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BIBLE LAND( A LAND OF MYSTERY) Olagunju Olayemi Joshua/Epic poem/


In the beginning both the earth and heaven were created,
And darkness was void upon the emptiness.
One could begin with the beginning,
Or one should begin with the dust,
The dust that ended the whole story.
One could even begin with the blood of sacred animals shed to appeal the gods at their various shrine.

When you walk through the bucklingham hills, 
Your legs may be painted with dust powder and grey from you toe to kneel.
Your heart may feel the cold of the disastrous season, Your ears may even hear the sound of different warning tones. 
But lo and behold!
Beneath all happenings lie many secret and reason.
Once you begin
You begin with the journey, 
The journey to realize the truth in different colour. 
The blooded green plants, 
The furnace on the surface of water.
Tears of the mother fish and happiness of the fishers,
Roars of the forest razor.

My name is Àkànmú,
the humble son of Arógundádé,
I was born in late 1808, 
In a village likely to a paradise but closely to heaven's gate.
Appluentish is the name,
the land of great Olúwo òshìrìn,
Appluentish is  a mask that's covered with ògìníntín.
Appluentish is a sceneric land of gaspar tall mountains, narrow valleys and dusty hills.
 Appluentish tradition housing is a circular huts with thatched roofs and door frame with traditional colour.

This is the greatest story i have ever told,
Follow me as I journey to my home land.
18 years after the painful death of Arógundádé,my father,
Who was the only bravest akogun of his time.
Our land has been pinned in darkness
And in readiness, we whispered as we watched the strangers walking over our portions.
Our Oracles have tried their best,
And our priests are done with the rest of their trials.
Several sacrifice had been made and taken to ojúbo ògún,
 To appeal the alálè to give utterances of ògùn,
To be chanted and to deliver us from ìró ogun.

Lo and behold!
The missionaries came to rescue us,
They came with strange languages on their tongues.

 Asha creb bebe lamlamoa crater crefton cruto crapy crarpa

They came with unusual gift in their hands,
They came with different wishes and promising hearts.

In those days, we use to say:
The missionaries came with mystery in their hands.
They visited us with all their tenderness,
And teachings of their holy book.

Teaching us to have love for all,
and to love all like ourselves.
They imposed on us all their biblical teachings,
telling us that the bible doesn't discriminate.

And in  their only book it was read to us that:
“You shall have no other gods before me."“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."

Yet, we ask within us, 
if truly the bible doesn't discriminate 
And if truly, your God wants everyone in His kingdom
Why should He deliver us and forsake our deities?
why then should we do away with our òrìsà?(idol)
Or why do we need to forsake the ojúbo of obatala?

Our spirits were into the ocean of confusion,
And our souls dancing beneath the rhythms of this allusion.
And each time we remember everything they told us about the miracles of Jesus Christ,
In Matthew, Luke and John.
Lo and behold, i look beyond the beyond,

Twinkly my inner man reminds me of how my fathers use to perform miraculous magic during the egungun festival.

Then I remembered,
How my ancestors used to crack the legs of the antelope,
and skillfully poured a bit of it into the mouth of the mutter,
the Shea butter was added and alligator pepper was added too,
And they would munch it noisily.
We used to surround our fathers in a circular form.
and watched how they set the wood on ablaze.
Then, the aroma of delicious concoction wafts tormenting our nostrils,
and we wondered how the imperfections in us ooze like bitter leaf impurities.

Then, each time they talked about the eternal promise of God to man,
I would remember Pèrègún,
Whose lifespan is eternal,
and so, I would be granted long life.
And each time they mentioned a word relating to God's blessings and prosperity, 
I would tell them that it was agbe that brings blessings to olókun,
It was àlùkò that brings prosperity to olósà,
Or remind them of the good promises of Asefun,
the god of money.

Then, we called them the betrayer,
Because they brought their good promises with troubles along.

Our hearts were entangled with the spirits of our forefathers gods,
Anytime they ask us a question,
We asked them two.
That anytime they reminded us that whatever thing we asked in His name shall be given.
We also informed them about ogbo and ogba,
Whatever command was given to ogbo, ogbo conforms,
And whatever instruction was given to ogba, ogba accepted.

Our souls were so entangled with the spirits of ancestors,
that anytime we heard the flapping mystic wing of Olongo,
our ears would be seized.

Olongo the great red feathered bird of the Osorongas. 

Anytime we heard the sound of olongo the malevolent bird atop our hatched roof,
Which sounded like thousand lions in the jungle.
Our ears would be blocked and we were thrown into the sea of confusion,
where we swam from the top
To bottomless pit of the ibu.

Our father who dwelt in heaven hallow be thine only name,
Let thy will be done on earth,
As it is in your heart,
Give us this day not like the other days,
Let thy will be done in our heart, 
And in whatever thing we do on this earth.
Deliver the wise one,
Who says first one thing then another,
Who helps with the left hand and kills with the right.
Those who coursed the sea with bible in hand,
Hiding muskets under their cassocks.
Deliver them oh lord! 
And take us from Bethany to Bethphage.



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