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Lara's dilemma(episode 2 and 3)

💋 lora's dilemma💋

Episode 2💕

Jason's POV..
Wow.. in a few minutes I'll be in Nigeria.. can't wait to see everyone.. most especially Lara.. I love her so much.. I just hope she forgives me for what happened 5 years ago...
✨Flash back✨
5 years ago...
It was one of our yearly vacation.. it's something we normally do every year since we were little, Lara, Dassey, Berlin, Davis and our nannies... We always went with our nannies cause our parents were always too busy..
Buh that year we all decided to go without our nannies.. because we were old enough to take care of least that was what we thought..
Our parents agreed as usual.. and we 
all decided to go to Las Vegas.. Lara was just 17 then and in her second year in school.. same with the girls.. while Davis and I were 19 years old ..
Anyways Lara insisted we all stay in separate rooms in the hotel we lodged in and we agreed..
It was really fun, we met new friends and visited so many places.. and to crown it all I was with the love of my life.. we were already dating then...
So the night before we were to leave.. we gathered in Davis room and chatted for hours.. until Berlin suggested we play t or d we all agreed and started playing.. I was dared to kiss Lara a couple of times, of course we did it .. we were allowed to kiss, and romance.. buh Lara made it clear that she wanted a no sex relationship and I gladly accepted..
After many rounds, Lara was dared to drink 5cups of vodka..
I was really mad at Davis for this..I asked her not to, but she I took 5 cups as well, after the game.. I took her to her room.. it was so hard, cause she was always hitting and kicking me to let go of her.. she was totally drunk and so was I..
When we finally got to her room... I dropped her on her bed and turned to leave.. but she pulled me back, causing me to fall on her.. our eyes locked and I could see her beautiful brown eyes sparkling.. I kissed her with all my heart...and she responded to it .. it was getting hotter by the second and before I knew it, I was already inside her.. 
I woke up the next morning because of my alarm.. wait, that sounds like la... I couldn't finish tinking, when she shouted again.. ahhhhhh, I couldn't help but jump out of the bed.., what the hell are you doing here? She asked with her eyes closed.. that was when I realized I was in her room unclad.. oh fuck.. I just hope I didn't touch her.. wait what's that? Is that blood? She asked with her eyes now open wide.. she turned to look at me and shouted again.. probably noticing that am naked.. I quickly wore my boxers and clothes, she was covering herself with the duvet.. I walked slowly to were she sat on the bed.. that was when I noticed she was crying.. baby am sorry I said almost crying.. will sorry bring back my virginity? She asked rhetorically.. you took advantage of me.. YOU TOOK MY DIGNITY! She yelled.. Lara listen to me, we were both drunk.. I don't know what... Get out, she said in a quiet tone.. Baby... I said get out, she yelled....

Back to the present
And that was the last time I talked to her.. and for some reason my dad told me to continue my education abroad and that was exactly what I did, after my graduation..i became the new ceo of my dad's company in America.. I tried so much to move on but I couldn't ..and now am back for my woman..

Lora's POV 
After they left.. I sat on the floor and I couldn't help but remember my child.. I didn't realize that I was already crying.. I just sat there the whole night..
Lara.. wake up it's morning already.. Berlin said.. oh my I must have fallen asleep..I said to myself.. I have already picked your clothes, Dassey is making breakfast.. so all you have to do is bathe.. she said smiling.. you didn't have to Berlin..I said and hugged her, good morning.. I said. Morning.. now go freshen up.. we have to go to work.. she said in a commanding tone... Yes ma'am.. I replied her obediently.. that's my girl.. lol you're crazy..

We arrived at the hospital at exactly 8:00am.. we work together..
I have a lot of work to do.. . Uhm my phone is ringing... Who could that be..I muttered to myself.. I opened my bag and was searching for my phone.. Lora watch out.. Dassey shouted.. too late, I bumped into some one and we are both laying on the floor, with me on top of him..
Wow broad chest, Adams apple red lips.. pointed nose and those eyes look familiar.. I gasped..could it be, Jason! I half yelled

💋 Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 3💕
Jason's POV..
I didn't see Lara at my homecoming party, last night.. but her dad was there though.. he hasn't changed a bit, he still very funny and full of life.. before he left..he gave me Lara's address, phone number and office address.. he asked me to give her a surprise visit at the hospital .. whenever I was
So here I am in the hospital.. I was talking to the receptionist when my phone rang..oh it's Davis..
Hey man... Jason the girls are here.. he said in an excited tone... What! Where? I asked feeling nervous already.. inside the hospital man..he replied.. what the fuck? I told you to inform me before they get in..I half yelled.. sorry man..he replied and hanged up.. oh my God.. please help me..
Lara watch out.. I turned to see who it was and then.. boom..i was on the floor with a lady on top of me.. she slowly raised her head.. Jason! She yelled..

Dassey's POV
It all happened so fast.. Jason is back.. I can't believe this.. we need to help Lara I said and pulled Berlin with me.. we helped her up and straightened her clothes for her... Lara we have to go.. no response.. Lara..Lara! ..wh.. what? She asked startled.. we have to go.. oh.. okay..she said staring at the floor.. hi Jason, welcome back.. I said but he was just staring at Lara.. see you later Jason.. Berlin said and smiled.. yeah sure he replied we turned and left for our different department.

Lara's POV
It was as if the ground should open and swallow me,.we just stood there staring at each other.. I don't know about him, but am not gonna be the first one to talk.. plus am not sure am ready for this.. I mean this cute, tall good-looking guy was my first love..he took my virginity without my consent..and left the country two days after.. he couldn't even call or message.. he left me shattered with a child..urghh I just want to punch the living daylight out of him.. and the worst part is that I think I still love him..
Uhm.. hi Lara, please can I talk to you for a second? He asked.. yeah sure.. I replied him with a straight face.. he looked around.. some where private please? He begged.. okay come with me.. I said and walked into the elevator and he followed me..i noticed he was staring at me.. but I tried as much as possible to avoid his eyes.. we finally arrived at the 13th floor and I walked out and headed towards my office.. I met my secretary julliet typing on her laptop.. immediately she saw me she stood up to greet me.. good morning ma.. good morning julliet.. goo. Good morning sir.. she said staring at Jason like a lost cow.. I don't blame her though he's hot.. wait what am I saying.. good morning he replied.. I grabbed his hands and pulled him to my office... I left his hand and sat down on my chair..
So what do you want Jason? I asked him.. he sighed and sat down on the chair opposite me.. I want you Lara.. he replied.. I was furious, I got up and walked up to him.. you need I believe you have said whatever you want to say.. so please leave..I have patients to attend to.. I said avoiding his gaze.. he got up and before I could say jack.. Bam! I was already pinned to the wall. .. our eyes locked.. and I melted for him that instant.. Lara I don't care how it's gonna happen.. but I will make you mine again.. he said more like a whisper. . Not after these years Jason..I said in a weak tone.. he smiled and brought his down to my face... He placed soft kisses on my neck.. I couldn't help but moan.. he knows how much I like that... Jason stop please . I begged he raised his head and looked into my eyes.. I love you Lara he whispered and that was it.. he brought his face down again and this time he kissed me and I kissed him back... To be continued

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