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Lara's dilemma episode 8and 9

💋 Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 8💕

Lara's POV conts..❣
So we are sitting inside the mall.. Mia was with the girls.. and I was with Nani...we have a lot to talk about..
So Nani.. what really happened that night?.. I asked adjusting a little.. she sighed.. Lara my child, I am so happy you are alive....that night after you went to see who was at the door.. I sat with Mia and continued with the bed time story u was reading to her.. then I heard voices, I came out of the room to check on you... and as I was entering the sitting room.. I heard gunshot, I saw you fall on the floor.. I quickly ran back to the room, carried Mia and escaped through the back door.. I was so scared I didn't know what to do.. I went to my friend's house and told her everything.. after sometime, I left Mia with her daughter and came back with her... I looked for you, but I didn't see you.. your body was gone, there was only blood on the floor.. I ran to Mia's room and packed few of her stuffs and we went back to my friend's house.. I looked for you Lara, I searched every hospital.. but I couldn't find you.. she said already crying.. I also remember the incident...

Three months Click here to read: Lara's dilemma episode 6and7  after the incident with Jason...I fell sick, I was rushed to the hospital and series of tests were carried the end I was confirmed pregnant, Dad was so disappointed in me, he asked for the name of the father.. but I didn't tell him, because I was afraid of what he might do to Jason or his dad.. when he saw that I wasn't ready to talk, he sent me abroad with my Nani...I gave birth to a beautiful girl..and named her Mia.. I loved her so much, and was ready to sacrifice anything for her.. I wanted to be a good mother.. I wanted to show her the love. I didn't get from my mother.... And then one night, everything changed... I was reading a bed time story to my two years old daughter.. when I heard someone knocking on the door .. I walked out of the room, leaving Mia and my Nani alone...I opened the door to see scary faces looking at me..they were three of them.. huge and tall with guns in their hands.. they forced their way in and started looking for something or someone..I was angry, hey.. what do you guys think you are doing huh? What are you doing in my house.. I asked but they just continued with what they were doing.. you know what.. am gonna call the police right now.. I said boldly and walked to were my phone was.. where's he? One of them asked angrily... Who? I asked back, oh please am not here games, let's just get this over with... Another one said..and pointed a gun at me, I froze at the sight of the gun.. now are you ready to talk? He asked.. I don't know what you are talking about.. I replied with a shaky voice.. he sighed, it's such a waste you're gonna die pretty.. he said.. baam! I fell to the floor with my hand on my stomach.. they walked into the rooms and came out without Mia or Nani.. he's not here.. the third one said.. I couldn't hear anything anymore and slowly my eyes closed..
I woke up and saw myself in the hospital.. Dad was sitting beside me.. Dad.. I called faintly.. Lara thank Goodness you're awake, am coming.. let me call the doctor.. he said and turned to leave... Dad..were is Mia and Nani, I asked him quietly.. he turned slowly and sat down on the bed.. Omolara, you have to be strong.. we didn't see them or their bodies.. no.. they have to be alive, No! Dad you have to find my daughter... Mia isn't dead, please ... Were is my daughter..I want to see Mia... The doctor comes and injects me with some sedative and I slept off..
Back to the present
So how did she recognize me..? I asked referring to Mia.. I showed her your pictures.. she replied, can you please call her.. I asked quietly.. Mia dear, your mummy wants to talk to you.. the child turns and playfully comes to our table.. yes mummy she said smiling.. I knelt down in front of her and held her face with my hands, the last time I held her, she was two years old . And now she's four... I hugged her and cried my eyes out.. my baby girl is really alive, am so sorry Mia, am sorry I couldn't find sorry for not being there for the past two years... I love you so much Mia, mummy loves you so much... I said with joy, I love you too mummy she said ..
Ok so we are on our way home from the airport.. my little angel was sleeping, with her head on my lap.. Nani didn't come with us though.. she said, she didn't want to leave her New family ... We finally got to the house and I came out of the car, and carried Mia to my room, I gently placed her on the bed and pecked her cheek.. then I went downstairs to get my stuffs... So Lara.. can I ask you a question.. Berlin asked, as we Carried the bags to the sitting room .. sure , I replied.. are you gonna tell Jason about his child.. the question was unexpected.. I.. I don't know.. I stuttered, Mia has been asking questions about her father .. and I can't help it anymore.. the child is too smart for her age.. what should I do now... God please help me..

💋Lara's dilemma💋

Episode 9💕

Jason's POV...
It's been a week since the incident...I haven't seen or talked to Lara, I have been to the hospital several times, but Lara hasn't been going to work..
Now I know how Stephanie felt when I left her... I sighed and picked my phone up, .. hello... we need to talk.. meet me at tasty Tom in 20 minutes...I said and hanged up...
Stephanie's POV
I sat down patiently waiting for Jason... Why does he want to see me, I muttered looking around, just then he walks in and immediately spots me... He sat down opposite me, and cleared his throat.. how have you been Steph... He asked calmly... I wasn't expecting that, I was expecting him to shout at me or something...I am not here to fight with you.. he said as if he read my thoughts.. I.. I have been good....I stuttered, okay so let me go straight to the point.. I didn't know how sad and painful it was to lose someone you love, until the incident between Lara and I.. and now I know exactly how you felt then.. when I broke up with you, with no reasonable explanation..I..I am sorry Stephanie, I am so sorry for everything I did, I should have told you the truth.. that I love someone else.. but I couldn't, I couldn't bear to see the reaction on your so sorry, Stephanie please forgive me.. he said with a sincere expression...
I forgive you Jason.. I said with a little smile on my face.. so, we friends? He asked with his hand streched out for a handshake.. yes we are.. I said and shaked him...
I was driving home.. when I saw Lara driving Into a supermarket...oh ..I have an idea... I pulled over at the parking lot and walked into the supermarket..I saw her picking up some stuff..I smiled and walked up to her... Hey sis... I said, she raised her head to look at me, I could see anger in her eyes...she dropped the stuff she was holding in a basket..I looked at the items...rice crispies, corn flakes, cookies, candies and other items for a little child...what is she going to do with these things? I thought to myself... She was about walking to the other section ..i held her wrist and pulled her back... Wtf is wrong with you bitch? She asked In a angry tone.. listen to me Lara, you are making a mistake, Jason didn't cheat on you... I said trying to convince her.. she scoffed and withdrew her hand, and why should I believe you.. she asked with a raised brow.. Because I tried to blackmail him... I told her everything that happened..why.. why did you do it huh.. you made me think he was cheating on me.. and I didn't even give him a chance to explain... she said crying.. I hate you .. she said and walked away...

Lara's POV
I can't believe I was so stupid, I didn't even give him a chance to explain.. urghh.. I hate myself....
I was at home napping, when I heard the doorbell... I ran downstairs and without asking who it was, I opened the door..holy shit! Jason? He smiled and walked in.. I closed the door and turned to look at him, nice place..he said looking around... Thanks ..I replied, and sat down.. he was already sitting ...thank Goodness Mia went out with the girls... Just then, I heard my daughter's voice.. mummy she yelled..oh God.. I am dead

To be continued 💞


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