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Showing posts from April, 2019

Opportunity for writers

OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL WRITER Do you love to write? Are you passionate about what you write? How long have you been struggling to be a world known? This opportunity is just for a little time. We will help you publish your write-ups with no charges. Any interested writers should message us through our email Or message us through our WhatsApp 08039582934


Three brothers were traveling through the dense rain forest jungle. They had been traveling on foot for almost a full day and night was falling. They needed a suitable place to rest for the night, a place where they would be safe from prowling animals of the night They were in luck because before darkness fell, they spotted a little isolated hut in the distance. When they arrived at the hut, they met a kindly old woman who invited them in and offered them a place to spend the night. The old woman offered them some porridge which she was cooking in an iron pot over some firewood. The brothers declined for they were very exhausted and also did not want to impose on this old woman who living alone and had cooked enough porridge only for one person The old woman gave them some mats and showed them into a room where they could lay down and have a good nights rest. Soon, the entire hut was dark and everyone in it was asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, the youngest of


Once upon a time, the ear was the most radiant beauty in the whole world. It was normal that every one wanted to marry her, the ear had become used to prospective grooms challenging themselves to a duel. She was just too beautiful, the poor, weak and small creatures knew to stay away, all except the mosquito. The mosquito had mad crush for her And finally the day came when he would make his intention known to the ear but the ear felt insulted EAR :  how dare you? you who is the weakest of all creatures, how dare you even think about marrying me. Can't you see all these brave princes who have come to lay their lives for me? Do you honestly think i'll pick you over any one of them? You, whom i am sure would be dead within a week! The suitors began to laugh at the mosquito, he was ashamed of himself-- he had humiliated himself MOSQUITO: dead in a week, we'll see about that Weeks went by and mosquito did not die, years went by and he was still alive. Now whenever mosquito s


Once upon a time, a great king ruled the kingdom of Gbogan, after winning several great victories for his people he became ill due to accumulated injuries. All the medicine men in the kingdom and neighbouring kingdoms tried to treat him but to no avail. Finally it was concluded that Ikumejakako, the most dreaded amongst herbalist should be consulted, so the king sent his chief to the evil forest to fetch the man who was once banished for his daring methods Ikumejakako observed the king and knew exactly what he needed to treat the him, instantly. He demanded for an elephant, only a special broth brewed from the elephant's skin would be able to cure the king The king and his chiefs wondered how they would capture a big and dangerous animal like an elephant. The king after consultation with his chiefs made an announcement throughout the kingdom that anyone who would capture an elephant within seven days would get half his kingdom and his most beautiful daughter for a bride Many me


Once upon a time, the Tortoise was slow and he knew he was slow... But he did not like the fact that he was never invited to compete in a race even though other animals like the Caterpillar whom he considered slow were often invited to compete. So, he decided to end it On a particular meeting at the village square, he dared the Hare who was the reigning champion to a race, the Hare burst into laughter Hare :  have you considered the challenging the millipede Tortoise: are you scared? oh, i can see you are afraid of a little competition Hare: everyone knows you are slow, tortoise Tortoise: no one here has ever seen me run Hare: we have all seen you walk- Tortoise: i walk slow, only because i run too fast.  Now it was becoming serious-- The Tortoise spoke out loud to everyone's hearing Tortoise: should the hare not be a coward and decides to accept my challenge. I want everyone to be at the finish line. I want you all to witness the moment i defeated the so called champ Tortoise


A long time ago, there was a boy called Atilola. His parents loved him dearly because he was their only child and so they made sure that he got whatever he wanted. They treated him like a delicate egg and would not allow anyone to reprimand him, even when he behaved very badly. Because of this, Atilola grew to be a selfish, arrogant and spoilt child who found it difficult to obey instructions.  One day, during the rainy season, Atilola, told his mother that he was going outside to play with his friends.  ‘Stay in the neighbourhood and do not wander off into the valley; the sky is heralding rain,’ warned his mother. But, as usual, Atilola ignored his mother’s advice and ran off to find his friends. ‘Let’s go and look for honey in the beehive in Oyin valley,’  Atilola said to his friends once they had gathered together on the edge of the village.  The boys agreed, and so they all set off on the four mile journey in search of honey. But as the boys approached Oyin they noticed that th


Long time ago, there was a woman called Olurombi. This woman was  unhappy as she couldn't bare a child for her husband. She tried so many remedies but all to no avail. So she went to a spirit–tree (god) called lroko Oluwere. Iroko was a powerful tree god, people go to him and requested for things they needed from it. At the end of their requests, they will make a vow with the god to give something back as appreciation When Olurombi got to the tree god, she pleaded with the tree to give her a child. She vowed to return the child back to the powerful tree if her request was granted. Iroko was pleased with the bargain, no one has ever given him a child Some months passed, Olurombi became pregnant and had a baby girl. She was happy at last. Olurombi named the child Aponbepore meaning “the most beautiful and as red as palm oil”. Aponbepore grew up into a beautiful teenager but the mother forgot she made a pledge with the tree god. After Iroko have done enough waiting without Oluromb


Once upon a time, a feast was organized for birds in the sky. Tortoise persuaded birds that he would love to go with them but the birds refused to allow Tortoise go with them because besides not being a bird he had a reputation for being cunning and greedy But the Tortoise too was good at appealing with his great sense of humour. Finally the Birds agreed to allow him go with them One by on they contributed their feathers together and gave it to Tortoise so he could fly with them. At the point of departure, Tortoise suggested that each of them be given a name for better identification when they get to the feast, the Birds agreed Tortoise gave beautiful names to all the Birds, flattering them in the process and named himself “All of you”. then they flew to the sky and got there safely. At the point when food was to be served, the host brought the food and said “This food is for all of you”. Hearing this, Tortoise jumped at the food and claimed it was meant for him since he was the on


any years ago, in a town called Ebu there was an old woman who always came to the market to buy bundles of fire wood. One fateful morning, a young boy was walking down the road when he saw the old woman with a heap of fire wood on her head. He offered to help her and she accepted. Having walked on for about 15 minutes, he asked her if they had not gotten to her house, she replied no After walking some more into the deep forest, he asked again and the answer was the same. The woman then pointed her fingers out to a point in the forest where they could see smoke rising to the sky. It seemed more than a day's walk The boy was already very tired, and he walked slowly forward. Walking behind him, the woman was singing a song and the song went like this Mi pe we le mi adu? Pelegendepe? - did i beg you to carry my load? Adu pa t’ale, pelegendepe- it is this same load that killed your father  Adu p’ iyele- it is this same load that killed your mother Mi pe we le mi adu? pelegendepe. -


The Yoruba people occupy what is now southwestern Nigeria and parts of The Republic of Benin, According to them, this is how humans came to be In the beginning, there was only the sky above, water and marshland below.  The great god Olorun ruled the sky while the goddess Olokun( owner of the seas and goddess of wealth) ruled what was below. Obatala, feeling creative went to Olorun to ask for permission so he can create dry land and he was granted, then he went to Orunmila, Olorun's eldest son(The god of prophecy) to seek advice He was told he would need a gold chain long enough to reach below, a snail's shell filled with sand, a white hen, a black cat, and a palm nut, all of which he was to carry in a bag.  The gods contributed what gold they had, and Orunmila supplied the articles for the bag. When all was ready, Obatala used the chain to climb down from the sky with the bag hunged over his shoulder, when he reached the end of the chain he saw he still had some distance to


Long time ago, there was a man called “Aigboran”. He got married to the most beautiful woman in all the lands, her name was Aaye. He cherished her, he worshiped her like a goddess. News of his wife's beauty spread everywhere, some came to his village just to take a peek at her, because of this Aaye's business was booming. She sells beans like most other women at the village market. She was always the first to go home. But it wasn't enough for Aigboran that his wife came home early, he became jealous because he knew his closest friends had eyes for her One day, as Aigboran's friends were playing aayo olopon in his absent, Aaye was passing with her calabash of beans, one of them called out  “Aaye, Eewa re nda mi ta ewa fun mi, eewa re ni mo f era,se wa taa fun mi?(Aaye, your beauty is mesmerizing me, don’t sell beans for me, its your beauty I want to buy, will you sell it to me? Aigboran's other friends joined in the jest and refused to pay Aaye, everyon