard
because the pain on me was so terrible, i
could not walk normal anymore, i was
spreading my two legs and blood was
goshing out, i managed to walk home
that very day.
At the evening time around 6pm, my mum
was the first to come back, she found me
sleeping, (i dont even know when i slept off)
According to my mum, she said she was
calling my name but i did not answer, she
tapped me three times before i woke up.
I woke up and started crying, she asked
me to stand up but i couldn’t, she inquired
to know what happened to me
and i told her what uncle ken did to me.
She exercised patient and waited for my
dad to come back. when my dad came
back, she narrated the story to him, he
called the police immediately and before the
police men could come to our house,
uncle ken was no where to be found.
I was taken to hospital for treatment, the
doctor and the nurses blamed my parents
for being so careless.
The doctor said that it was never a good
idea to leave me and uncle ken in one
The police men was still searching for
uncle ken, they got an information that
he is at the motor park and about to take
off, they quickly matched down to the motor
park and caught him red handed.
Uncle ken was arrested and taken to
court, he pleaded guilty and he was
thrown into prison to serve for 10 good
I stayed in the hospital for one week after
which i was discharged.
My advice to parents: Please dont leave
your little daughter in the hands of a
single man thinking that nothing will
happen, devil can use anybody but dont give
room to it and dont also leave your
son in the hands of a single lady, they
can use them as 5ex toy. The days are

After the incident that happened to me
when i was 7years old, (how uncle ken
damaged my private body),
my parents took good care of me till i
graduated from secondary school.
My secondary school days was another
big case, i knew what i passed through in
the hands of my fellow school mates
and some male teachers. Something
happened one day, there was
this guy who have been asking me out for
a long time to become his girlfriend, his
name is
chima, i told him that am from a christian
home and boyfriend and girlfriend is not of
God, a true child of God does not
suppose to engage
his/her self in boyfriend and girlfriend.
HE said i should forget about all that, he
said that he love me and will do anything
to have me as his girlfriends even if its by
killing someone.
My mum thought me how to keep my
body holy and how to abstain from
worldly friendship known as boyfriend
and girlfriend, he told me
that once i accept any boy in my life, he will
either lead me to evil or take away my
heart from God. Even after telling the guy
these things, he insisted that i should be
his girlfriend but i refused.
So he set up a trap for me, one day he
borrowed my maths text book, i willingly
gave it to him and he promise to return it
the next which was on Friday,
he did not return the text book but he
said i should come to his house to collect
it,..Come to your house?.. i asked him, he
said yes and thats the only option.
Our house is closer to his house, so on
Saturday evening i wanted to go to his
house but i knew its very risky to go alone
so i called
one of my friend to accompany me to his
house, its just a 20mins walk from my
house to his house, so before 7pm, i and
my friend joy got
to his house only to find out that he was
not around, i called him on phone and he
said we should wait for him, we waited for
30mins before
he finally arrived then it was 7:30pm.
I Never knew that chima was upto
something, he asked us to come inside, i
told him no that its already late, just go in
there and bring out my maths text book
because we will be having
maths test on Monday, thats true (chima
He insisted that we should come into the
parlor before he will release the book,
because i was seriously in need of the book
so i and my friend entered the
parlor, what will i offer you (chima
inquired), please dont offer us anything,
just give us the book please its already
late i want to go and study my book.
After much exchange of words, my friend
joy said we should calm down to see
what chima want to offer us, i agreed
with her.
Chima went and brought us juice with
two glasses, i whispered to my friend’s
ear..(I dont trust chima, he might be up to
something), joy told me that nothing
will happen, i told her that i cannot drink
the juice, joy drank the juice alone and
after drinking the juice chima brought out
my maths text book and gave it
to me, he was angry because i did not drink
the juice.
Before we left his house, joy started
feeling weak and she said she is tired
that she cant go home with me, joy slept
off immediately feeling so weak.
What have you done to my friend? i asked
chima. (fear gripped me)

Before we left his house, joy started
feeling weak and she said she is tired
that she cant go home with me, joy slept
off immediately feeling so weak. What have
you done to my friend? i
asked chima. (fear gripped me)
Chima later confessed that he added a
sleeping pill to the juice so that i will
drink it and sleep off.
I really thank God that i did not drink it
because had it been i drank it together
with Joy my friend, i wonder what would
have happened.
This was just a glance of some of the
things that happened to me while in
secondary school. After graduating from
secondary school,
gaining an admission into the university
was a big case, I wrote many exams but
will end up disappointed.
I searched for Admission for 3 years but
all to no avail, i gave up but thank God for
my friend who encouraged me and
advised me not to give up.
As God may have it, i finally got an
admission into the university, i was very
happy and overwhelmed. I started
preparing to resume school immediately, I
washed and iron my clothes, gather all
the necessary things that i needed
including my cooking utensils.
I supposed to leave on Sunday morning
the next day but my parents advised me
to stay back and attend the church service
on sunday then i will travel on
Monday, i obeyed and stayed back.
In the midnight, thats the Sunday night
before monday, i started thinking of how
university life will look like, i proposed in
my heart to serve God even while in school,
but my mind was telling me that it
will not be easy for me, i thought of
school cults, runs girls, hunger strike and
money issues.
Many thoughts was rolling right inside my
mind, i later ask God to see me through and
i slept off that night.
Early in the morning, i woke up, took my
bath and arranged my luggages, before i
left the house my mummy called me to
her room and gave strong warning and
some piece of advice. She advised me to
focus on my studies,
abstain from cultism and bad friends, she
also said that i should not give my heart
to any man that i will end up
disappointed if i give my heart to any of
them, she concluded with…”Remember
Whom You Are”.
She forewarned me not to engage myself
in anything evil, her words were sounding
so heavy in my eyes, i nearly cried.
I finally left and she bid me bye bye.
school premises and was
walking down towards the extreme end
of the first gate, a guy approached me
and said he is searching For Block D
accounting class,
he said he is just coming for the first time, i
smiled and said: Even me am just
coming for the first and i dont know the
location of where you are searching for.
We both smiled at each other and we
While i was still walking down, the guy
called me back and said: beautiful girl,
you forgot to tell me your name, i said ok
my name is Amanda, he added…my
name is
Osita and if you dont mind can i have
your number? i said no and he asked me
why, i told him that i dont give out my
number to strangers, he pleaded but i
He left and i continued.

My first day in school, i got
to the school
hostel, i met some people but my spirit
was pleased with one person and her
name is Angela, she is tall, fair and
beautiful, i moved in and started living
with Angela, She was so nice to me and we
lived together like blood sisters,
Angela love the things of God too just
like me but she’s not that religious than i
I shared with her my past experience in
secondary school and how my admission
was delayed for three years, she told me
her own story too. (IN LIFE, EVERYONE
After my first semester in school, i
cleared all my papers, i did not have any
problem in any of my subjects, i passed all.
My friend Angela failed just one subject
but she passed all, she was happy too
but her happiness was not like mine
because i did not fail any subject. Angela
had a boyfriend whose name was
Mike, she told me that she love Mike to
the extent that she can even die for him, i
started preaching to Angela that
boyfriend and girlfriend is a terrible sin
before God, the reason why people do
boyfriend and girlfriend is just to be
committing immorality. I told her that if
trumpet should sound now that she will
not make heaven with her boyfriend.
I preached to her and advised her just as
my mum advised me but she did not even
want to hear me, this issue made her to
keep malice with me for 3days, if i greet
her early in the morning she will not
answer me.
After 3days we settled and became
friends again because we cannot be living in
the same room and be keeping
malice to each other. One Sunday morning, i
prepared to go to
church, Angela was still on her bed
resting, i told her to dress up so that we
will go to church together, she told me
that her boyfriend will be coming to see
her that Sunday morning. I was still in the
house when her boyfriend came and
knocked at our door, Who is that? me
Mike, Angela rushed to the door to meet
him, she welcomed him inside and they
were so happy to see each other.
That very day, when i was about taking my
leave, Angela said i should remember
her in my prayers when i get to church,
they both laughed at me and called me
Sister Mary.
I left the both of them in the room and
went to church, when i got to church i was
already late but i was able to meet
up before the message of that day in
church. The topic of that day message
was “Saying No To The Devil” our pastor
lamented on the topic and advised us to
always say no to the voice of the devil, he
said we
should not allow anyone to deceive us
with vain words, he further explained that
whenever the devil is telling us to do evil
that we should resist him and he will flee
from us Just like our lord Jesus resisted the
devil according to the book of
Mathew chapter 4 verses
1 to 11.
After the church service i went back
home, when i got to the hostel and i
opened the door to our room, what i saw
changed my mood immediately. I did not
knock before entering the room
because i was not expecting to see
anything, i saw Angela and her boyfriend
on the same bed having se.x as if they
are husband and wife.
Is this how you want to end up living your
life? I asked Angela. I kept my bible and
went out immediately.

together with Angela was a very
bad move at the first place, Angela love
men, she sleeps around and flirt with
different men and she dont lack money,
she later introduced me to a guy because
i always beg her for money so she said i
cant just be eating her money without
doing what she is doing, she told me that
we will repent after graduating from the
university, she said this is our best time
to enjoy our self. I started going out with
the guy, all my altitude changed, i became a
different person entirely. I no
more go to church, i dont read my book
atimes, you will always find us in a night
club or party dance hall.
We were making money sleeping with
different men, we travel far away to go and
sleep with men all in the name of
money. I changed my name from Amanda
to Lady Hot. Because we needed protection,
i and my
friend joined school cult. The cult was
just for ladies only, the name of the cult
is Black Devils.
I did 7 abortions and i was made the
second in command of the Black Devils
campus cult. Sometimes we go for
robbery, we kill anyone that fail to
corporate with us.
I never had the time to read by books
anymore, i lie and collect money from my
parents even when am not in need of it, we
were engaged in so many deadly
activities. One day we went for robbery, we
caught by the police and was taken to
court, they called my parents and told
them that i was caught with some group
of ladies, they did not believe it because
they trusted me. we were later thrown into
prison and in prison, we were
detained for 7 years in prison, when i
came out of the prison, i fell sick and my
parents rush me to the hospital, the
doctor did all he could and i was treated
but the doctor said that he discovered
something in my body.
He told my parents that i have done
many abortions and for that reason i
cannot be able to give birth when i get
married. My parents wept soberly
because all their effort to send me to the
university was just a waste of time.
I have no result.
Am an ex-convict.
I cant give birth anymore.
Oh! university life and pleasure have
destroyed my life, had it been i did not go to
university, my life would have been
THE-END My Advise To those in University:
Dont give your soul to the devil, avoid
living with bad friends, boyfriend and
girlfriend is a terrible sin that will lead you
to abortion and heartbreak.
Angela in the above story started with
just a boyfriend and ended up with many
Keep your body holy for God.
Going to University is good but dont let
the freedom you have over there to
destroy you. Live your life with fear and
trembling having this mind that you are
going to give account of your life
someday. Thank you all for reading, the
story you
just finished reading was composed to
save many dying souls. its a fictional
story but it have happened to many in
different ways. I pray that almighty God will
give you the
grace to run from evil in Jesus name.


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