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Showing posts from July, 2019


WANTED 1 Shola came to visit Benita, her friend and pastor's only daughter. Benita is a child of God filled with zeal and knowledge of God. Very spiritual as well. She heads the single sisters forum in her father's church she called QUEEN'S COT. Aside being respected as the G.O's daughter, her spiritual maturity cannot be ignored. She is indeed a leader of reputable example. She would always say...." MY PARENT MADE THE WAY, BUT I MADE THE CHOICE. I AM NOT THIS WAY BECAUSE OF MY PARENTS BUT OF MY CHOICE. I MADE A CHOICE TO SERVE GOD, I WASN'T FORCED, WAS MY PERSONAL DECISION THAT'S WHY IT'S COMFORTABLE AND THAT'S WHY I DON'T HAVE TO STRUGGLE.  Shola came to invite her to a programme her course mate's church was about having. What kind of programme? Benita asked Praise night. Panam Percy Paul will be live. (Benita jumped for joy) what!!!! Serious??? I'm coming please. What an opportunity to see that gr


SWEETSIXTEEN (OlayemiJoshuaOlagunju) Now and again The life that looks through my eyes, The happiness that filled my hearth, I can't quiver the word through my mouth The expression to my latest joy, Which was penetrating continuously through my mind, my hearth and soul. And then My soul was lost together with me, Into the ocean of unforgotten tears and scars, Where I crossed the line  Into the realm of men, at the hours of men, The hungry bothered men, Ready to hunt at any prey. And again  In tears I pray In sorrow I sough, And in fear.... As my body was mesmerized by the lustrous one, iconoclast. And before him, I trembled. Again and again I was shaped into figures, I modelled before him in dishonor, And tears forced my eyes and plucked it out to touch the earth, The homunculus stirs from his roots, and strive until, Risen up, he beats me. So that I may sound in soft, hard, and middle tone. Now and again  Th


Men Do Cry (episode 1) We live in a society, where men are perceived as superhumans without the need to first verify if they have superpowers. There's so much pressure on men to be strong, perfect and fearless. Tears from a man's eyes is most often perceived as weakness and due to this, men try their best to always appear emotionless and tough. This was the reality of a ruthless lawyer named "Jaden". Back in the university days, Jaden was madly in love with a lady whom he gave his whole heart to. He made sure she never lacked anything and was everything she wanted him to be. She was his first love!  Their relationship didn't last too long before hitting the rocks. Their separation shattered Jaden's heart into tiny pieces and left him deranged. He tried his possible best to get back together with her but all efforts was fruitless. Most times, he cried while begging her to stay but her mind was already made up.  That breakup was Jaden's