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Irreplaceable Love(A story from adex stories-complete episode)

Irreplaceable Love (episode 1)

Have you ever been in a relationship where you were taken for granted and under-appreciated? Have you ever wanted to keep someone more than they made efforts to keep you? Well, brace yourself because I’m about to take you on a ride down the memory lane of Sharon and Roland. 

Several years back, there was a lady named Sharon who was blindly in love with a man that loved her less, his name was Roland. Their relationship was a perfect example of a one sided relationship and it was an obvious fact that Sharon was into Roland more than he was into her. She was extremely beautiful and quite independent but was unhappy. 

Roland was from an influential family; his parents were among the Elites in the city they lived in. He loved Sharon but was of the school of thought that one lady isn’t enough for one man. He was proud and never said sorry whenever he was wrong. I know most of you will probably be wondering what a beautiful and independent lady like Sharon was doing with a man like Roland? Well, you know what they say about Love and how it has the ability to blind someone, thereby making them unable to see the red flags and flaws of their partner. In Sharon’s case, I guess she was so used to being called Roland’s wife right from her childhood that she couldn’t imagine her life without him as an adult.

Sharon loved and cared for Roland with all her heart and always made sure his fridge was stocked with different delicacies during weekends. She was everything he wanted her to be and was always there for him. I can’t say same for Roland because he hardly had time for their relationship, he always found faults in everything she did and scolded her often. It wasn’t a hidden fact that he had other girls in his life as Sharon had caught him severally, flirting with other ladies. 

Constant crying became a lifestyle for Sharon, because she always cried when no one was watching. Many times, she tried to quit the relationship but Roland always had his way back into her heart. He knew she had eyes for only him and no ones else and that was his advantage over her. Sharon was naive or should I say “blindly in love”. Everything went on as usual for a long time but the table was about to turn. They say you never know what you have until you lose it, and whoever came up with that saying wasn’t lying at all. 

One fateful day, Roland asked Sharon out on a dinner date and she left the house causally dressed. On seeing her, he became upset and asked her why she was dressed so casually for a dinner date, “I haven’t been feeling too well so I couldn’t search for a proper outfit to wear” she said, “It doesn’t matter, as far as the sickness didn’t stop you from walking, then you should have been able to search for a proper outfit to wear, I can’t be seen with you dressed up like this” he said. Sharon was furious and suddenly wasn’t in the mood to proceed with the date anymore, ‘Stop the car!” she commanded, “Why?” Roland asked, “Nothing, just stop the car” she said but he kept driving. Sharon wasn’t having it and wanted to get off his car with immediate effect due to the cruel words he said to her earlier, “Roland please just stop this car now!” she said, almost tearing up. He finally stopped the car and before he could utter a word to Sharon, she got down crying and walked towards a mall not far from where he parked. Roland remained in the car and watched Sharon till she entered the mall, he was angry but felt guilty at the same time. His pride wouldn’t let him follow her immediately to apologize, so he sat in the car and waited for her to come out. 

On the other hand, Sharon used the elevator and it took her to the last floor of the mall. There was a Pub at her right so she walked towards that direction. As she entered the Pub, all eyes where on her, so she walked quietly and sat down. The bar man saw how moody she was and asked her what she wanted to drink, “Give me anything without alcohol in it” she said and the the bar man gave her a chilled juice. She thanked him and sipped gently with a sad face. 

At the other corner of the bar, some guys were playing snooker and one particular guy couldn’t get his eyes off Sharon. He was smitten by her gentleness and was thinking on how to approach her. After a while of being lost in thoughts, his friend noticed and asked him what was wrong, “There’s just something about that girl that I can’t seen to wrap my head around” he said, “Which girl?” his friend asked, “The one that just walked in” he replied. His friend looked towards Sharon’s direction, smiled and said, “Bro go and talk to her, who knows she might be having a bad day and needs someone to cheer her up”.

After the boost of morale, he summoned up courage and walked towards Sharon, “I can tell you’re having a bad day, can I join you to sit” he jokingly said. Sharon looked up and beheld a gentle looking man, “You can sit if you want to and what makes you think I’m having a bad day?” she asked, “You have been stirring your drink with that straw for a long time now and your facial expression says it all too” he replied smiling as he sat down. Sharon smiled and looked downwards, “My name is Kelvin, can I please know your name?” he asked, “I’m Sharon” she replied, “Beautiful name” he complimented and she thanked him. 

Kelvin tried to start a conversation with her so he asked how her day went and they got talking. They talked and laughed for a while till the bar man brought Sharon’s bill, “I’ll get that” Kelvin said, “No don’t worry, I’ll pay” she said but he insisted and she finally let him foot the bill. 

Just as Kelvin was about paying, Roland walked inside the pub and saw Sharon talking with another guy. He confusingly walked towards them and asked “What’s going on here?”.  

End of episode 1 😉
 Irreplaceable Love (episode 2)

The sight of Sharon, talking to another guy almost gave Roland a heart attack. For some weird reasons, he couldn’t understand why he suddenly became angry and somewhat jealous. Sharon looked away and pretended as though Roland wasn’t referring to her.

“I just asked a question, what’s going on here” Roland repeated but no one answered. Their silence was beginning to get on his nerves and he started boiling with anger, “Sharon get up and come with me” he commanded but she gave him a disgusted look and sighed. Kelvin was a bit confused at first but eventually figured what was going on, “Sharon are you ok?” Kelvin asked, “I’m fine, I think I’ll be leaving now” she replied.

As their little conversation was going on, Roland couldn’t contain his anger anymore. He gave Sharon a piercing look, sighed and walked away. After he left, Sharon took a deep breath and shook her head. She suddenly became sad and her countenance changed, “I’ll be leaving now” she said. “Did you come with a car? If not, please can I drop you off?” Kelvin asked but she declined his offer, “I’ll be fine by myself” she said as she got up to leave. Kelvin didn’t want to lose her so he asked for her contact, of which she declined again. “Sharon, I don’t mean to be pushy but it would mean so much to me if I can see you again” he said. Sharon thought about it for a while and finally gave her number to him. Kelvin was extremely happy and walked her down stairs so she could board a taxi home, “I’ll call sooner than you think” he said as he waved “Goodbye” to her. 

As Sharon headed home, she couldn’t stop thinking about Roland, “I’m scared he might leave me, did I go too far?” she thought. When she arrived home, she tried calling Roland but he didn’t pick up. Sharon didn’t know why she was scared of losing her relationship with him. For some weird reasons, she felt she couldn’t do without him. All through that night, she called his phone but he never picked. 

After work the next day, she went to his office to check up on him because she knew he would be there. Roland’s dad owned the company, so he spent a lot of time there especially on Mondays and Fridays. “Please is Roland in” she asked his secretary, “Yes, he just finished a teleconference meeting so you can go in now” the secretary said. 

Sharon majestically walked into his office and saw him going through some paper work. He wasn’t excited to see her, “What are you doing here?” he asked with a straight face, “I came to apologize for yesterday” she replied, “there’s nothing to apologize for, you can leave my office now” he commanded and looked away. Sharon was shocked at the manner he spoke to her, she felt humiliated and unwanted. “Roland what have I done to deserve this kind of treatment from you? If you don’t want me anymore why not just say it and stop with all these cruel words you say to me. I have done nothing wrong but love you, so why do you treat me this way?” she said with tears in her eyes. Roland was unmoved by her tears, he ignored her and kept focusing on what he was doing. Sharon became fed up and tired of looking like a fool, she turned and walked away. 

Immediately she left, Roland stopped what he was doing and laid his head back on the chair. He was quiet for a while and called his secretary, “hurry and bring Sharon back here now” he commanded. His secretary rushed out of the office in search of Sharon but she had already entered a taxi. She returned to Roland’s office, “sir I couldn’t find her” she said, “that’s because you didn’t run fast, just go!” he angrily said and his secretary left and went back to her duty post.

Roland tried to concentrate with what he was doing but couldn’t. He felt guilty of the way he spoke to Sharon; he picked his phone and dialed her number but she didn’t pick up, he called again and she still didn’t pick up. Roland sighed, dropped his phone and continued with what he was doing. At close of work, he drove down to a birthday party of his friend. When he arrived, a lot of ladies identified him and rushed to dance with him. A lot of people knew him and how wealthy his family was. He partied and flirted with so many girls and finally retired home with one of them. Unknowing to him, Sharon was planning on visiting his house so they could settle their misunderstanding. 

Back at Roland’s house, he took his shower and became cozy with the lady he came home with, “Do you have a girlfriend?” the lady asked, “Yes I do” he replied boldly. The lady smiled and asked “then what am I doing here?”, “You tell me instead” Roland redirected the question back to her. They laughed and changed the topic, Roland reached out for her lips and kissed it. They got into the mood and started caressing each other.  

As all this was happening, Sharon arrived at his house and the gate man let her in because everyone knew that she was in a relationship with Roland. It was already passed 8pm in the evening; Sharon planned on spending the night with him, hopefully after they had reconciled. She had a spare key to his house so she was able to get in without Roland's knowledge. 

Sharon checked the living room in search of him but he wasn’t there. She climbed upstairs and walked towards his room, she heard some funny sounds coming from his room but thought it was the television. The door wasn’t locked so she gently pushed it forward. The sight of what she saw broke her heart into pieces and she didn’t know when tears started falling off her eyes.

Sharon held her heart as she sobbed and shouted “Roland!”. 

End of episode 2 😉
Irreplaceable Love (episode 3)

The worst form of betrayal and pain; is catching the person you love pants down with someone else. Believe me when I say the sight alone can crumble you emotionally and completely shatter your heart into tiny pieces, especially if you genuinely love the person that hurt you. Sharon’s heart was completely shattered and seemed almost impossible to fix again. She was devastated and couldn’t stop the tears that effortlessly flowed down her eyes. 

“Oh No!” she screamed and walked away crying. Roland immediately rushed her and left the lady he was smooching behind, “Sharon wait, let me explain” he said as he caught up with her. Sharon ignored him and walked faster towards the exit door. Roland grabbed her tightly from behind but she knock his hands off, “Don’t ever touch me in your life again” she warned, “why did you come to my house without calling first?” he angrily asked and Sharon gave him a disgusted look. “You are a big joke and honestly, I think I’ve wasted my precious time sticking with you, thinking you would change someday and love me just as I have loved you but I guess that’s a dream that would never become a reality. Roland, I’m done and can’t continue to live this way, please don’t come after me again because I’m not turning back ever” she said sobbing. 

Roland didn’t utter a word as she spoke and when she was done he asked her if she had finish talking. Sharon was disappointed by his reply, she sighed and walked away leaving him there. “I’m always going to be your one and only” he said as she left.
Immediately she walked out of his house, she burst into uncontrollable tears. The gateman had to come to her rescue because she was at the verge of doing something drastic to herself. “Madam e don do abeg, you want make I go call taxi for you or use one of Oga car carry u go your house?” the gateman asked and Sharon told him to help her get a taxi. 

In a short while, the taxi arrived and she headed home. All through the ride home, Sharon couldn’t stop crying, she cried her eyes out till she had a headache. “Love is wicked and so unfair, what did I do to deserve all this? I’m just tired and would never open my heart up to any guy again” she said to herself as she sobbed. 

On the other hand, Roland was angry but tried to get his mind off things by continuing with what he was doing before Sharon walked in. As he became cozy with the lady again, his mind wasn’t there anymore. He kept thinking of Sharon and tried to take his mind off her but it wasn’t working. As the strange lady kissed and caressed him, he wasn’t feeling anything again, “Stop!” he commanded and she stopped, “What’s the problem?” she asked but Roland didn’t answer. He got up from where they laid and asked her to go to the guest room, “I’m tired and want to sleep now” he said. Roland called the house keepers and told them to take her to the guest room. 

As Roland laid on his bed to sleep, Sharon’s image came flashing in his mind. “Whatever, I’ll be fine without her” he said and tried to force himself to sleep but couldn’t. All through that night, Roland couldn’t sleep well as he kept tossing back and forth on the bed. He was greatly disturbed and didn’t know why, “It’s not even like I loved her that much” he said, trying to console himself but it wasn’t working. He looked at his phone as though he was expecting Sharon’s call but it wasn’t coming forth. After a long while of being restless, Roland finally put himself to sleep. 

Back at Sharon’s house, her temperature started heating up as a result of crying. She tried to sleep and forget everything that happened that evening but it was a tough one. She checked her phone to see if Roland had called but didn’t see any missed call. It broke her heart the more when she thought of the fact that he had no regards for her feelings; he was carefree and reluctant with however she felt and had never bothered going the extra mile to make things right with her. She finally accepted her fate and zeroed Roland off her mind, “It’s going to be hard to completely get him off my mind but there’s no going back on this resolution” she said to herself.

The next day, Sharon was completely down with fever but tried to go to work regardless. Three (3) hours into the day’s activities, she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital by her co-workers. Her temperature was high so she had to be admitted. At around passed 5pm in the evening, her phone ranged and she checked to see who was calling but there wasn’t a name attached to the number. She sluggishly picked and greeted the caller, “Hello Sharon, how have you been?” the caller asked, “Fine, please who’s this?” she inquired and almost lost her breath when she heard “It’s Kelvin”. 

Deep down in her heart, she was excited to hear from him again but acted cool. “How have you been kelvin?” she asked in a low tone, “I have been good, are you ok? Your voice seems down” he said and she told him she was at the hospital. ‘What! Please which hospital? I want to see you” he said, “Oh no, don’t bother coming, I’ll be fine” Sharon said but Kelvin wasn’t backing out and kept insisting that she gives him the name of the hospital. Sharon finally gave up and revealed the hospital’s name to him. 

In less than an hour, Kelvin showed up and she was happy to see him but pretended otherwise. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked and she told him she collapsed and was rushed to the hospital from work. Kelvin asked if she had eaten and she said ‘No”, he drove down to a restaurant not far from the hospital and bought food for her. “Thank you” she said as he gave her the food, “Don’t mention, when are you going to be discharged?” he asked, “Tomorrow I guess” she replied. 

Kelvin stayed back at the hospital to take care and watch over Sharon. He made sure she had everything she needed and slept over till the next morning. All through that night, Sharon woke up occasionally to stare at him, “Such a gentle and caring man” she thought to herself. 

Sharon was to be discharged the next day. Unknowing to her, Kelvin had cleared the hospital bill before leaving in the morning and she only got to find out after he had left. She was smitten by his caring nature as Roland had never treated her that way before. When she arrived home, she picked up her phone and called Kelvin to thank him for clearing the hospital bills. “Thank you so much Kelvin” she said, “It’s all good, all that matters is that you get better” he said, “I’ll be having dinner by 6pm, can you please join me? I would really love that” he added. Sharon thought about it for a while and was afraid to open the door to her heart again, “I don’t think I want to come” she said, “Sharon, I like your company and always want to be in it. It’s just dinner, I promise” Kelvin said. Sharon smiled over the phone and told him she would be there, “should I come and pick you?” he asked, “Oh no! Just send me the location, I’ll meet you there” she said. 

It was time for the dinner date and Sharon dressed casually because she wasn’t feeling too strong yet. Immediately Kelvin saw her, he smiled and removed the chair for her to sit, “You look beautiful, I must confess” he said smiling, Sharon smiled and said “Thank you”. They started eating but Sharon couldn’t get her mind off the fact that Roland had never complimented or treated her that way before. After eating, they got talking and laughing till it was time for Sharon to go. She started shivering due to cold and Kelvin gave her his jacket to wear, “Thanks for the jacket, I’ll return it when I see you again” she said, “You can keep it” he said smiling. 

Kelvin drove her back home and there was silence throughout the ride. Kelvin kept thinking of how to pour his heart out to her but was scared of losing her, “who was that guy from the first day I met her? Are they still together?” he thought to himself. Sharon liked him too but was scared of getting hurt again, “Roland still hasn’t called till now since I caught him cheating” she said to herself as she took a deep breath. 

The finally arrived at her house and Kelvin thanked her again for honoring his dinner invitation. She thanked him too and was about alighting when he stopped her, “Can we talk?” he asked, “Sure” she replied. He took a deep breath and said, “Sharon, to cut the long story short, I’m in love with you”. 

Sharon’s heart skipped several beats and she asked “Why?”. 

End of episode 3 😉
 Irreplaceable Love (episode 4)

Kelvin’s heartfelt confession didn’t come as a big surprise to Sharon because she was tired of getting her feelings toyed with. She wasn’t going to give kelvin an easy passage to her heart. Her experience with Roland had led to a misconception of what loved entailed. Her heart was closed till further notice!

“Why do you love me?” she asked, “why shouldn’t I” he questioned, looking into her eyes. Sharon’s heart started beating fast but she tried to keep her cool, “I have to leave, I’m sorry” she said and opened the car door. Kelvin got down from where he sat and hurriedly walked towards her, “Sharon, you can’t run away from love, neither can you avoid it. You might have had some bad experience from your past relationship which have led to a sudden loss of interest in love, but please, don’t punish me for someone else’s mistake. Give me a chance to prove my love for you, give me a chance to correct any misconception you might have of love. Don’t break my heart before I give it to you, I love you Sharon and want to spend the rest of my life proving it to you. 

Sharon was numb and couldn’t say anything at first. She admired and fell in love with Kelvin’s personality, “he’s matured” she thought to herself. As she was still lost in thoughts, Kelvin walked closer and held her hand, “take as much time as you need to think about it” he said and bid her goodbye. 

For the first time in Sharon’s life, she felt wanted and cared for. She didn’t need a seer to tell her that she had fallen for Kelvin. All through that night, she kept fantasizing of what their relationship would be like and smiled occasionally. On the other hand, Kelvin wasn’t ready to back down on his pursuit to make Sharon his own. Before he slept, he sent her a goodnight text message which read “I have never wanted anyone in my life the way I want you, I love you Sharon. Sweet dreams”. That text message brought so much joy to her heart, she wasn’t used to getting goodnight messages from Roland, so these little gestures meant so much to her. She slept that night with a big smile on her face. 

Sharon wasn’t able to resume work the next day because she was still weak. Her house was quite lonely so she resorted to watching television. After about 30 minutes of watching television, her phone rang and she checked to see who was calling and smiled when Kelvin’s name showed on her phone screen. “Good morning” she greeted and he reciprocated her greeting, “You sound as though you’re still in bed, did you go to work today?” he asked, “No I didn’t, I still feel weak” she replied, “So what are you going to be doing all day?” he asked, “I’ll just watch television I guess” she replied. They talked for a while and Kelvin asked if she would like to join him at work so they could stay together, “wouldn’t your boss be mad?” she asked, “I’m my own boss” kelvin replied. After much deliberation, Sharon agreed to keep Kelvin company at his office. Kelvin sent his company car to pick her up and bring her to the office venue. 

They had fun while at Kelvin’s office and Sharon helped him out with some urgent paper work that needed to be finished. It was then that Sharon figured that Kelvin was a successful business man, she was dumbfounded at his humility and the way he spoke to his employees. “He’s just too good to be true” she occasionally thought to herself. 

During lunch break, they went to a nice restaurant to eat. They talked about a lot of things and got to know each other better. Kelvin was extremely happy that Sharon was by his side all day and wished the day wouldn’t end. At close of work, they went for dinner before he finally drove her back to her house. “I want to always be this close to you, Sharon please accept me into your life, I’m going crazy because of you” he said, looking into her eyes. Sharon’s hands started shaking as he looked into her eyes, “I love you too” she said in a low tone, “What did you just say?” kelvin asked in excitement, “Don’t push it” she said smiling. Kelvin was over joyed and couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that Sharon loved him too, “You wouldn’t regret this decision, I promise” he said and kissed her hand. Sharon looked into his eyes and he leaned forward and gave her a breathtaking kiss. 

They kissed passionately for a while before Sharon left. Kelvin almost had an accident while returning home due to the overflow of happiness he was feeling at that moment. He called to check up on her again before going to bed and they both slept like little babies that night. 

Their relationship was blissful as they gave their maximum best to ensure that it worked. Sharon became head over heels in love with Kelvin, same with him too. They adored and always sought to make each other happy at all times. 

As things went on well and smooth for Sharon, we couldn’t say the same for Roland. He always felt empty regardless of whatever he did to fill the void he felt. He flirted with so many ladies but still felt empty. His parents kept enquiring of Sharon’s whereabout but he always told them that she travelled. His life was missing something important but he couldn't tell what it was. 

As days turned to weeks and weeks to months, he started missing her food and never got the same taste and satisfaction from anywhere. Roland was going crazy and always seemed lost most times. 

With time, it finally dawned on him that Sharon was the missing piece in his puzzle. He wanted to reach out to her so many times but pride wouldn’t let him. Her absence was killing him slowly so he needed to see her before it got out of hand. 

On fateful day, Kelvin returned from a 3 weeks trip and drove down to Sharon’s house because she had missed him so much. She was very happy to see him when he arrived and immediately hugged him tight, “I have missed you, please don’t leave my sight again” she said smiling. Kelvin gave her a peck on her cheek and she smiled like a baby. She quickly served him dinner and they ate happily. 

It was time for kelvin to leave but Sharon didn’t want him to go, “Can you please spend the night here, I really missed you” she said. Kelvin thought about her request and agreed because he missed her too and didn’t want to let her off his sight.  

Sharon jumped with excitement when he agreed to spend the night, “Let me get hot water for you to shower” she said and rushed to the kitchen. As kelvin sat in the living room watching television, there was a knock on the door. Sharon asked him to check who was at the door and Kelvin went to see who it was. 

He stood in front of the door and asked “please who’s knocking?” but got no response. He opened the door and got the shocker of his life when he saw “Roland”.  

End of episode 4 😉
[8/8, 6:32 AM] ‪+234 806 840 3737‬: Irreplaceable Love (episode 5)

Kelvin was shocked to see Roland standing in front of Sharon’s door at that time of the day, “What on earth could he be doing here at this hour of the day?” he thought to himself. Roland was also surprised to see another man in Sharon’s house at that ungodly hour. They were consumed by rage but comported themselves. 

“Can I help you?” kelvin asked, “Where’s Sharon? I’m here to see her” Roland said with a straight face, “OK, let me call her” Kelvin said. He closed the door and walked back to the living room, “Sharon someone’s here to see you” he said and she hurriedly came out of the kitchen to know who it was. “Who’s that?” she asked and Kelvin told her to go check for herself. Sharon rolled her eyes in exhaustion and walked towards the door to see who it was. 

On seeing Roland, her heart skipped several beats, leaving her mouth wide open. She needed some time to completely process the fact that her worst nightmare was standing right in front of her. “What are you doing here?” she angrily asked, “I’m here to see you, please can we talk?’ he requested but Sharon declined his offer. “I want you to leave my house this minute and never return again” she said, “what makes you think I’ll ever be interested in having any conversation or whatsoever with you. You must be a joker! She added. 

Roland tried to calm her down but it wasn’t working, so he tried to play with her emotions, “Who’s the guy that opened when I knocked?” he asked, walking closer to her. Sharon laughed hysterically for a while and said “you lost the right to asked me any personal question the day you cheated on me and If you take one more step close to me, I’ll rain down a truck load of the anger I’ve been harboring in my heart for you due to everything you put me through”. Roland looked into her eyes and said “I’m so sorry for everything I put you through, I honestly feel like a jerk for being the cause of most of the pains you had to endure just to stay with me. I can’t and don’t want to lose you ever, please forgive and take me back into your heart”.

As Roland spoke, Sharon felt for him but this time, it wasn’t a feeling of love but that of pity. “I feel sad for you because whatever quest you seek can’t be won, my heart now belongs to someone who deserves it so there’s nothing I can do for you” she said and told him it was time for him to leave. As all this was happening at her balcony, Kelvin was at the living room eavesdropping on their conversation. As a gentleman that he was, he didn’t want to interrupt or invade their conversation so he laid low. 

“I’ll be back because I’m never letting you go” Roland said and walked away. Immediately he left, Sharon held her heart and rushed to the living room to check up on Kelvin. “Baby I can explain everything that just happened” she said and sat close to him on the same couch, “there’s no need for any explaining dear, I heard everything and totally understand” he said. 

Sharon felt guilty as she tried to put herself in Kelvin’s shoes, she moved close to him and hugged him tightly. “Baby I’m truly sorry, I know how bad and insecure I would feel if your ex came knocking at your door by this time of the day” she said, “I’m glad he came knocking because that shows that I’m lucky and blessed to have you. He wants what I have and that’s enough reason for my day to be made” he said smiling. They changed the topic and discussed about other things. After talking for a while, kelvin took his shower and they finally slept. 

On the other hand, Roland was restless all night and couldn’t sleep properly. He was refusing to come to terms that Sharon wasn’t his anymore, that was a reality he wasn’t willing to accept. “Who does this new boyfriend of hers think he is? Sharon must be joking to think that I’ll back out or give up on her” he said to himself. He began to sort for ways to get her back!

The next day, Sharon had to leave early for work. She got up early to make breakfast and took her bath when Kelvin was eating. She joined him afterwards and they finished the food together. Kelvin dropped Sharon off at her work place before heading home. 

Sharon stepped into her office to the sight of beautiful rose flowers on her desk. She was confused and didn’t know who could have sent them, “Jane!” she shouted and her secretary come to enquire why she was called. “Good morning ma’am” she greeted, “Morning, who are these from?” she asked and Jane told her that it was delivered by the flower company. “It actually came with a note, here’s it” Jane said and handed the note to her. Sharon dismissed her and opened the note to see what was written on it and it read “I want you back”, signed by Roland. She shook her head after reading the note and threw it in her office trash can. She called her secretary to take the flowers away from her office and put them on the reception desk. 

All through that morning, Sharon was moody but suddenly became happy when she saw Kelvin’s call. “Hey baby” she greeted, “How are you doing honey?” he asked, “I’m better now you called” she replied. Kelvin smiled and told her that he just called to check up on her, “Thanks babe, I’m glad you called” she said, “Should we do dinner at your place, a restaurant or my place?” he asked and Sharon chose her house. “Come over after work” she said and they exchanged goodbyes before ending the call. When the call ended, Sharon’s countenance changed and she suddenly became happy again. 

At close of work, she rushed to the market to get some food items she would use in cooking that night, she arrived at her house earlier and prepared dinner. Kelvin had an urgent issue to tend to and couldn’t make it to her house that evening again. He called to inform her and it broke her heart that he wasn’t going to eat the delicious food she prepared for him. “It’s ok babe, I understand. Let’s see tomorrow” she said. 

Sharon sat in the dinning table and was about to eat when she heard a knock on the door. “Could it be that Kelvin changed his mind” she thought and hurriedly ran to the door to open it and almost dropped dead when she saw Roland. “What in God’s name are you doing here, I thought I told you never to come to my house again” she furiously said. “Did you get my flowers?” he asked but Sharon remained on the topic at hand. “Why are you here?” she asked, “I want you back” Roland replied.

Just as Sharon was about to utter another word, Roland moved closer and kissed Her! 

End of episode 5 😉
Irreplaceable Love (episode 6)
Second-to-last episode

Roland's kiss came unexpectedly and Sharon immediately pushed me while he was still at it. She was extremely angry with him for touching her without her consent, and felt violated. 

"How dare you!" She angrily said after pushing him, "Sharon please stop all this, let's put the past behind us and get back together" Roland said. Sharon sighed and shook her head afterwards, "I can see you have a problem with hearing, because I clearly remember telling you that I have someone else in my life now" she said. 

Roland was still finding it difficult to come in terms with the fact that Sharon was no longer his. He couldn't believe that she could ever do without him, it still felt like a dream. "Sharon I'm so sorry for everything I put you through, it took me losing you to find out that I didn't want to live my life without you. If there's anything I can do to get a second chance with you, please spill it and I promise to stop at nothing till I fulfill it" Roland said. 

It was quite unfortunate that Sharon wasn't taking anything he said to heart. She was completely over Roland and there was nothing anyone could do about it. "There was a time I loved you with every bit of my being, I was always present whenever you needed me and was everything you wanted me to be. I gave you so much of me and received just a bit of you. I caught you flirting with other girls countlessly but still stayed with you, thinking that one day, just one day; you'll come to your senses and love me back but it never came to pass, instead you tortured my feelings and made me look like a fool over and over again. Roland, I loved you but my heart belongs to someone else now and thanks to this person, I have fully understood what love truly means. I would appreciate it if you never show up here again because I don't want you to jeopardise my relationship with Kelvin. I'm sorry but it's best you leave now" Sharon said. 

Roland's heart dropped and his head started spinning, he was losing his mind and didn't know when tears started dropping off his eyes. He bent his head and shook it, "Are you ok?" Sharon asked but he was quiet. 

After about 2 minutes of keeping silent, Roland said "I'm still finding it hard to believe that I have lost you, but that doesn't mean I'll stop trying. I love you and still want you back" he said and walked away. 

Immediately Roland left, Sharon took a deep breath and gave a sigh of relief. She felt for him but didn't want to dwell on any thoughts that concerned him. "Kelvin is the only man I want to think about" she said and walked back to the dinning to eat her food. 

As Roland drove home that night, he was devastated and filled with regrets, "how on earth did I let things get to this extent? I should have tried my best to get her back that day she caught me cheating, I shouldn't have let her go so easily" he said to himself. He was restless all night and kept thinking of what his next course of action would be. 

The next day, Roland hired someone to find out who Kelvin was, "I need you to get his house address and if possible, his office address if he has one" Roland instructed.  

It wasn't hard for the investigator to get these vital information because Sharon usually visits Kelvin at his office and house almost every week. The investigator was able to get the information by secretly following her. After the information had been gotten, it was passed to Roland, who began to seek for ways to utilise it. 

One fateful day while Kelvin was at his office, his secretary walked in to inform him that someone wanted to see him. 

"Doesn't this person have a name?" He asked and his secretary said "Sir, his name is Roland!"

End of episode

Irreplaceable Love (episode 7)
*Last episode!*

On hearing Roland's name from his secretary's lips, Kelvin was shocked and kept wondering how Roland got his office address and why he came visiting. There's no confrontation as scary as that of two guys in love with the same woman. Kelvin asked his secretary to repeat the name again, just to be sure he heard right the first time. 

"Who do you say is here to see me again?" Kelvin asked, "Sir, his name is Roland" his secretary repeated, "Did you enquire his reason for visiting?" He asked, "He said it's confidential" his secretary replied. 

Kelvin told her to let him in and sat up in preparation for anything that was about to go down. Few minutes later, Roland walked in with a faint smile on his face, "Nice office" he said and Kevin thanked him for the compliment. "Why are you here? Can I help you" Kelvin enquired, "Yes, you can help me by first walking away from Sharon's life" Roland said. Kelvin chuckled and shook his head, "Don't tell me you wasted your time to come here just to tell me this, because if you did, then it just shows how jobless you are. Please if you don't have any better thing to say, then leave my office because you can clearly see that I have work to do". 

This was the first time in Roland's life that someone stood up to him. Indeed, he knew deep down that he had lost Sharon for good because Kelvin was really a man to die for. Roland didn't want to back out too soon, so he tried further. "What can I give you in exchange for Sharon, she was the only woman that ever genuinely loved me. You'll be doing me a favour by letting her go and I'm willing to pay, if that's what it would take for you to grant my request" Roland said. 

For a minute, Kelvin felt for Roland but it wasn't that of pity, but that of the fact that he let a precious jewel like Sharon slip out of his hands. "It baffles me that you think love can be bought or sold. I know you'll get hurt for what I'm about to say, but I just have to say it anyways; Thank you for not appreciating what you had, thank you for showing her less love and care, and thank you for letting her go. I'm saying thank you because, it was due to all these things you did wrong that I'm able to have Sharon today. She's the best thing that has happened to me in a long while and I'm never letting her go. There's no price tag on her, so she's not for sale" Kelvin said.

Just as they were still talking, Sharon walked in on them and almost dropped dead when she saw Roland there. She kept thinking of what Roland was doing in Kelvin's office, "What's going on here?" She confusingly asked but no one replied, as they didn't know where to start explaining from. 

The atmosphere was tensed and felt awkward. Before Sharon could utter another word, Roland got up to leave, "Think about it" he said to Kelvin and left.

Sharon was confused and wanted to know what was going on. "Think about what?" She asked but Kelvin didn't know where to start explaining from. "Baby it's ok, don't get yourself worked up" Kelvin said but Sharon refused to let go and demanded explanation, "Ok I'll explain, he came here to tell me to leave you for him" he said. Sharon felt offended and thought Roland had crossed his boundaries by coming to her man's office to make awful offers. "He's probably deranged and thinks I'm his property. What gives him the right to go around confronting people and telling them to leave me, all this has to stop!" She furiously said. 

Kelvin tried to calm her down but she was still very much offended. "Baby listen, there's absolutely no reason to get upset. Just let him be, he needs time to fully realise that you're no longer his. You have me and that's all that matters" Kelvin said. 

His words melted Sharon's heart and calmed down her temper. Kelvin left the office with her to a nice place, just to cheer her up. They had fun before parting ways. 

All through the remaining hours of that day, Sharon was still a bit upset for what Roland did and thought about it occasionally. She arrived home and kept contemplating on what to do to put an end to Roland's constant unexpected visits. She decided to pay him a visit at his house that night. 

Roland was lying on the parlour couch when she walked in. He had a sad countenance and was shocked when he saw her. "Sharon! What are you doing here?" He surprisingly asked, "I want us to talk" she said. Roland sat up and told her to go ahead that he was listening. 

Sharon looked into his eyes and didn't know when tears fell off her eyes, "why are you crying" Roland asked. Sharon took a deep breath and said "I'm here to tell you to let go of me and move on with your life. I'm happy with Kelvin and wish you every beautiful thing this life can offer, I forgive you for everything you did to me and want you to forgive yourself too. There are so many other ladies you can have a beautiful relationship with, so let go and move on" she said with tears in her eyes. 

Roland starting tearing up and wiped his eyes with his hand. "I love you so much and you are irreplaceable. I hate myself for everything I did to you, and I'm glad you've forgiven me. I wish you all the best too and would always be here whenever you need anything. I'm sorry for invading your privacy and also going to Kelvin's office, I was just losing my mind and didn't know what else to do. I would always love you Sharon" he sadly said. 

It was an emotional moment for them but it was sad that things had changed and there was nothing either of them could do about it. Sharon left afterwards and was happy that she had that conversation with Roland. She felt relieved! 

Immediately she got home, she happily picked her phone and called her sweetheart. "Hello baby" she happily greeted, "Hi honey, why so happy?" Kelvin asked and Sharon laughed, "I'm happy because I have an awesome man in my life who appreciates and loves me" she said. Kelvin chuckled and told her that he can't wait to marry her because she always put smiles on his face. "I can't wait too" Sharon said and they said goodnight to each other before ending the call. 

Their relationship waxed stronger and they never under-valued or under-appreciated the efforts of each other, not even for a single day. 

Most times, we tend to think that there are many fishes in the ocean and this mentality might make us treat the people that love us carelessly, but remember that every creature or person is unique and has no exact replica. You might get another person to replace the one you treated carelessly but the difference will always be clear, especially if they loved you genuinely and you hurt them
Appreciate the people you have in your life today because they could be gone tomorrow. Regret is not a sweet thing so try the best you can to never experience it. 

*End of story! 😉*


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