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Lara's dilemma complete episodes (story by Anna)

💋Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 1👑
I woke with a serious headache.. I had that nightmare again.. I checked the time 6: 45, ouch.. am gonna be late, all thanks to dad.. I rushed to the bathroom and did my daily routine, I came out and walked to the closet, I picked out a black trouser and a grey sleeve.. brushed my hair and added a little makeup.. I picked my keys, phone and bag and rushed downstairs.. dad was already sitted in the dining, while the maids were setting the table..
Good morning sir, I walked up to him and pecked him.. good morning my princess, how was your night? he asked.. uhm as always.. I replied feeling a little sad.. u had that nightmare again? 
I have to go Dad, do take care of yourself.. I said ignoring his question..
Okay, you are going to your house?.. Yeah.. but I will drop by the office.. I replied
Okay, drive safely he said.. yes dad..I replied already heading out.. oh and Jason is coming today, please check on him when you are less busy..he yelled... NEVER! I yelled back..

So that's what happened.. I already told the girls what happened between me and Dad.. we live together in a four bedroom duplex.. I was laying on the couch in my room.. Berlin was on my bed and Dassey was on the floor.. she likes it.. okay so your dad wants you to marry Jason? Dassey asked.. I turned my head to look at her.. I believe I just said that.. I replied..

Berlin's POV
Then go ahead, you both loved each other then, and if not for the cruelty of death.. your child would have been alive.. Dassey said.. I immediately looked her with the you are so dead look, she knows how much Lara has gone through.. Dassey shut up.. Lara don't listen to her she's drunk I guess..I said.. buh she just kept quiet.. so I got up and told Dassey to come with me, she needs privacy..

Dassey's POV
I knew I shouldn't have said that.. how do I say sorry now.. I was still thinking when Berlin asked me to go with her.. I sighed and got up.. am sorry Lara I said..

💋Lara's dilemma 💋

What!.. no way dad.. I hate Jason or whatever it is they call him and there is no way, absolutely no way am gonna marry him... I half yelled across 
the room.. but I thought you were friends.. he said in a quiet tone.. yeah we were, UNTIL HE LEFT!..
Lara..., I need to sleep Dad, good night.. and with that I lay on my bed and closed my eyes.. seeing this, he sighed and kissed me good night..
I love my dad so much, he has always been there for me, after mom ran away.. urghh I hate her so much..
My name is Adewole Omolara..buh my friends call me Lara, this is a story of how I died and went to heaven.. lol just joking, so where was I? oo right I was introducing myself, I am 22 years old.. light skinned and average in height, one of the best doctors in the country (Nigeria).. my dad is a very wealthy business tycoon.. and also very influential.. well that's enough about me..
There are four important people in my life.. the first duo are Berlin and Dassey they are my best friends.. you'll find out about the others later..

💋 lora's dilemma💋

Episode 2💕

Jason's POV..
Wow.. in a few minutes I'll be in Nigeria.. can't wait to see everyone.. most especially Lara.. I love her so much.. I just hope she forgives me for what happened 5 years ago...
✨Flash back✨
5 years ago...
It was one of our yearly vacation.. it's something we normally do every year since we were little, Lara, Dassey, Berlin, Davis and our nannies... We always went with our nannies cause our parents were always too busy..
Buh that year we all decided to go without our nannies.. because we were old enough to take care of least that was what we thought..
Our parents agreed as usual.. and we 
all decided to go to Las Vegas.. Lara was just 17 then and in her second year in school.. same with the girls.. while Davis and I were 19 years old ..
Anyways Lara insisted we all stay in separate rooms in the hotel we lodged in and we agreed..
It was really fun, we met new friends and visited so many places.. and to crown it all I was with the love of my life.. we were already dating then...
So the night before we were to leave.. we gathered in Davis room and chatted for hours.. until Berlin suggested we play t or d we all agreed and started playing.. I was dared to kiss Lara a couple of times, of course we did it .. we were allowed to kiss, and romance.. buh Lara made it clear that she wanted a no sex relationship and I gladly accepted..
After many rounds, Lara was dared to drink 5cups of vodka..
I was really mad at Davis for this..I asked her not to, but she I took 5 cups as well, after the game.. I took her to her room.. it was so hard, cause she was always hitting and kicking me to let go of her.. she was totally drunk and so was I..
When we finally got to her room... I dropped her on her bed and turned to leave.. but she pulled me back, causing me to fall on her.. our eyes locked and I could see her beautiful brown eyes sparkling.. I kissed her with all my heart...and she responded to it .. it was getting hotter by the second and before I knew it, I was already inside her.. 
I woke up the next morning because of my alarm.. wait, that sounds like la... I couldn't finish tinking, when she shouted again.. ahhhhhh, I couldn't help but jump out of the bed.., what the hell are you doing here? She asked with her eyes closed.. that was when I realized I was in her room unclad.. oh fuck.. I just hope I didn't touch her.. wait what's that? Is that blood? She asked with her eyes now open wide.. she turned to look at me and shouted again.. probably noticing that am naked.. I quickly wore my boxers and clothes, she was covering herself with the duvet.. I walked slowly to were she sat on the bed.. that was when I noticed she was crying.. baby am sorry I said almost crying.. will sorry bring back my virginity? She asked rhetorically.. you took advantage of me.. YOU TOOK MY DIGNITY! She yelled.. Lara listen to me, we were both drunk.. I don't know what... Get out, she said in a quiet tone.. Baby... I said get out, she yelled....

Back to the present
And that was the last time I talked to her.. and for some reason my dad told me to continue my education abroad and that was exactly what I did, after my graduation..i became the new ceo of my dad's company in America.. I tried so much to move on but I couldn't ..and now am back for my woman..

Lora's POV 
After they left.. I sat on the floor and I couldn't help but remember my child.. I didn't realize that I was already crying.. I just sat there the whole night..
Lara.. wake up it's morning already.. Berlin said.. oh my I must have fallen asleep..I said to myself.. I have already picked your clothes, Dassey is making breakfast.. so all you have to do is bathe.. she said smiling.. you didn't have to Berlin..I said and hugged her, good morning.. I said. Morning.. now go freshen up.. we have to go to work.. she said in a commanding tone... Yes ma'am.. I replied her obediently.. that's my girl.. lol you're crazy..

We arrived at the hospital at exactly 8:00am.. we work together..
I have a lot of work to do.. . Uhm my phone is ringing... Who could that be..I muttered to myself.. I opened my bag and was searching for my phone.. Lora watch out.. Dassey shouted.. too late, I bumped into some one and we are both laying on the floor, with me on top of him..
Wow broad chest, Adams apple red lips.. pointed nose and those eyes look familiar.. I gasped..could it be, Jason! I half yelled
💋 Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 3💕
Jason's POV..
I didn't see Lara at my homecoming party, last night.. but her dad was there though.. he hasn't changed a bit, he still very funny and full of life.. before he left..he gave me Lara's address, phone number and office address.. he asked me to give her a surprise visit at the hospital .. whenever I was
So here I am in the hospital.. I was talking to the receptionist when my phone rang..oh it's Davis..
Hey man... Jason the girls are here.. he said in an excited tone... What! Where? I asked feeling nervous already.. inside the hospital man..he replied.. what the fuck? I told you to inform me before they get in..I half yelled.. sorry man..he replied and hanged up.. oh my God.. please help me..
Lara watch out.. I turned to see who it was and then.. boom..i was on the floor with a lady on top of me.. she slowly raised her head.. Jason! She yelled..

Dassey's POV
It all happened so fast.. Jason is back.. I can't believe this.. we need to help Lara I said and pulled Berlin with me.. we helped her up and straightened her clothes for her... Lara we have to go.. no response.. Lara..Lara! ..wh.. what? She asked startled.. we have to go.. oh.. okay..she said staring at the floor.. hi Jason, welcome back.. I said but he was just staring at Lara.. see you later Jason.. Berlin said and smiled.. yeah sure he replied we turned and left for our different department.

Lara's POV
It was as if the ground should open and swallow me,.we just stood there staring at each other.. I don't know about him, but am not gonna be the first one to talk.. plus am not sure am ready for this.. I mean this cute, tall good-looking guy was my first love..he took my virginity without my consent..and left the country two days after.. he couldn't even call or message.. he left me shattered with a child..urghh I just want to punch the living daylight out of him.. and the worst part is that I think I still love him..
Uhm.. hi Lara, please can I talk to you for a second? He asked.. yeah sure.. I replied him with a straight face.. he looked around.. some where private please? He begged.. okay come with me.. I said and walked into the elevator and he followed me..i noticed he was staring at me.. but I tried as much as possible to avoid his eyes.. we finally arrived at the 13th floor and I walked out and headed towards my office.. I met my secretary julliet typing on her laptop.. immediately she saw me she stood up to greet me.. good morning ma.. good morning julliet.. goo. Good morning sir.. she said staring at Jason like a lost cow.. I don't blame her though he's hot.. wait what am I saying.. good morning he replied.. I grabbed his hands and pulled him to my office... I left his hand and sat down on my chair..
So what do you want Jason? I asked him.. he sighed and sat down on the chair opposite me.. I want you Lara.. he replied.. I was furious, I got up and walked up to him.. you need I believe you have said whatever you want to say.. so please leave..I have patients to attend to.. I said avoiding his gaze.. he got up and before I could say jack.. Bam! I was already pinned to the wall. .. our eyes locked.. and I melted for him that instant.. Lara I don't care how it's gonna happen.. but I will make you mine again.. he said more like a whisper. . Not after these years Jason..I said in a weak tone.. he smiled and brought his down to my face... He placed soft kisses on my neck.. I couldn't help but moan.. he knows how much I like that... Jason stop please . I begged he raised his head and looked into my eyes.. I love you Lara he whispered and that was it.. he brought his face down again and this time he kissed me and I kissed him back...

💋 Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 4💕

Lara's POV
He kissed me and I kissed him back..
Suddenly the door opens and I push Jason.. I turned to see Berlin smiling like a clown.. 
Uhm.. hi, Jason.. she said.. hi Berlin he replied smiling.. uhm he was about leaving, right Jason? I asked.. what.. not ye..I didn't let him finish.. I dragged him to the door.. ok wait Lara.. he said... What now? ..I asked sternly.. can I come by tomorrow? He asked.. for what? I asked back.. i wanna take you out..he replied.. HELL NO! i yelled .. then am not leaving, he said.. I scoffed, then suit yourself.. I walked back to my sit.. come on Lara please.. Berlin please help me talk to her.. he said.. okay .. Lara please go with him.. she said with a straight face.. what! No way.. I replied.. Lara....? ok fine I will.. I said with a tone of submission.. thanks Berlin.. Jason said.. so I'll see you tomorrow sweet heart.. he said looking at me.. fuck you.. I mumbled.. he smiled and turned to Berlin ..bye Berlin see you bye Jason she replied.. bye my pink Panda..I love you..he said smiling.. GO TO HELL! I yelled..he smiled and left.. 
I turned to look at Berlin who was still standing by the door.. she smiled and took a sit.. what? why are you smiling?.. I asked her.. well I saw you kissing Jason, that's enough reason to smile.. she replied.. are you serious?, I didn't kiss him.. I replied, really then what were you doing? She asked with a wide grin on her face.. well.. I .. I was uhm checking his uhm, you know.. his.. wait what are you doing here anyway?.. I asked her trying to change the topic.. just came to check if you were okay after what happened downstairs.. and obviously you are good.. she smiled again.. okay, I have work to do so out you go.. I said, she smiled and left..

Jason's POV
Wow .. I can't believe I kissed her.. she's still so beautiful.. and her lips are still soft..
I walked out of her office with a wide grin on my face.. I saw her secretary staring at me seductively, . I smiled and walked into the elevator.. I saw Davis standing outside, probably waiting for me.. immediately I came out of the hospital.. my guards came out of their cars and waited for me and Davis to enter my car.. I told them to stay in their cars, because I didn't want to cause a scene.. 
So how was it man.. Davis asked.. it was perfect.. I replied smiling.. am sure it was.. he said..

Lara's POV
I couldn't concentrate anymore.. thank Goodness.. the last patient just left.. I sighed and looked at the time.. 5:26.. I rest my back on the chair and closed my eyes.. I couldn't help but remember what happened in the morning.. why can't I just hate him.. why am I so powerless around him.. why can't I just move on.. urghh.. and I let him kiss me and what's worse, I kissed him back.. I touched my lips and smiled.. I can't remember the last time I kissed.. but it was as if this was my first time.. wait what am I saying.. I shaked my head and stood up.. picked my keys and my bag.. I walked out of the office and told julliet to leave whenever she wants.. the girls were already downstairs waiting for me.. I joined them and walked out of the hospital..

Next day.. 1:25pm
Jason's POV
Today is gonna be perfect... Am gonna take Lara to the amusement park.. It's her favorite place.. I picked my key and walked out of my room.. good afternoon Nani greeted, good afternoon Nani I replied.. Nani grace still lives with me, she's like a mother to me.. she has been taking care of me since I was 3.. after my mom died.. and I love her so much.. are you going out? She asked.. yes .. am taking Lara out today.. I replied excitedly.. oh really, that's good ..she replied smiling.. uhm where's Davis? I asked .. oh he went out for a walk.. she replied .. okay, I have to go now..I will be going alone without the guards.. I said.. okay dear drive safely.. she replied.. I walked out and drove off.
💋 Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 5💕

Jason's POV
Ok so.. we are on our way to the park.. and Lara is looking absolutely stunning.. she's wearing a peach sleeveless gown.. which stops before her knees, black heels.. a black purse and light makeup.. how can someone be this beautiful??.. so where are you taking me? She asked for the tenth time.. it's a surprise.. I replied smiling.. like serious? That's what you've been telling me, since we left the hospital.. she replied already getting pissed.. .. I drove into the parking lot and stopped the car.. we are here.. I announced and came down from the car..

Lara's POV
I was already getting angry.. I wasn't paying attention.. so I didn't know when he drove into the parking lot.. we are here.. he announced.. I came out of the car and angrily slammed the door.. immediately I turned.. I couldn't help but shout in excitement... I was practically jumping like a child.. the people passing by were staring at me.. well I don't care, this is my favorite place in the world.. Lara please stop shouting.. Jason said and pulled me with him.. he bought the tickets and we walked into the Fair.. so what do you want to do first? He asked with a smile.. uhm let's ride the ferris wheel.. I replied with so much excitement.. What! You go alone, I'll wait for you.. he replied nervously..come on..stop being a chicken Jason.. let's go..I didn't let him talk.. I held his hands and dragged him with me..

Jason's POV
Oh I am so gonna die today
We took our sits and waited for the ride to start.. I looked at Lara she's so happy.. she turned to look at me.. what's wrong? She asked with a concerned expression.. I am afraid of heights.. I finally admitted.. what! She yelled.. just then the ride started, oh no .. we are going up.. I am so going to die.. I looked down and grabbed Lara's hand.. Jason look at me.. she said.. I turned to look at her, I looked straight into her eyes and she did the same... She brought her face closer to mine.. I think she's going to kiss me.. she diverted her lips to my ears. ..stop being a sisi.. she whispered.. what! I am not a sisi.. I replied defending myself.. then enjoy the ride..she replied and started shouting in excitement, along with the others with her hands in the air.. I looked at her and slowly raised my hands, closed my eyes and started screaming like a dieing rat.. Jason.. come out.. I opened my eyes to see Lara with hands akimbo standing by the machine.. people were staring at me.. when did the ride end? I asked Lara as I came out of the ride.. a minute after you started screaming.. she said.. trying to hold back her laughter.. I have been sitting and screaming alone! .. I asked.. come on, let's go, she said and started walking away.. just so you know.. you scream like a monkey.. she said smiling ..thanks for the compliment.. I replied.. we entered different rides and played several games and now.. we are walking around with five teddy bears.its getting late though.. I am tired Jason.. my toes are hurting.. she said.. I looked at her legs.. oh .. the heels.. I bent down and started to unhook the shoes.. wait.. what are you doing? She asked.. am pulling your shoes..I replied.. why,. She asked.. just pull it ok.. I yanked.. she didn't retaliate .. I pulled the heels and stood up.. she looked at her white bare legs and then at me.. now what? She asked.. I turned my back to her and bent down, then I signalled her to climb on.. she didn't argue.. she just climbed... I got up and almost fell to the ground.. what have you been eating Lara.. I asked and she bit my ear.. ouch..I half yelled.. just be thankful my hands are full.. she said raising the teddies.. I held her legs and balanced her well, with her shoes still in my hands.. we got to the car and I drove her home..

Lara's POV
I must confess ... I had a lot of fun.. I really enjoyed spending time with him.. I think I should forgive him now.. it's Time for me to let go of the past.. I love Jason.. so much..
We got to my gate and he stopped.. so Lara .. thanks for coming with me..he said jolting me back from my thoughts.. no Jason, thank you.. I really enjoyed it.. it was fun.. I replied smiling .. so uhm, I wanted to ask if we can uhm.. go back to the way we were.. I understand if you don... I didn't let him finish.. I kissed him passionately.. and he responded.. some minutes later he withdrew from it.. so is that a yes? He asked with his eyes begging me to say yes.. I nodded positively and he immediately pressed his lips against mine.. we kissed for a long time and he withdrew and smiled at me.. I love you so much Omolara.. I smiled I love you too.. I replied.. I got down from the car with my teddies and walked inside.. I just hope I don't regret this..

Jason's POV 
I drove into the compound and walked inside with a huge smile on my face.. I looked around sign of the maids or Davis or Nani.. where's everyone? I asked myself, I walked upstairs to my room and saw the door opened .. uhh.. Davis how many times have I told you to stop leaving my door open..? I asked and walked into the room expecting to see Davis... Jesus Christ I yelled.. Stephanie..

💋 Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 6💕

Stephanie's POV
I know you all must be wondering who I am... Well my name's Stephanie and I am Jason's girlfriend or should I say ex..?.. I met Jason two years ago in America.. he was good looking, hot and Rich... We became friends and two months later, we started dating.. I was so happy with him that I even thought we would get married.. but one day, he showed up at my house and broke up with me for no reason... 
So when I heard that he left the country and came back to Nigeria because of a woman.. I was furious, and decided to take my revenge.. I have been gathering information about his whereabouts and that of the lady.. 
Hey Bby, welcome...I said smiling, 
Stephanie?.. how... what are you doing here...he asked still shocked, I guess... Is that how to welcome your girlfriend? I asked walking up to him.. oh j I have missed you so much..I said trying to kiss him.. but he pushed me.. Stephanie I don't know why you are here.. but I made it perfectly clear to you that it was over between us..the sooner you realize it.. the better for you.. now please I want you to leave my house or I'll be forced to throw you out.. he said with no expression on his face... I laughed.. such a jerk, I knew this would happen and so I came prepared.. you love Lara don't you? I asked.. yes and am gonna marry her.. he replied with a grin.. I scoffed..then I guess you won't mind if I send this to her? I asked showing him my phone.. he looked at me confused.. I sighed and played a video..

Jason's POV
She played a video on her phone and showed it to me.. oh fuck!.. it's a video of us having sex.. that video should be more than a year old.. why does she still have it on her phone.. she obviously wants to blackmail me.. I sighed in frustration... Okay.. what do you want? I asked her in a quiet tone.. I will tell you later.. but for now I want to feel your touch on every part of my body.. she said walking closer to me .. she placed her hands on my chest.. and was about to unbutton my shirt..

Lara's POV
I entered the house and Saw the girls chatting and laughing.. good evening guys I greeted and dropped the shoes and teddies on the floor.. wow someone had a great day.. Dassey said in a mocking tone.. how was it? Berlin asked.. it was awesome.. I replied smiling.. oh something tells me there is more to that smile..she retorted and narrowed her eyes at me.. okay fine, we are back together.. I announced .. Dassey immediately drops the Teddy she was holding and jumped up happily.. awwn am so happy for you Lara.. can't wait to wear aso-ebi.. Dassey said, who said anything about marriage.. I asked her with a raised brow.. shey you guys have settled.. Berlin chirped in.. so? Pls I need to rest.. I said and walked out.
Am finding it hard to sleep.. I just hope I didn't make a mistake.. I think i should tell him about the child, before someone else does.. I will just do it tommorow.. I turned to pick my phone from the side table.. I scrolled down my contacts.. no Jason.. oh I don't have his number.. I miss him already, should I go over to his house...I checked the time.. 7:40pm.. it's not too late.. I rushed out of the room and walked to dassey's room, she was watching a movie ... Hey.. I greeted.. hey wats up.. she replied.. uhm do you know where Jason lives.. I asked her in a quiet tone.. yea sure, I do visit Davis there... Great so, can I have it..I asked..
I parked my car beside the gate..and introduced myself to the guard, but he refused to let me in.. so I called Davis.. hey Lara.. wats up? Am fine, am at Jason's house, but the guard won't let me in.. uhm am not at home though.. but am almost at the house, just hold on.. he said and hanged up ... So I stood there .. some minutes later I saw him coming.. immediately the guard saw him, he opened the gate and we both walked in... So just go up the stairs .. the second room by your right.. that's Jason's room..he said, okay thanks.. I replied and walked towards the stairs.. wow his house is so much bigger than mine..

Jason's POV
What? No way... I half yelled and pushed her hands.. okay then.. she replied and started typing on her phone.. okay wait.. I said already frustrated.. I'll do it .. I said angrily..
Good boy... She said and dropped the phone.. she walked towards me and pushed me on the bed, she sat on me and started kissing me .. I couldn't kiss her back... I can't do this.. I held her waist and was about to push her when the door flung open.. we both turned to see Lara standing by the door.. with anger and confusion written all over her..

💋 Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 7💕

Jason's POV conts

I pushed Steph, and she fell on the floor.. well I don't care about her.. I got up and slowly walked towards Lara.. Bby.. i..I can explain, it's not what you think.. I said and tried to hold her hands.. but she didn't let me touch her.. Lara listen to me..I begged, she took two steps back.. and rushed down the stairs.. Lara.. I called after her.. I ran out of the house, but she was already In her car.. I stood by the gate, helpless.. hey man, what's the problem? I heard you shouting.. Davis asked walking up to me... It's all Stephanie's fault.. am gonna kill her... I said and walked into the house.. who is Stephanie? Davis asked confused with the whole scene.. but I didn't answer him..

Stephanie's POV
Wow.. Lara justed saved me the stress of ruining her relationship.. I was so happy..he pushed me and I fell on the floor.. he ran after her, and I tried to stand up .. ahhhhhh. I screamed.. I think I broke my ankle.. I sat on the bed and tried to walk out of the room.. just then Jason walks in... With a scary look on his face.. he walks towards me and I try to walk back.. but I couldn't help but leap.. it's all because of you.. he said in a quiet but angry tone, I shiver as he comes closer to me and grab my shoulders.. are you happy now? .. are you satisfied... Huh? What do you want from me? ... He asked shaking me, I haven't seen Jason like this before.. his grip was so strong and he was hurting me.. Jason please, you're hurting me.. I said already crying... Just then ..his friend comes in and release me from him.. Jason stop.. she's a woman.. he said quietly, I quickly picked my phone and turned to leave.. buh my ankle still hurts.. so I had to leap..

Davis POV
I was talking to Dassey on the phone, when I heard Jason shouting.. I walked out of the house and Saw him standing helplessly by the gate... Hey man, what's the problem I heard you shouting.. I said... It's all because of Stephanie.. am gonna kill her.. he said and walked into the house.. I followed him.. but he was fast, I walked into the room and saw Jason shaking a lady roughly.. I released her from his grip.. Jason stop she's a woman.. I said.. just then he sat on the floor and started crying.. I haven't seen Jason cry before.. I looked around the room.. no sign of Lara or the other lady.. it's okay man.. what happened? .. I asked.. he told me everything.. and I sighed.. Jason you have to let Lara be for now.. she needs time to herself.. I said..

Dassey's POV
Davis called and told me everything.. and now.. I and Berlin have been pacing around the house... I looked at the time 10: 55pm.. oh my God.. I just hope nothing happens to Lara.. were could she be.. we called her dad to ask if she was with him.. but he said no.. we even called her several times but no answer... 
Just then the door opens and Lara.. walked in, her eyes were swelled... Probably from too much crying.. Lara thank God you are okay.. I have been calling you but you weren't answering... I said with relief.. buh she didn't say anything.. Berlin walked to her and hugged her... It's okay Lara, we are here for you..she said... And just then Lara broke down. ..she sat on the floor and started crying tiredly...I couldn't bear it anymore.. I hugged her and cried as well...

Lara's POV
I ran into my car and drove off.. I drove like crazy.. I was just driving with no destination in my mind.. 
I pulled over in a flyover... I came out of the car and.. as the wind hit my face.. I let the tears drop, freely..I had tried so hard to keep myself from crying in Jason's house.. but I just couldn't help it.. I was shattered again.. I can't believe I actually gave him a chance.. Jason why... Where did I go wrong.. I hate you so much .. I hate Jason... I yelled....

Berlin's POV
Lara has been moody for the past three days... And I hate seeing her like this.. she hasn't been going to work.. we have tried so much to cheer her up but it wasn't working.. Jason has been trying to talk to her, but we didn't let him...
So I came up with an idea, I just hope it works... Lara let's go on a three days retreat.. today is Thursday, so if we leave tomorrow .. we will come back on Sunday... I said excitedly.. yes.. how about we go to California.. Dassey asked.. that was were I gave birth to Mia.. Lara said surprisingly.. she suddenly stood up and shouted.. last person to finish packing pays for the flight... she said and ran upstairs.. I knew I would be the last so I called my secretary. ..hello..yea good evening Mary.. book a flight for the girls and i, we are going to California.. I said and hanged up..
Lara's POV
We arrived in California and lodged in a five star hotel... I think the idea was perfect.. I don't want to think about Jason.. I just want to have fun.. and that's what we have been doing... 
So today is Saturday.. and the girls and i are going to the mall... On our way in, I spotted a little girl running playfully towards the door.. but she slipped and fell.. I ran to where she was sitting and crying.. oh my.. am so sorry baby.. it's okay, stop crying.. I said quietly.. she looked at me and stopped crying.. are you hurt? .. I asked looking at her body for scratches... No mummy..she said smiling.. I raised my head to look at her, did she just say mummy.. Dassey asked.. that's what I heard.. Berlin said.. no, am sure she's mistaking.. I said.. she looks like you though.. Dassey retorted...I looked at the child.. light skinned, straight face, long lashes, small red lips, pointed nose and sparkling brown eyes.. just then a picture of Mia pops up in my head.. uhm.. what's your name dear?..I asked with a shaky voice.. she was about to answer.. when we heard someone yell .. Mia!.. I turned to see a familiar face.. walking towards us.. 
We both yelled simonteneously..
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Episode 8💕

Lara's POV conts..❣
So we are sitting inside the mall.. Mia was with the girls.. and I was with Nani...we have a lot to talk about..
So Nani.. what really happened that night?.. I asked adjusting a little.. she sighed.. Lara my child, I am so happy you are alive....that night after you went to see who was at the door.. I sat with Mia and continued with the bed time story u was reading to her.. then I heard voices, I came out of the room to check on you... and as I was entering the sitting room.. I heard gunshot, I saw you fall on the floor.. I quickly ran back to the room, carried Mia and escaped through the back door.. I was so scared I didn't know what to do.. I went to my friend's house and told her everything.. after sometime, I left Mia with her daughter and came back with her... I looked for you, but I didn't see you.. your body was gone, there was only blood on the floor.. I ran to Mia's room and packed few of her stuffs and we went back to my friend's house.. I looked for you Lara, I searched every hospital.. but I couldn't find you.. she said already crying.. I also remember the incident...

Three months after the incident with Jason...I fell sick, I was rushed to the hospital and series of tests were carried the end I was confirmed pregnant, Dad was so disappointed in me, he asked for the name of the father.. but I didn't tell him, because I was afraid of what he might do to Jason or his dad.. when he saw that I wasn't ready to talk, he sent me abroad with my Nani...I gave birth to a beautiful girl..and named her Mia.. I loved her so much, and was ready to sacrifice anything for her.. I wanted to be a good mother.. I wanted to show her the love. I didn't get from my mother.... And then one night, everything changed... I was reading a bed time story to my two years old daughter.. when I heard someone knocking on the door .. I walked out of the room, leaving Mia and my Nani alone...I opened the door to see scary faces looking at me..they were three of them.. huge and tall with guns in their hands.. they forced their way in and started looking for something or someone..I was angry, hey.. what do you guys think you are doing huh? What are you doing in my house.. I asked but they just continued with what they were doing.. you know what.. am gonna call the police right now.. I said boldly and walked to were my phone was.. where's he? One of them asked angrily... Who? I asked back, oh please am not here games, let's just get this over with... Another one said..and pointed a gun at me, I froze at the sight of the gun.. now are you ready to talk? He asked.. I don't know what you are talking about.. I replied with a shaky voice.. he sighed, it's such a waste you're gonna die pretty.. he said.. baam! I fell to the floor with my hand on my stomach.. they walked into the rooms and came out without Mia or Nani.. he's not here.. the third one said.. I couldn't hear anything anymore and slowly my eyes closed..
I woke up and saw myself in the hospital.. Dad was sitting beside me.. Dad.. I called faintly.. Lara thank Goodness you're awake, am coming.. let me call the doctor.. he said and turned to leave... Dad..were is Mia and Nani, I asked him quietly.. he turned slowly and sat down on the bed.. Omolara, you have to be strong.. we didn't see them or their bodies.. no.. they have to be alive, No! Dad you have to find my daughter... Mia isn't dead, please ... Were is my daughter..I want to see Mia... The doctor comes and injects me with some sedative and I slept off..
Back to the present
So how did she recognize me..? I asked referring to Mia.. I showed her your pictures.. she replied, can you please call her.. I asked quietly.. Mia dear, your mummy wants to talk to you.. the child turns and playfully comes to our table.. yes mummy she said smiling.. I knelt down in front of her and held her face with my hands, the last time I held her, she was two years old . And now she's four... I hugged her and cried my eyes out.. my baby girl is really alive, am so sorry Mia, am sorry I couldn't find sorry for not being there for the past two years... I love you so much Mia, mummy loves you so much... I said with joy, I love you too mummy she said ..
Ok so we are on our way home from the airport.. my little angel was sleeping, with her head on my lap.. Nani didn't come with us though.. she said, she didn't want to leave her New family ... We finally got to the house and I came out of the car, and carried Mia to my room, I gently placed her on the bed and pecked her cheek.. then I went downstairs to get my stuffs... So Lara.. can I ask you a question.. Berlin asked, as we Carried the bags to the sitting room .. sure , I replied.. are you gonna tell Jason about his child.. the question was unexpected.. I.. I don't know.. I stuttered, Mia has been asking questions about her father .. and I can't help it anymore.. the child is too smart for her age.. what should I do now... God please help me..

💋Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 9💕

Jason's POV...
It's been a week since the incident...I haven't seen or talked to Lara, I have been to the hospital several times, but Lara hasn't been going to work..
Now I know how Stephanie felt when I left her... I sighed and picked my phone up, .. hello... we need to talk.. meet me at tasty Tom in 20 minutes...I said and hanged up...
Stephanie's POV
I sat down patiently waiting for Jason... Why does he want to see me, I muttered looking around, just then he walks in and immediately spots me... He sat down opposite me, and cleared his throat.. how have you been Steph... He asked calmly... I wasn't expecting that, I was expecting him to shout at me or something...I am not here to fight with you.. he said as if he read my thoughts.. I.. I have been good....I stuttered, okay so let me go straight to the point.. I didn't know how sad and painful it was to lose someone you love, until the incident between Lara and I.. and now I know exactly how you felt then.. when I broke up with you, with no reasonable explanation..I..I am sorry Stephanie, I am so sorry for everything I did, I should have told you the truth.. that I love someone else.. but I couldn't, I couldn't bear to see the reaction on your so sorry, Stephanie please forgive me.. he said with a sincere expression...
I forgive you Jason.. I said with a little smile on my face.. so, we friends? He asked with his hand streched out for a handshake.. yes we are.. I said and shaked him...
I was driving home.. when I saw Lara driving Into a supermarket...oh ..I have an idea... I pulled over at the parking lot and walked into the supermarket..I saw her picking up some stuff..I smiled and walked up to her... Hey sis... I said, she raised her head to look at me, I could see anger in her eyes...she dropped the stuff she was holding in a basket..I looked at the items...rice crispies, corn flakes, cookies, candies and other items for a little child...what is she going to do with these things? I thought to myself... She was about walking to the other section ..i held her wrist and pulled her back... Wtf is wrong with you bitch? She asked In a angry tone.. listen to me Lara, you are making a mistake, Jason didn't cheat on you... I said trying to convince her.. she scoffed and withdrew her hand, and why should I believe you.. she asked with a raised brow.. Because I tried to blackmail him... I told her everything that happened..why.. why did you do it huh.. you made me think he was cheating on me.. and I didn't even give him a chance to explain... she said crying.. I hate you .. she said and walked away...

Lara's POV
I can't believe I was so stupid, I didn't even give him a chance to explain.. urghh.. I hate myself....
I was at home napping, when I heard the doorbell... I ran downstairs and without asking who it was, I opened the door..holy shit! Jason? He smiled and walked in.. I closed the door and turned to look at him, nice place..he said looking around... Thanks ..I replied, and sat down.. he was already sitting ...thank Goodness Mia went out with the girls... Just then, I heard my daughter's voice.. mummy she yelled..oh God.. I am dead

To be continued

💋 Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 10(semi final)💕

Jason's POV 💖
I turned to see a little girl running happily, with a Barbie doll in her hand.. now that I look closely, she looks so much like Lara.. mummy.. aunty Dassey bought me alot of new toys.. she said excitedly, I looked at Lara confused..her face was pale.. like she saw a ghost or something... Oh.. uhm.. that's nice, did you say thank you? She asked with a little smile, yes.. I did.. the child replied, okay.. so where's Dassey? She asked.. just then Dassey walked in with alot of shopping bags.. she froze when she saw me, she looked at me, then at the child, and finally fixed her gaze on Lara.. mummy who is he? The girl asked looking at me.. uh..uhm ..he..he is.. she stammered, Mia darling, let's go take a look at the new toys, so mummy and her friend can talk.. okay.. Dassey said... Okay.. bye mummy..she said and walked upstairs with Dassey... I looked at Lara, her eyes were teary.. mummy? Why did she call you mummy?.. I asked her... Look.. Jason, I have a lot of work to do.. so please excuse me, she stood up and turned to leave..

Lara's POV 💗
I turned to leave.. I can't do this not ready for this... Just then he pulled me back and stood in front of me.. and held my shoulders .. his grip was firm but gentle.. Lara is she mine?.. I couldn't look at him.. i...I don't know .. I said with a straight face.. DAMNIT..LARA ANSWER ME, SHE IS MINE.. ISN'T SHE? ANSWER ME LARA!.. he said shaking me...YES! I yelled... she's your child.. I said..he slowly dropped his hands, and took some steps back... What? He asked in a whisper.. she is your daughter, Mia is your child.. I replied.. he sat down on the couch, with a confused expression..I knew what his next question would be 'how?'.. so I sat down next to him... Two months after you left, I fell sick and was rushed to the hospital.. and I was confirmed pregnant, Dad was so disappointed in me.. he requested for the name of the father.. but I didn't tell him, he was so angry with me.. some days later, he flew me and Nani to America... And that was where I gave birth to Mia.. I said.. he took a deep breath and stood up..he paced around and when he finally came to a halt...he looked at me , why didn't you tell me Lara..? You denied me the right to know my daughter, I deserved to know Lara.. I couldn't see her take her first step.. or say her first words.. he said... Wait is he trying to blame me..I was furious.. are you trying to blame me? Huh.. you left the country two days after you took my virginity, you couldn't even tell me you were leaving.. you blocked all your social media accounts, and changed your number.. how was I supposed to reach you.. I know you were also in America, but how was I supposed to find you... How was I supposed to tell you that I had your baby and that I lost her two years after.. and that I always have nightmares because of the incident..? ..I stopped to breathe.. he wanted to say something.. but I didn't let him.. I dailed dassey's number, hey, yes am fine.. please bring Mia.. I said and hanged up.. a minute later, my little angel came downstairs.. but she wasn't smiling.. mummy why are you crying? She asked sadly.. it's nothing baby... I smiled and hugged her, baby Meet Jason your daddy, Jason meet Mia your daughter.. I said, he walked to where I was sitting and squarted.. are you really my daddy? Mia asked excitedly.. yes baby.. Jason replied smiling, so can I call you daddy? She asked shyly... Yes my princess.. he replied.. he smiled and hugged him... I love you Mia, daddy Loves you so much.. am sorry I couldn't read you bed time stories.. am sorry I couldn't take you to the park.. am sorry I couldn't hear you say your first words.. I couldn't take it anymore, I ran to my room and cried..
I was sitting on my bed, when my door opened, I was expecting to see Dassey but it was Mia ... Hey baby...I said.. mummy, daddy wants to talk to you, please let him in.. she said quietly.. okay baby..I said.. thanks mummy.. she replied and walked out.. some minutes later, there was a knock on my door, I already knew who it was, come in.. I said, Jason walked in and sat with me... Our daughter is a beautiful girl, just like her mom..he said and I blushed.. I didn't hide it though, Lara am sorry for what I said earlier.. he said, it's okay.. I replied, uhm Lara about the other night...I didn't let him finish, I held his face with my hands and kissed him, and he responded, I stopped the kiss and looked at him, I know everything, and am sorry I didn't let you explain.. I said, so are we still.. he tried to ask, did I ever say "it's over between us?" 
I asked, he smiled and kissed me and I responded.. soon we were lying on the bed, Jason was on top of me.. he was kissing and caressing every part of my body... I was about to take off his shirt, when I heard my daughter's voice... Yeww what are you guys doing? She asked.. I pushed Jason and stood up, uhm ..he ..was... Ehm ... I couldn't come up with anything.. we were about to perform the magic that would produce another you..he said , yes he's right.. I said, wait.. what? I asked Jason.. he smirked and winked at me.. I glared at him and turned to face my angel... So baby are you hungry? I asked her.. yes mummy.. she replied.. okay.. let's go get you something to eat.. I carried her up..and walked out of the room, wait for me guys.. Jason said.
🌴 Lara's dilemma 🌴

Episode 11🌷(grande finale)💮💮💮

Lara's POV 🌸

It's been three months since Jason found out about Mia... And everything has been going great for us.. and the bound between Jason and Mia is getting stronger by the day.. most times, I can't help but get jealous of the "father & daughter" relationship.. lol..... 

Why should I calm down? Huh.. Jason hasn't called me for the past two days, he hasn't even returned my calls or texts..and Mia is with him.. I half yelled across the room.. Dassey and Berlin started laughing.. I don't see what's funny.. I said with a straight face.. after what seems like forever, they both managed to control themselves, .. sorry Lara.. Berlin said, we were just carried away.. Dassey chipped in.. whatever, I replied and rolled my eyes...
Uhm, Lara I was wondering if, you can come with us to my friend's party.. this evening.. Dassey said... Which friend.. anyways never mind , am not going.. I replied sternly, please Lara, come with us, besides you have been thinking about Mia and Jason.. this would help you relax.. Berlin added.. 
I sighed.. I hate you guys.. I said and stood up, we love you more.. they chorused, and stood up as well... Okay so let's get you set.. Dassey said.. what..? There's no way am gonna let you, pick my dress and make me up.. I said and ran upstairs..
I don't need your permission Lara... she replied and ran after me..

Okay so she won, I am wearing a wine colored fish tail gown.. which Dassey bought.. okay all done.. she said after applying several items on my face.. I stood up and walked to my full length mirror.. wow..I muttered to myself.. the make up was perfect.. my hair which is in waves is resting on my right shoulder, and the gown is just too beautiful, the color matches perfectly well with my skin, it's an off shoulder dress, and a body hug, making it reveal all my cleavages in a good way though.. it also has a tearing at the front, and my shoe matches with my jewelry and purse.. I think these ladies are up to something..

So what do you think.. Berlin asked wearing her shoes.. it's perfect, thank you so much guys.. I replied happily, I don't know why, but I think you both are up to something.. I said looking at them.. what.. off course not.. Dassey said.. I looked at Berlin, and she looked at the floor.. 
We arrived at the hall at exactly 8:30pm, I just hope we aren't late.. we walked in .. but the lights were off.. the only one that was on.. was pointing at us.. uhm are we at the right place.. I asked, no response, are we? I asked again and turned to look at Dassey.. but she wasn't there, I looked at Berlin, and she wasn't there as well.. oh God.. what's happening? Has rapture taken place..I asked myself..I was already getting scared.. just then the stage light came on.. that was when I realized that I was facing the stage, I looked at the stage and Saw a familiar face.. Jason? I asked.. he smiled..and started walking slowly towards me.. Lara.. the first time I saw you In summer camp.. I thought an angel fell from heaven..or that a star fell from the sky.. and I was right, you are indeed an angel.. so beautiful, intelligent, smart and funny.. I know I was a jerk.. I know that I failed you at some point.. and am sorry for everything I did.. I never for once regretted having you in my life.. and I wanna thank you for bringing Joy to my life, and for forgiving me after all these years and also bringing my child into this world.. and I really want us to still have more... He got to where i was standing and knelt down with one knee on the floor and brought out a black box from his pocket..he opened it .. I gasped.. a diamond ring! But he wasn't done talking.. I wanna wake up every morning with you by my side, I want you to be there by my side when I turn eighty.. so Omolara, my pink Panda.. please will you do me the honour of being my wife? Will you marry me? He asked smiling.. I was already crying now..yes.. yes..Yes I will marry you.. I replied, he slid the ring into my finger, then stood up and kissed me.. immediately all the lights came on.. thank you he said and hugged me.. I withdrew from the hug and turned to see different faces, my dad, Mia, my friends, colleagues.. they were all here.. just then my baby came and hugged me.. mommy, you look beautiful.. she said smiling, awwn baby you look more beautiful.. I replied and hugged her.. our girl is gonna be married soon, Berlin said walking towards me.. I knew you guys were up to something, I love you both so much.. I said and hugged them, congratulations Lara .. I raised my head to see Noel (Berlin's boyfriend) he is a very close friend of ours.... oh my goodness, when did you come.. uhm yesterday..he replied smiling, aww it's so good see you...I retorted, Lara baby, welcome to the family.. I always knew you were the one.. Davis said smiling as he placed his hands on dassey's waist.. thanks Davis.. I replied..
I spent the rest of the day replying people, with thank you..

Okay so I and the girls were coming out from the bridal shop.. with my clothes and Everything in a bag.. just then a lady bumps into me.. oh am so sorry.. she said and bent down to pick her phone.. it's okay.. I said, wait.. I know this face.. isn't she the girl I met at the supermarket? Uhm hi.. I said, she looked at me and gasped.. oh Lara, am sorry.. she said it's okay.. I replied, my name is Stephanie.. she said.. okay Steph, can we talk please? I asked.. we walked away from the girls, to a more quiet area.. uhm am sorry for the other day.. I said.. she smiled, it's nothing, I should be the one apologizing, we talked about different things, and we became friends... so uhm.. I know this may sound crazy but, can you be my chief bridesmaid? Please.. I asked her.. she thought for a while and finally nodded positively.. yes, but what about your friends? She asked pointing to Berlin and Dassey.. oh... They are both fighting for aso-ebi.. so there's no problem..




Oh God.. am so nervous.. I said.. it's gonna be okay Lara, Stephanie said smiling... I wrapped my hands around dad's and the door was opened.. I walked down aisle.. with my gaze fixed on Jason.. and he looks so handsome and happy..

Jason's POV 🌹
I took her hand from her father and we stood before the priest.. I can't see Lara's face because of the veil.. urgghh.. I can't wait to kiss her.. after the i do's and exchanging of rings... I was asked to kiss the Bride.. finally .. I removed the veil, wow, you look so beautiful.. I wispered and she smiled, I slowly pressed my lips on hers and she responded.. God.. I need her so badly.. I couldn't help it anymore, I grabbed her ass and she wrapped her hands around my neck.. the church went bizarre , they started shouting and screaming..

The reception was fun filled, Noel and Davis were so awesome, they danced with the girls including Stephanie... We were asked to cut the cake and feed each other.. and dance.. it was time for Lara to throw her flower.. the ladies gathered at her back, and she threw it... And it landed on Steph.. she was so happy...
The party ended and we drove to the airport for our honeymoon..

💎 Lara's dilemma 💎

Epilogue ❤❤❤

Lara's POV 💗
We finally arrived in Dubai..we drove to the hotel.. Jason already made reservations... We took the key and walked to the elevator...
We entered our room and I covered my mouth with my palms.. the room was so breath taking... Scented candles were lighted in a straight line, with roses on the floor and on the king sized bed.. and the lights were was so romantic..
Just then, Jason walked closer to me and gave me a single red rose 🌹..he stood behind me and wrapped his hands around me.. 
He placed soft kisses on my neck, and I moaned.. Jason.. let's bathe first.i said quietly, not now.. I want you now..he replied and turned me to face him ..he pressed his lips on mine and I responded, then unzip me, I said... with pleasure.. he replied.. he Drew me closer and kissed me ..and slowly unzipped my gown.. leaving me in my undies..he carried me and gently place me on the bed.. he continued kissing me.. and I pulled off his shirt...he stopped and hurriedly removed his trousers and boxers, my eyes widened at the sight.. he smirked and continued kissing from my lips to my chin, then my neck and on the rest parts of my body.. he brought his lips back to mine and kissed so passionately.. I moaned softly, he slowly unhooked my bra and removed my panties... He looked at me .. are you ready for this? He asked... I smiled, I am not a virgin.. am I? I asked.. but still..he added, I am more than ready.. I replied... 
The next 2 hours, was filled with, little cries..moaning, groaning and pleasure..

I never thought I would have an happy ending.. but Jason proved me wrong.. and I love him so much...

The end..🌻🌻

By Anna


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