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Longed For You (episode 1)

Love is a vital factor that completes our lives no matter how much you want to deny it. There’s always a secret desire to love and be loved by someone special other than your family and friends. So many good people haven’t been fortunate with love and therefore, have totally shut their hearts toward receiving or giving love. Now buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a ride down the memory lane of Catherine. 

Catherine was a successful career woman who thrived in anything she puts her mind to. She was a perfect example of an independent, smart and fierce young woman. Her standards were so high that one needed to climb a ladder in order to reach them. She was classy to a fault and carried herself with so much confidence. The main reason behind the burning passion of her career pursuit was the fact that her career was the only thing she could control, as her past relationships didn’t favor her. 

Due to Catherine’s career accomplishments and standards, men didn’t want to come too close because they felt she was too much of a woman for them to handle. Catherine knew why men ran away from her, but that didn’t stop her from pushing even harder. “The way you’re going about this your career is too much, aren’t you planning on settling down anytime soon?” Her mum often asked but Catherine always gave deaf ears to her mother’s counsel or advice. She usually tried to convince herself that she was doing just fine being single and didn’t need any man, but deep down, Catherine knew she was deceiving and lying to herself. There was just this void in her heart that neither money nor any accomplishment of hers could fill. 

Years passed by but the void was still there; she tried to get involved with so many activities in order to see if that feeling would go away but unfortunately, it was still there. Catherine got involved in many charity events and tried to convince herself that the love she received from the children whenever she did those charity works were enough for her, but that wasn’t the case as she still felt that void regardless of anything she did. 

Catherine was the bread winner of her family, she worked so hard to eradicate the poverty in her family and never had the time to live a normal teenage or youth life. While they were still poor, she felt money was the key to happiness so she did everything in her power to take her family out of poverty but when she got the money, she realized there were things money couldn’t buy and one of such things is Genuine Love! 

Life carried on as usual till Catherine had an encounter that changed her life. One fateful day, she was headed for an important meeting with the board of her firm but made a quick stop at the bank to make some deposits. Immediately Catherine entered the bank, she hurriedly headed to the deposit slip section to get a slip. There were so many people in the bank that morning so the bank pen were all taken. She searched her bag for pen but couldn’t find any and sighed in disappointment. As she bent down to search her bag again, a voice from beside her said “You can have mine”. Catherine lifted her head only to see a tall gentleman with a pen in his hand.

For a second, she was caught up in his handsomeness and gentle approach, “Thank you” she said with a faint smile and immediately collected the pen. As she wrote on her slip, she tried to catch another glimpse of him but he had shifted from were he initially stood. After about a minute, she was done writing and turned to give the stranger back his pen but he was nowhere to be found. Catherine looked away and focused on what she quickly came to the bank to do. 

The transaction lasted for just (6) six minutes and she set off to leave. Immediately Catherine stepped her foot outside the bank building, there the stranger was in his car, buying a news paper from a vendor close to the bank gate. She got inside her car and drove to where he was parked and beeped her car horn, “Hello, you left your pen with me, please have it” she said, “You can have it just incase you need to write something down later today” he said smiling. Catherine was a bit impressed with the authority and confidence he displayed, “No man has ever given me anything before, because they feel I have everything” she thought to herself, “He even reads newspapers, what a modern old fashioned man” she added. 

As these thoughts kept playing in her mind, she still tried to act cool. “Thank you, I appreciate but insist that you have your pen back” she said as she stretched her hands through the window, handing the pen to him. The stranger felt it was no big deal and smiled, “It’s just a pen, sometimes it’s good to let people be nice to you. This life isn’t that difficult, you know!” he said. His words sank into Catherine’s head and for a second, she felt powerless as the stranger’s words had humbled her. She thanked him once again and drove off. 

On her way to the office, Catherine kept thinking of what the stranger at the bank said and for some strange reasons, she felt powerless for the first time in her life. Deep down her heart, she admired his calm yet authoritative nature. “No man ever talks to me that way, they are always easy going and agree to anything I say without countering it or challenging me” she thought to herself. Catherine wished she could see the stranger again but it seemed almost impossible because she didn’t even get the chance to know his name. 

Catherine finally arrived at the office and the meeting started. The board tackled a lot of issues the company was facing and their IT security update was one of them. An order was issued to contact an IT company that would work on the issue as soon as possible. 

After the meeting, everyone went back to their offices but Catherine sat at the board room lost in thoughts. Her secretary walked in and found her still seated at the board room and wondered if everything was ok with her. “Are you ok ma’am?” she curiously asked, “Yes I am, why?” Catherine responded, “Nothing, it’s just that you have been sitting here for a while now” her secretary said. Catherine assured her that all was fine and instructed her to get back to work. 

The day finally came to an end but differently this time around, because there was a seed planted in her mind by the stranger and it had already started germinating. She kept questioning herself all night and admired the stranger as well. 

Days passed and a reputable IT company was contacted for the security issue Catherine’s firm was facing. Their best person was sent for the job and he turned out to be the guy Catherine met in the bank days back. “Welcome sir, please what’s your name?” the receptionist asked, “My name is Nelson” he replied, “Ok, kindly follow me” the secretary said and took him to the IT room of the firm. 

All these while, Catherine was at her office and didn’t realize that the man she had been thinking about for a while now was downstairs at the IT room. Words came to her later that the person working on their security issue was around, so she went to see how the work was going. She arrived at the IT office and opened the door but couldn’t catch a glimpse of his face because he was backing her.  “Hello, well done!” Catherine encouragingly said and Nelson turned towards her direction.

One look at themselves and they already recognized each other, “Aren’t you the guy from” she said and was about completing her sentence before Nelson cut her off by saying “Yes I am”. 

End of episode 1 😉

Longed For You (episode 2)

Catherine was extremely excited to see the stranger that got her mind all worked up lately. She secretly admired him on his nice official uniform and instantly had goosebumps when he smiled at her. Nelson wasn't as excited to see her as she was excited to see him. To him, she was just a lady he met few days ago at the bank. 

"Hello, nice to see you again" Nelson greeted, "Nice to see you again too" Catherine responded, "How's the work going?" She added, and he told her everything was fine. Catherine was lost of words to say and decided to end the conversation that almost seemed one sided. "I'll just get back to work and let you concentrate on your business" she said and wanted to leave when Nelson stopped her by asking if she worked there. Catherine smiled as she didn't know how to tell him that she actually owned the company which he came to work in. "This is my company, I own it" she proudly said with her chin up, "That's great! Ok do take care" Nelson said and turned to continue with what he was initially doing before she came in. 

For a minute, Catherine was beyond shocked as she couldn't believe he reacted so causally over a revelation such as that. She managed to walk out of the IT room and headed back to her office. "Who is this excessively confident man that isn't smitten or intimidated by my career accomplishments" she thought to herself and could hardly concentrate. 

As she sat in her office, her mind wasn't with her but with the gentleman working on her firm's IT security downstairs. She thought about him all through and couldn't get her mind off him. Catherine occasionally peeped through her window to see if he had left, but could still sight his car at the parking lot, she recognised the car because that was the exact car he drove the day they met at the bank. 

After about 3 hours, Catherine's secretary came to inform her that the IT security work had been done, "Ma'am, Nelson the IT personnel said I should inform you that the system has been upgraded" her secretary said. Catherine couldn't help but admire his name, "It's his name Nelson?" She curiously asked and her secretary nodded "Yes". Catherine instructed her secretary to bring Nelson to her office so she could finalise some things before he finally leaves. 

In on time, Nelson arrived at her officer looking enchanting in his well ironed official uniform, "Please sit" she instructed and he took his seat. Nelson looked into her eyes and dimmed his eyes in an attractive way, "why are you staring at me like that?" Catherine asked with a smile on her face, "Nothing, let's just get to why you wanted to see me" he bluntly said, still looking into her eyes. 

Catherine's heart was racing but she tried her best to stay calm. "I just want to thank you for a job well done and also enquire if there was anything in the agreement you weren't ok with" she said but Nelson told her all was good. "I actually have a game to catch this evening so I guess I'll see you some other time" he said and got up to leave. 

Deep down in Catherine's heart, she didn't want him to go but didn't want to trade her dignity either. She silently wished he could ask another question so she could capitalise on that to push the conversation further and God answered her prayers. Just as he was about to leave, he turned and said "I haven't gotten the chance to know your name. I would like to know your name so I get to address you with it when next we meet". With a faint smile on her face, she said "My name is Catherine and you?", "I'm Nelson" he replied. 

They further exchange pleasantries and smiled to each other. "Did you visit all these slum areas?" He asked referring to Catherine's pictures on the wall, "Yes I did, I do alot of charity work" she replied. 

Nelson was a bit impressed and encouraged her to keep it up. She thanked him and urged him to try and pick interest in charity outreach too. "My mum does a lot of charity work and I'm a major sponsor for it. Since I don't usually have the time to personally reach out, I let my monetary support stand in for me" he said and walked back to his seat and sat down again. 

Catherine was super excited that they were having a conversation, she cherished every moment and paid close attention to the things that came off his mouth. Catherine was amazed of how much of a gentleman he was and immediately knew he was raised well. 

"I'll be going for a game this evening, do you want to come?" He asked, "I don't even know what fun means and don't know if I can" she replied. Nelson smiled and told her that it wasn't that bad, "I'll teach you, don't worry" he added.

After a while of conversing, Nelson got up to leave and reminded Catherine of the venue and time the game would be holding. "Don't forget to put on a sneakers" he said smiling before bidding goodbye. 

Catherine was beyond happy and didn't know why everything about Nelson felt different. "His spirit is calm and so is his personality" she thought to herself. She couldn't concentrate further as she kept thinking of what to wear for the upcoming game. 

At close of work that day, she hurriedly went home and prepared to head to the sports arena she was invite to. One look at Nelson from a distance and she almost dropped dead, "How can a man be so handsome and complete" she thought to herself. As he walked closer to her, she immediately comported herself and acted normal. "Wow! You made it, I'm glad" Nelson happily said and she blushed. "Let's just get to it because I'll leave by 6pm" she said smiling. 

The long tennis game started and Nelson was paired with Catherine. "You can do this!" He encouraged and she happily nodded in agreement. They weren't so fortunate in the first round because Catherine couldn't play well. Nelson carried the whole burden and played for the both of them.

In the second round, they started winning because Catherine already learnt how to play better. They won that round and the next and were declared the winners. For the first time in a long while, Catherine was totally happy and felt a way she hadn't felt all her life. They jumped in excitement and gave each other a High five!

After the game, Catherine set out to leave so Nelson walked her to her car. "How do you feel now?" He asked, "I honestly don't know how I feel because I haven't had this much fun in a long while" she replied smiling. "It seems like you work alot, hope you have time for yourself though?" He reluctantly asked and she nodded Yes. 

As they got closer to Catherine's car, Nelson jokingly said "the man that has you is lucky". Catherine paused, looked at him and smiled, "Well there's no man yet" she said and redirected his compliment back to him. "The woman that has you is lucky because you're a good man" she said and Nelson replied "Thank you".

For a moment Catherine was shocked as she thought since he didn't counter the statement, that meant he had a woman in his life. 

She looked into his eyes and curiously asked "Are you taken?"

End of episode 2 😉

Longed For You (episode 3)

Catherine was dying in confusion and at the same time, silently praying that Nelson wasn't taken. She didn't know if she could ever survive the heartbreak of Nelson having a girlfriend, thereby making him unavailable for her. As she asked him the question, she held her heart within in preparation for the reply. Catherine was tensed! 

"Are you taken?" She repeated and Nelson smiled, "Do I look taken?" He asked "It's not always written on one's face you know!" She replied smiling. Catherine's smile wasn't from her heart as she was still scared, hoping her doubts weren't true. Nelson looked at her with a smile on his face and said "I'm very much single". 

Those words that came off his mouth gave her unexplainable joy but she tried her possible best not to express it. She took a deep breath of relief and smiled. "Do you want to give me a girlfriend?" Nelson jokingly asked and Catherine laughed out loud. "I wish I had friends, I would have definitely hooked you up with one of the them because you are a nice man" she said. Nelson blushed and told her he would have also done same for her if he had a good befitting friend for her. 

They talked for a while and weren't aware that time had been far spent. Nelson thought it was best to let Catherine go because she initially didn't plan on staying that long there. "You said you weren't going to stay after 6pm and it's 7pm now" Nelson said smiling, "shots fired, you actually got me there. Ok bye!" She said and entered her car to leave. Nelson actually liked her company and honestly wished she could stay more but knew she had to go. "Can I see you again? He asked. 

Catherine's heart skipped a beat as she never thought he loves her company or was attracted to her. Deep down in her heart, she wanted to shout a big "Yes" but comported herself. "Sure you can, I really love your company" she said smiling. Nelson was happy and asked if it would be ok for him to get her number and she willingly gave it to him. Nelson bid her goodbye and shut the car door for her. 

As Catherine drove home, she beamed with smiles and couldn't stop blushing. She was crazily crushing on Nelson and kept praying that he feels the same way for her as she feels for him. "I don't even know if he's into me at all" she thought to herself as she drove home

On the other hand, Nelson liked her too but was scared that she didn't feel the same way for him. He was doing quite well for himself career wise too, as he was the most sort after IT personnel in the territory he resided in. So many companies wanted Nelson to work for them and always tried to poach him from any place he worked in. He furthered his education abroad and knew his craft very well. 

Due to his modest background and upbringing, he wasn't intimidated by Catherine's career accomplishments at all, he only admired her determination and commended her for it within. He thought of ways to get closer to her to see if the chemistry he was feeling was real, "I'll call her tomorrow or is it too soon" he asked himself and finally decided to follow his heart. 

The next day, Nelson was extremely busy with work all day but finally had the time to call her towards evening time. He dialed her number but she didn't pick and after two attempts, he sent a text to check up on her and it read "Hi Catherine, I just wanted to check up on you to know if you're doing ok. Ensure to take care! Nelson". 

After sending the text, it wasn't up to 7 minutes before Catherine called back. "Hello Nelson, I'm sorry for not picking earlier, it's just that I don't pick numbers which aren't stored in my phone" she explained, "I totally understand, I wouldn't pick an unknown number myself too" he said. Catherine was happy that he understood and enquired how he was doing and he said he was great. "Hope you have something in your stomach?" He asked, "I wish I do, I'm starving" she jokingly said. Nelson asked her if she was down to have dinner with him but she told him she still had some work to do at the office, "You can't work on an empty stomach, let me take you out for dinner" he asked and after much deliberation, she finally accepted.

He told her to wait for him, that he would come and pick her up, "But I have a car, let me just drive down to where we're meeting" she said. "Don't worry, I want to pick you up so you don't get to stress too much" he gently said. 

Catherine fell deeper in love with his personality and gentleness. She just liked everything about him and admired his choice of words. After much thought, She agreed to let him pick her up so she waited for him at her office. She was happy to be taken care of by someone, as everyone always felt she was rich and had everything. 

In no time, Nelson arrived and called to inform her that he was downstairs. Catherine happily went to meet him and they drove off to where they were to have dinner. They arrived, ordered their meal and started eating. 

Catherine kept looking at Nelson's own food till he asked if she wanted to try some. "How did you know I wanted some?" She asked smiling, "because you have been starting at my food for a while now" he said. 

Nelson pushed his food to the centre of the table and Catherine happily ate with him. He chuckled at every scoop she took of his food and she blushed whenever he chuckled. 

When they were done eating, Nelson favourite song came on and her asked if she wanted to dance with him. "I'm a terrible dancer" Catherine said in a shy manner, "don't worry, I'll teach you" he said and stretched his hands towards her. Catherine held his hands and got up from where she sat. They walked to the dance floor and danced slowly. Nelson held her on the waist and she laid her head on his shoulders, "damn! He smells so good" she thought to herself and rolled her eyes. 

They slowly danced till they got lost in each other's touch. Nelson moved his head up and looked into her shinny eyes. Catherine's heart kept beating fast as she held him tightly. 

Before Catherine knew what was happening, Nelson moved his head towards hers and kissed her lips. 

End of episode 3 😉

Longed For You (episode 4)
Second-to-last episode

Love is not a respecter of person, place or circumstances, as it can happen anytime and anywhere. Nelson and Catherine's first kiss lasted for over one minute before they parted their lips. Catherine was very shy and tried to avoid eye contacts with Nelson. He figured she was shy and tried to apologise for taking her unaware with the kiss, but she told him it was mutual. 

"I honestly don't know why I did that, I guess it's because I'm into you and feel a different type of way when I'm with you" he confessed, "It's Ok, I kissed you back so that means I feel same way" she said. "Should we continue our dance or leave?" Nelson asked and Catherine told him she wanted them to continue with the dance. They danced a little more before leaving.

Nelson had to drive Catherine back to the office so she could get her car because it was still parked there. The ride to Catherine's office was a silent one as they hadn't still gotten over the kiss they shared not long ago. Nelson was drawn to her and wanted to make the first move by making his intentions known to her, but didn't know if the time was right. 

On the other hand, Catherine's mind was in a wonderland filled with beautiful fairies. Butterflies were dancing in her stomach and she occasionally bit her lips whenever she remembered how sweet Nelson's lips were. She was lost in thoughts and didn't even know when Nelson arrived at her office. "We're here" he said and she immediately snapped out of her imagination and realised that they had gotten to her destination. "Thank you for tonight and everything" she said and opened the door to alight but Nelson stopped her. "Can we talk?" He asked, "sure we can" she replied. 

Nelson looked into her eyes and kept thinking of how he was going to make his intentions known to Catherine. "I know this is too soon but I think if I don't say it sooner, I might never have the chance to say it again. Catherine, I can't explain it but I'm into you and want to give us a shot if you're willing to accept me Into your life. I need you and if it was up to me, I wouldn't want you to leave tonight or ever because you always make me happy" He said. 

For a moment, Catherine felt she was dreaming and didn't want to wake up if it were a dream. "Is Nelson actually saying all this to me?" She shockingly asked herself. If there wasn't anyone watching, Catherine would have jumped for joy and dance till her feet got sour; Her joy knew no bound as this was the first time she wanted someone this much in her life. 

When Nelson was done talking, she looked into his eyes, smiled, leaned forward and kissed him. Nelson wasn't expecting the kiss but embraced it with all his heart. They kissed for a long time and didn't want to stop this time around. Nelson unhooked his seat belt so he could caress her hair and neck properly. They were so caught up in the moment but was careful not to pass their limits either. 

After a while, Catherine stopped kissing back and smiled. Nelson smiled more and asked her if the kiss meant that she felt same way for him and she nodded "Yes". Her positive response brought unexplainable joy to his heart and they promised to put in their 100% effort to make the relationship work. 

It was a beautiful day indeed for them as a promising relationship was birthed. They went home happy and felt wanted by each other. They had mutual feelings for each other and wanted the best for their relationship. 

Just a month into the relationship and Catherine was already glowing in such a way that people who used to know her before, knew that something had changed. Nelson was the best partner one could wish for because he treated her like a queen. Catherine gave him maximum respect and care in return. He never demanded anything from her but was rather the one always showering her with gifts. Catherine's life changed alot as she learned patience, love and endurance. She loved Nelson with all her heart and didn't want to ever lose him.  

Their relationship grew stronger but something essential was lacking. Nelson felt that Catherine was always busy with work and gave him less attention and time. They talked about it many times and Catherine promised to change but never did. It wasn't really her fault because she had a company to run on a daily basis, so it demanded most of her time. 

Nelson's career was tasking too, but he didn't let his relationship suffer due to that. He made sure to always make out time for Catherine whenever she needed him but she was always nowhere to be found whenever he needed her company. Catherine usually tried to make it up to him on Saturdays and Sundays but it wasn't enough time for them to bond properly. Nelson became tired of complaining and never brought the topic up again whenever they met. 

After a little while, Nelson's feelings for Catherine started diminishing. She noticed and tried to enquire what the problem was but he never opened up to her since little or nothing would be done about it. 

One day, he texted her and told her to meet up with him at his house after work. Catherine initially agreed but couldn't make it afterwards due to heavy work pressure. Nelson became worried and called her on phone to enquire why she wasn't at his house yet. "Hi baby" he greeted when she picked, "hello darling, I'm so sorry for not informing you earlier but I don't think I can make it today again" she sadly said. 

Nelson became fed up and angry, "You know what? I think I need to give you enough space to sort yourself and make your priorities straight. I'm done with all this" he furiously said. 

Catherine's heart skipped several beats at the word "Space" and tried to make him explain what he meant but he cut her off and said "I'm done Catherine, take care!". 

"What do you mean by you're done?" She asked in a shaky tone but Nelson ended the call. 

End of episode 4 😉

Longed for you (episode 5)
Last episode! 

The most painful thing that can happen to anyone is losing someone you love. For a moment, Catherine's life seemed as though it was coming to an end. She didn't want to acknowledge the words that came out of Nelson's mouth because she obviously didn't need any space. 

"What on earth does he mean by giving me space? Did I ever say I needed space" she asked herself. Catherine was still in denial and didn't want to accept the fact that Nelson was done with their relationship. She immediately grabbed her bag and hurriedly walked to her car. Her secretary was confused as to why Catherine left the office in such a hurry, when she had a meeting to attend. "Ma'am where are you going to? Your meeting is in 20 minutes" her secretary asked when she eventually caught up with her, "Reschedule the meeting and inform the board" Catherine said and drove off. 

On the ride to Nelson's house, Catherine wallowed in regret and wished she had done something sooner concerning her constant absence in Nelson's life. "What am I going to do now? But I don't need any space so why does he feel I need one. I can't lose him, I don't know if I can ever replace him" she thought to herself as she headed to his house. 

In no time, Catherine arrived at Nelson's house. She knocked countlessly but there wasn't any response from him or anyone. She became worried and tried to call him on phone but his line wasn't connecting. Catherine almost dropped dead as her heart was beating uncontrollably. "Where has he gone to by this time of the day?" He nervously asked herself. 

Just as Catherine was about to dial his line again, she remembered that she had a spare key to his apartment and sighed in relief. She silently prayed to find the key in her bag as she search vigorously. After a little search, she found the key and immediately opened the door. "Hey baby, it's me!" She said as she walked through Nelson's living room. 

After calling out Nelson's name for about 4 times without any response, It finally dawned on Catherine that he wasn't around. She tiredly laid on his couch and waited for him to return from wherever he went to. 

As Catherine laid on the couch, she thought of how she hadn't given her 100% to Nelson. She regretted her actions and wished she could turn back the hands of time, in order to undo every wrong she had done to her beloved Nelson. "There's nothing I wouldn't give up just to ensure that my relationship work, because I honestly can't imagine my life without him" she said as tears fell off her eyes. 

Just as she reminisced on all the wrongs she did to Nelson and how she could have done better, the door opened and she ran to know who was entering inside. Lo & behold, it was Nelson! 

Catherine held her heart as she stood in front of him with tears in her eyes. "Why are you here?" Nelson asked with a straight face, "Baby please can we talk?" She enquired but he said No. Catherine started panicking but tried as much as possible to hold herself together. "Nelson I'm so sorry, I know I haven't done enough as I could have done better. I worked so hard to get to where I am in my career and never had anyone to do anything for me. My family barely ate 2 square meals a day before, I have been through so much and I guess that's why I held on tightly to my career. Every man I have ever tried to love gave me reasons to regret my decision. My past relationship didn't end so well so I made up my mind to hold on to my career with all my heart because that was the only thing I could control. I love you and don't want to lose you because there's no money that's worth losing you for. Please forgive me and give me another chance. I don't want any space at all because you're all the space I need. I have longed for a partner like you, so I would be making one of the greatest mistakes in my life if I lost you because of this reason" Catherine said with tears falling off her eyes. 

Nelson was touched and felt bad for thinking about himself alone and not considering the fact that she might be going through alot of pressure too. "He didn't mean what he said to her earlier but acted out of anger. "I'm sorry for being selfish and not considering how much you have worked to get to where you are. I only felt unattended to and at the bottom of your priority list. I work so hard too but always make out time for you and wished you did same for me too. I don't want any space either because I don't want to ever be away from you. I love you baby and I'm glad you're here" he said. 

Catherine broke down in uncontrollable tears and Nelson hugged her even tighter. "It's ok, stop crying" he said as he wiped the tears off her eyes. "I thought I lost you" she said sobbing, "I'm going nowhere, we are in this together and would figure a way to make it work" Nelson said. 

They made new commitments and promised to always put each other first in everything they did and decisions they took. Their relationship took a good direction and things gradually became better. 

No one is perfect but we are all trying the best we can to be better. Appreciate every little effort your partner makes to ensure that you're happy because you never know the sacrifice they made to put that smile on your face.

Money comes and goes but love endures forever. Chose to love and be loved over any other thing in his life, because on the last days of our lives, we wouldn't worry much about the money stocked up in our accounts, but rather, we would be more concerned about the people beside our beds. Love always conquers all.

End of story! 
Thanks for staying tuned till the end,


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