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Along time ago, there lived a very beautiful hen. Her parents were very poor and in dept, so it was decided that who ever was able afford her ridiculously high bride price would be her groom

News of her beauty spread across all lands and soon it got to a great hawk prince. The prince decided to see for himself and so he sneaked into the hen's village unnoticed. When the hawk prince finally saw the hen he was enchanted at once, he decided that no one would have the hen. This chicken was to be his bride

The prince came with his family and as custom demand, they paid her bride price but little did the hawk know the hen and a wretched cock were madly in love. The hawk took his bride to his kingdom leaving the cock heart broken

After some time, just when the hen was starting to accept her fate, the cock could not take it any more. He could love none other besides his beloved hen. The cock sneaked into hawk's kingdom, one morning after the hawk's had gone hunting he began to crow beautifully, the hen was drawn back to the sound of his majestic voice

The old lovers reunited and made a decision to elope, this time for good. No one would ever see them again

When the hawk prince returned, he found his wife was missing and also the footprints of the cock all around his chambers. The hawk prince was devastated -- He sent message to the hen's parents to return his bride price as custom demanded but they could not as the money had already been spent to clear their dept, so he took the matter to his father "the hawk king''

The king was no lover of peace, all this while he had been ravaging lizard kingdoms but what he had always wanted was to destroy the proud chickens who thought they had the greatest voice and were the most elegant amongst birds. He sent message to hawk colonies around the world and declared war on all chickens--- The war is still on to this day



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